<!-- The syntax is described by share/Scripts/CheckParam.pl and the manual -->

<commandList name="RAM_SCB: IM Component">

List of IM commands used in the PARAM.in file

<commandgroup name="BASE">
!!!!!!!!!!!Base group!!!!!!!!!!!!

<command name="STARTTIME">
	<parameter name="iYear" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iMonth" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iDay" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iHour" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iMinute" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iSecond" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="fracSecond" type="real" min="0" default="0"/>
2006		iYear
7			iMonth
19			iDay
0			iHour
0			iMinute
0			iSecond
0.0			fracSecond

The STARTTIME command sets the integer year, month, day, hour, minute and second at which the simulation begins. This command is only used in standalone mode and only for the first session.

<command name="STOPTIME">
	<parameter name="iYear" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iMonth" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iDay" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iHour" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iMinute" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="iSecond" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="fracSecond" type="real" min="0" default="0"/>
2006		iYear
7			iMonth
19			iDay
6			iHour
0			iMinute
0			iSecond
0.0			fracSecond

The STOPTIME command sets the integer year, month, day, hour, minute and second at which the simulation stops. This command is only used in standalone mode.

<command name="EVENT">
	<parameter name="Event" type="string" length="6"/>
110105	Event

Sets the short name description of the run

<command name="VERBOSE">

If present, RAM-SCB will output additional information about performance and progress during the simulation

<command name="RESTART">

If present, RAM-SCB will restart a simulation using the information stored in the restart files that the user must place in the {\tt restartIN} folder in the run directory.  Start time and simulation conditions are read from the restart files.  This command can not be used with {\tt #STARTTIME}.

<command name="DESCRIPTION" multiple="T">
	<parameter name="StringDescription" type="string" length="100"/>
Simulation of the Sep. 1st, 2005 storm.

The StringDescription string can be used to describe the simulation for which the parameter file is written. The #DESCRIPTION command and the StringDescription string are saved into the restart file, which helps in identifying the restart files. It is often added to NetCDF files to help describe the output.



<commandgroup name="RAM">
!!!!!!!!!!!RAM group!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<command name="MAXTIMESTEP">
	<parameter name="MaxHalfStep" type="float" default="100.0"/>
100.0	MaxHalfStep

Set the maximum half time step that can be taken by RAM. Even if the CFL limit allows for a larger time step, the code will not surpass the limit set here. Note that this is the \emph{half} time step taken in the time-splitting scheme; a full timestep is two times the half time step.

<command name="MINTIMESTEP">
	<parameter name="MinHalfStep" type="float" default="1.0"/>
1.0	MinHalfStep

Set the minimum half time step that can be taken by RAM. Even if the CFL limit specifies a smaller time step, the code will not surpass the limit set here. Note that this is the \emph{half} time step taken in the time-splitting scheme; a full timestep is two times the half time step.

<command name="VARIABLEDT">
	<parameter name="DoVariableDt" type="logical" default="T"/>
T	DoVariableDt

Select between a variable timestep that is governed by the CFL number or a semi-static timestep that only decreases during periods of high geomagnetic activity as determined by the Kp index. The former will allow the timestep to grow as large as the CFL number will permit, while the latter will use a timestep of 5 seconds during low (less than 5) Kp or 1 second during higher Kp.

<command name="SPECIES">
	<parameter name="nS" type="integer" default="4"/>
	<parameter name="NameVar" type="string" default="_H _O He _e"/>
	<parameter name="FixedComposition" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<for from="1" to="$nS">
		<parameter name="Composition" type="float"/>
4				nS
_H _O He _e		NameVar
F				FixedComposition

Defines the species to run in RAM. See the RAMSpecies_README for more information.

<command name="NITROGEN_PERCENT">
	<parameter name="NitrogenPercent" type="float" default="0"/>
0	NitrogenPercent

If using nitrogen in the species this command will convert a percent of the oxygen in the simulation into nitrogen.

<command name="USEWPI">
	<parameter name="DoUseWPI" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="DoUseBASdiff" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="DoUseKpdiff" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="DoUseEMIC" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="DoSaveLwgr" type="logical" default="F"/>
F	DoUseBASdiff
F	DoUseKpdiff
F	DoSaveLwgr

Flag to turn on pitch angle diffusion. The default setting for the Kp-based version uses Kp=0 coefficients. Turning this flag on interpolates Kp-dependent diffusion coefficents for Kp in the range (0-4). Different options are available if selecting DoUseBASDiff. EMIC wave pitch angle diffusion is used for ions wave-particle interaction. DoSaveLwgr is used to save hourly output for linear wave growth calculations.

<command name="USEFLC">
          <parameter name="DoUseFLC" type="logical" default="F"/>
          <parameter name="DoWriteFLCDiffCoeff" type="logical" default="F"/>
F       DoUseFLC
F       DoWriteFLCDiffCoeff

Flag to turn on the field line curvature scattering of ions and write out the pitch angle diffusion coefficinets. By default no FLC is used. 

<command name="COULOMB">
	<parameter name="DoUseCoulomb" type="logical" default="F"/>
F	DoUseCoulomb

Flag to turn on Coulomb interactions. By default no Coulomb interactions are used.

<command name="RAMLIMITER">
	<parameter name="BetaLim" type="float"  min="1" max="2"
1.5	BetaLim

Set the beta factor for the MC limiter implemented in RAM. A value of 1 is equivalent to using the Min-Mod limiter; a value of 2 is equivalent to the superbee limiter. 1.5 is the default; many codes that implement this limiter use a value of 1.5.

<command name="RAMGRID">
	<parameter name="nR" type="integer" default="20"/>
	<parameter name="nT" type="integer" default="25"/>
	<parameter name="nE" type="integer" default="35"/>
	<parameter name="nPa" type="integer" default="72"/>
20	nR
25	nT
35	nE
72	nPa

	\item nR: Number of radial grid points used in RAM
	\item nT: Number of toroidal grid points used in RAM
	\item nE: Number of energy bins used in RAM
	\item nPa: Number of pitch angle bins used in RAM


<commandgroup name="SCB">
!!!!!!!!!!!SCB group!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<command name="TIE_SCB_TO_RAM">

If this is present then the SCBTimeStep will be read as number of RAM iterations to do, not seconds

<command name="PRESS_MODE">
	<parameter name="PressMode" type="string" length="3">
		<option name="SKD" default="T"/>
		<option name="ROE"/>
		<option name="EXT"/>
		<option name="FLT"/>
		<option name="BAT"/>
SKD		PressMode

Method used to extrapolate RAM pressure to all of SCB grid in events where the SCB grid extends beyond the RAM domain.
\emph{\textbf{Current options for SCB pressure extrapolation:}}
	\item \textbf{SKD}: Uses Spence-Kivelson empirical formula
	\item \textbf{ROE}: Uses Roederer empirical formula
	\item \textbf{EXT}: Uses linear extrapolation
	\item \textbf{FLT}: Uses a flat extension
	\item \textbf{BAT}: Uses BATS-R-US equatorial pressure

<command name="SCB_FIELD">
	<parameter name="ConstZ" type="float" default="0.0"/>
	<parameter name="ConstTheta" type="float" default="0.2"/>
0.0		ConstZ
0.2		ConstTheta

	\item ConstZ: Groups points along the midnight axis using the equation [zetaVal+constZ*SIN(zetaVal)]
	\item ConstTheta: Groups points at the equator using the equation [thetaVal + constTheta*sin(2.*thetaVal)]

<command name="SCB_CONVERGENCE">
	<parameter name="ConvergenceDistance" type="float" default="0.9" min="0.0" max="1.0"/>
0.9		ConvergenceDistance

Minimum accuracy that needs to be reached regardless of other factors (between 0 and 1)

<command name="SCBSMOOTHING">
	<parameter name="PressureSmoothing" type="integer" default="1"/>
	<parameter name="SavitzyGolayIterations" type="integer" default="11"/>
1		PressureSmoothing
11		SavitzyGolayIterations

Method used to smooth pressure for SCB from RAM
\emph{\textbf{Current options for SCB pressure smoothing:}}
	\item Savitzy-Golay Filter
	\item B-Spline smoothing
	\item Gaussian Filter
	\item 1+3

<command name="SCB_GHOSTCELLS">
	<parameter name="psiChange" type="integer" default="0"/>
	<parameter name="theChange" type="integer" default="4"/>
0	psiChange
4	theChange

The number of ghost cells to add to the SCB force balancing SOR

<command name="SCBFLAGS">
	<parameter name="Isotropic" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="ReduceAnisotropy" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="BetaExtrapolation" type="logical" default="T"/>
	<parameter name="AzimuthalOffset" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="EmptyLossCone" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="AdaptiveMesh" type="logical" default="T"/>
F	Isotropic
F	ReduceAnisotropy
T	BetaExtrapolation
F	AzimuthalOffset
F	EmptyLossCone
T	AdaptiveMesh

	\item Isotropic: Whether to use isotropic pressure mappings in SCB (does not effect RAM)
	\item ReduceAnisotropy: Whether to change the anisotropy to a marginally mirror-stable
	\item BetaExtrapolation: Whether to extrapolate Beta Euler potential values to the outside boundary or use the previous point (Currently unused)
	\item AzimuthalOffset: Whether to set equidistance at most problematic time (if T) or keep it at midnight (if F)
	\item EmptyLossCone: Whether to use a filled loss cone (if F) or a more realistic empty loss cone using M. Liemohn's 2004
	\item AdaptiveMesh: Whether to use Mesh refinement in magnetic flux, so that one has equidistant magnetic flux surfaces

<command name="SCBDETAILS">
	<parameter name="SORDetail" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="EnergyDetail" type="logical" default="T"/>
	<parameter name="ForceBalanceDetail" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="PressureDetail" type="logical" default="F"/>
F	SORDetail
T	EnergyDetail
F	ForceBalanceDetail
F	PressureDetail

	\item SORDetail: Whether to compute extra Sucessive Over Relaxation information
	\item EnergyDetail: Whether to compute DPS Dst and other energy information
	\item ForceBalanceDetail: Whether to compute global force balance before and after SCB runs, this will cause additional output
	\item PressureDetail: Whether to compute the full 3D pressure profile before an SCB run, this will cause additional output

<command name="SCBGRID">
	<parameter name="nTheta" type="integer" default="71"/>
	<parameter name="nPsi" type="integer" default="45"/>
	<parameter name="nZeta" type="integer" default="73"/>
71	nTheta
45	nPsi
73	nZeta

	\item nTheta: Number of theta (polar) grid points used in SCB
	\item nPsi: Number of psi (radial) surfaces used in SCB
	\item nZeta: Number of zeta (azimuthal) surfaces used in SCB


<commandgroup name="SCE">
!!!!!!!!!!!SCE group!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<command name="IONOSPHERE">
         <parameter name="iConductanceModel" type="integer" default="7"/>
	 <parameter name="StarLightPedConductance" type="float" default="2.5"/>
	 <parameter name="DoUseFullSpec" type="logical" default="F"/>
	 <parameter name="DoSaveGLOWConductivity" type="logical" default="F"/>
7              iConductanceModel
2.5           StarLightPedConductance
F              DoUseFullSpec
F              DoSaveGLOWConductivity

        \item iConductanceModel: 7 uses Robinson's statistical conductance model; 9 uses S. Solomon's GLOW model. If "9" is used, the last two commands are needed. When the GLOW model is used, parallelizing is recommended.
	\item StarLightPedConductance: the background conductance due to star light
	\item DoUseFullSpec: only needed when iConductanceModel=9; It uses full precipitating spectrum as input to the GLOW
	\item DoSaveGLOWConductivity: only needed when iConductanceModel=9; It saves height-dependent conductivity from GLOW

<command name="BOUNDARY">
         <parameter name="LatBoundary" type="float" default="50"/>
50            LatBoundary

Specify the low latitudinal boundary for the ionospheric potential solver. Default is set at 50 degree magnetic latitude.

<command name="SOLVER">
         <parameter name="NameSolver" type="string" default="GMRES"/>
GMRES         NameSolver (gmres or bicgstab)

Specify the scheme for the ionospheric potential solver. 

<command name="KRYLOV">
	<parameter name="UsePreconditioner" type="logical" default="T"/>
	<parameter name="UseInitialGuess"   type="logical" default="T"/>
	<parameter name="Tolerance" type="real" min="0" default="0.01"/>
	<parameter name="MaxIteration" type="integer" min="1" default="100"/>

T			UsePreconditioner
T			UseInitialGuess
0.01			Tolerance
100			MaxIteration

This command controls the parameters for the Krylov solver used to
solve the Poisson type equation for the electric potential.
If UsePreconditioner is true the solver uses a preconditioner.
If UseInitialGuess is true, the previous solution is used as an 
initial guess. The Tolerance parameter sets the second norm of
the final (preconditioned) residual. The MaxIteration parameter sets the
maximum number of iterations before the linear solver gives up.
In most cases the default values should work fine.

The default values are shown above.

<commandgroup name="COMPONENTS">
!!!!!!!!Components group!!!!!!!!!

<command name="COMPONENT_TIMESTEPS">
	<parameter name="SCBTimeStep" type="float" default="300.0"/>
	<parameter name="BCTimeStep" type="float" default="300.0"/>
	<parameter name="EFTimeStep" type="float" default="300.0"/>
300.0	SCBTimeStep
300.0	BCTimeStep
300.0	EFTimeStep

	\item SCBTimeStep: Amount of time (in seconds) between calls to SCB. If set to 1.0 it will call SCB on every RAM time step
	\item BCTimeStep: Amount of time (in seconds) between reading boundary flux files (or from SWMF). If set to 1.0 will update on every RAM time step
	\item EFTimeStep: Amount of time (in seconds) between updating electric fields. If set to 1.0 it will update every RAM time step

<command name="PLASMAPSHERE">
	<parameter name="DoUsePlasmasphere" type="logical" default="F"/>
	<parameter name="PlasmasphereModel" type="string">
		<option name="Carpenter" default="T"/>
		<option name="Transport"/>
	<parameter name="TauCalculation" type="string">
		<option name="Fixed"/>
		<option name="Analytic" default="T">
		<option name="Rasmussen"/>
F			DoUsePlasmasphere
Carpenter	PlasmasphereModel
Analytic	TauCalculation

Determines whether to use a plasmasphere and which plasmasphere model to use if desired

<command name="FLUX_CAP">
	<parameter name="ElectronFluxCap" type="float" default="1e10"/>
	<parameter name="ProtonFluxCap" type="float" default="1e8"/>
1e10	ElectronFluxCap
1e8		ProtonFluxCap

Sets a flux cap at the boundary for both electrons and protons

<command name="OUTERBOUNDARY">
	<parameter name="NameBoundPlasma" type="string" input="select">
		<option name="LANL" default="T"/>
		<option name="SWMF"/>
	<parameter name="NameBoundMag" type="string" input="select">
		<option name="DIPL" default="T"/>
		<option name="DIPS"/>
		<option name="T89D"/>
		<option name="T89I"/>
		<option name="T89L"/>
		<option name="T96D"/>
		<option name="T96I"/>
		<option name="T96L"/>
		<option name="T02D"/>
		<option name="T02I"/>
		<option name="T02L"/>
		<option name="T04D"/>
		<option name="T04I"/>
		<option name="T04L"/>
		<option name="SWMF"/>
	<parameter name="NameDistribution" type="string" input="select">
		<option name="MAXW" default="T"/>
		<option name="KAPA"/>
LANL	NameBoundPlasma
DIPL 	NameBoundMag
MAXW	NameDistribution

Set the outer boundary conditions for RAM-SCB. Based on these settings, different files are expected in the respective input directories to suppy magnetic field and energy flux at the outer boundary of the codes.

\emph{\textbf{Current options for plasma boundary conditions:}}
	\item \textbf{LANL}: Use fluxes calculated from LANL Geosynchronous measurements. Composition is determined from the Young et al. empirical relationship based on Kp and F10.7.
	\item \textbf{SWMF}: Use fluxes calculated from the Space Weather Modeling Framework. If in coupled mode, values are calculated on-the-fly and no input files are required.

\emph{\textbf{Current options for magnetic field boundary conditions:}}
	\item \textbf{DIPS}: Use a simple dipole to constrain the SCB field. SCB is enabled for this setting.
	\item \textbf{DIPL}: Use a simple dipole throughout; no SCB calculation.
	\item \textbf{SWMF}: Use the magnetic field from the Space Weather Modeling Framework. If RAM-SCB is in coupled mode, these values are calculated and obtained on-the-fly rather than read from input files.
	\item \textbf{T89D}: Use the Tsyganenko 89c empirical model, with a centered dipole internal field (indicated with the ``D'' suffix), as the outer boundary for SCB. As this field depends only on Kp, input files are provided in the RAM-SCB distribution.  
	\item \textbf{T96D}: Use the Tsyganenko 1996 empirical model, with a centered dipole internal field, as the outer boundary for SCB.
	\item \textbf{T02D}: Use the Tsyganenko 2002 empirical model, with a centered dipole internal field, as the outer boundary for SCB.
	\item \textbf{T04D}: Use the Tsyganenko and Sitnov 2004 empirical model, with a centered dipole internal field, as the outer boundary for SCB.
	\item \textbf{T89I}: Use the Tsyganenko 1989 empirical model, with the IGRF as internal field, as the outer boundary for SCB.
	\item \textbf{T96I}: Use the Tsyganenko 1996 empirical model, with the IGRF as internal field, as the outer boundary for SCB.
	\item \textbf{T02I}: Use the Tsyganenko 2002 empirical model, with the IGRF as internal field, as the outer boundary for SCB.
	\item \textbf{T04I}: Use the Tsyganenko and Sitnov 2004 empirical model, with the IGRF as internal field, as the outer boundary for SCB.
	\item \textbf{T89L}: Use the Tsyganenko 1989 empirical model with a centered dipole internal field to represent the full magnetic field. SCB is disabled for this setting.
	\item \textbf{T96L}: Use the Tsyganenko 1996 empirical model with a centered dipole internal field to represent the full magnetic field. SCB is disabled for this setting.
	\item \textbf{T02L}: Use the Tsyganenko 2002 empirical model with a centered dipole internal field to represent the full magnetic field. SCB is disabled for this setting.
	\item \textbf{T04L}: Use the Tsyganenko and Sitnov 2004 empirical model with a centered dipole internal field to represent the full magnetic field. SCB is disabled for this setting.

\emph{\textbf{Current options for plasma distribution shape:}}
	\item \textbf{MAXW}: Assume a Maxwellian distribution.
	\item \textbf{KAPA}: Assume a Kappa distribution.

<command name="EFIELD">
	<parameter name="NameEfield" type="string" length="4"/>
		<option name="VOLS" default="T"/>
		<option name="WESC"/>
		<option name="W5SC"/>
		<option name="IESC"/>
	<parameter name="UseEfInd"   type="logical" default="F"/>
IESC		NameEfield
F			UseEfInd

Set the source for the convective electric field in RAM-SCB.  The choice made will set the type of input file required at runtime.

\emph{\textbf{Current options for the electric field:}}
	\item \textbf{IESC}: SWMF IE-component electric field mapped to the equatorial plane via RAM-SCB field lines.
	\item \textbf{VOLS}: $K_{P}$-based Volland-Stern empirical electric field (internal VS calculation).
	\item \textbf{WESC}: Weimer 2001 empirical electric field mapped to the	equatorial plane via RAM-SCB field lines (internal W01 calculation).
	\item \textbf{W5SC}: Weimer 2005 empirical electric field mapped to the	equatorial plane via RAM-SCB field lines (internal W05 calculation).
	\item \textbf{RSCE}: self-consistently calculated electric field mapped to the equatorial plane via RAM-SCB field lines. If this option is chosen, the following commands are needed: IONOSPHERE, BOUNDARY, SOLVER, KRYLOV. The description of these commands are provided below.

The parameter UseEfInd turns the use of induced electric field on or off. Default is no induced electric field.

The \textbf{VOLS} and \textbf{WESC} are \textit{internal} calculations and do not require these additional files, but carry the requirements of their respective underlying models.  The Volland-Stern model requires the $K_{P}$ index, which is provided for historical simulations.  The Weimer 2001 and 2005 empirical models require upstream solar wind conditions, which can be obtained from the OMNI database.  This data must be placed into the run directory in a file named \textit{omni.txt}.  


<commandgroup name="INPUT">
!!!!!!!!!!Input group!!!!!!!!!!!!

<command name="OMNIFILE">
	<parameter name="NameOmniFile" type="string" length="200" default="omni.txt"/>
omni.txt	NameOmniFile

The WESC and W5SC (Weimer models traced along SCB field lines) electric field selections calculate Weimer's empirical electric field on-the-fly. To do this, solar wind inputs are required from the OMNI database. The ASCII file that contains these inputs should either be called "omni.txt" and be located in the run directory (default behavior) or this command should be used to point the code in the correct location.

<command name="INDICES_FILE">
	<parameter name="NameIndicesFile" type="string" default="RamIndices.txt"/>
RamIndices.txt          NameIndicesFile

Name of the KP and F10.7 indices file needed for RAM (included in default installation)

<command name="BOUNDARY_FILE_PATH">
	<parameter name="BoundaryPath" type="string" default="IM/input_ram/"/>
IM/input_ram/           BoundaryPath

Location where the flux boundary files can be found (needed by RAM)

<command name="QINDENTON_FILE_PATH">
	<parameter name="QinDentonPath" type="string" default="IM/input_scb/"/>
IM/input_scb/           QinDentonPath

Location where the QinDenton files can be found (Used for the T##X magnetic field models)

	<parameter name="InitializationPath" type="string" default="IM/input_ram/"/>
IM/input_ram/           InitializationPath

Location where the RAM Initialization.nc file can be found (included in default installation)

<command name="TSO7_DIRECTORY">
	<parameter name="TS07Directory" type="string" default="IM/input_scb/"/>
IM/input_scb/		TS07Directory

If using the TS07 magnetic field model, the code will look for the TS07 inputs in this directory


<commandgroup name="OUTPUT">
!!!!!!!!!!Output group!!!!!!!!!!!

<command name="WRITE_BOUNDARY"/>

If present, the RAM boundary flux will be written to file each time it is updated

<command name="WRITE_POTENTIAL"/>

If present, the RAM electric potential will be written to file each time it is updated

<command name="SAVERESTART">
	 <parameter name="DtSaveRestart" type="float" default="3600.0"/>
	 <parameter name="DoSaveFinalRestart" type="logical" default="T"/>
3600.0		DtSaveRestart
T		DoSaveFinalRestart

Configure when restart files are saved. The first parameter sets the frequency, in seconds, that restart files are saved during a simulation. The second parameter toggles saving restarts at the successful completion of a simulation. Defaults are shown.

<command name="TIMEDRESTART">
	<parameter name="TimedRestartFiles" type="logical" default="F"/>
F		TimedRestartFiles

If true the restart files will be appended with the simulation date and time.

<command name="LOGFILE">
	 <parameter name="DtWrite" type="float" default="60.0"/>
60.0	DtWrite

Specify the write frequency of the RAM-SCB log file. Default value is shown. Note that frequent writes for any output file may limit the maximum timestep taken by RAM-SCB.

<command name="SAVEFLUX">
	 <parameter name="DoWriteFlux" type="float" default="3600.0"/>
3600	DoSaveFlux

Specify the write frequency of equatorial flux values for all pitch angles 
and energies to NetCDF file. These files are powerful research tools but 
large and may be undesirable for long simulations.

<command name="SATELLITE">
	 <parameter name="DtOutput" type="float" min="10.0" default="60.0"/>
	 <parameter name="nSatellite" type="integer" min="0" default="0"/>
	 <for from="1" to="$nSatellite">
	      <parameter name="NameTrajectoryFile" type="string" length="100"/>
	      <rule expr="-f $NameTrajectoryFile">
			Trajectory file $NameTrajectoryFile must exist
         <parameter name="DoUseVAPini" type="logical" default="F"/>
60.0            DtOutput
2		nSatellite
satellite1.dat	NameTrajectoryFile
satellite2.dat	NameTrajectoryFile
F               DoUseVAPini

The solution of RAM-SCB can be extracted along a satellite's path as the simulation progresses by using the #SATELLITE command. Simply set the number of virtual satellites to be included in the simulation, the time frequency to write the output in seconds (minimum/default is 10), and the location of each corresponding Trajectory File. For each Trajectory File given, RAM-SCB will produce a NetCDF file containing the solution along the satellite's trajectory at a time frequency of sixty seconds. Note that reducing DtOutput to small values can reduce the maximum RAM-SCB time step as a result of ensuring that the file is written every DtOutput.

Satellite Trajectory Files contain the trajectory of the satellite. They should have the following format:
 2004  6  24   0   0  58   0  2.9  -3.1 - 3.7  
 2004  6  24   0   1  58   0  2.8  -3.2 - 3.6  

The file containing the satellite trajectory should include data in the following order:
yr mn dy hr min sec msec x y z
with the position variables in units of the body radii or the length scale normalization. Note that this is the same format as BATS-R-US trajectory files with one important feature: the position is assumed to be in SM coordinates. If the input coordinates are in another coordinate system, use the #COOR command to specify what system is used in the file. RAM-SCB will convert from that system to SM.

The maximum number of satellite files allowed is 100. The maximum number of lines in a given satellite file (past the #START command) is 100,000. Both of these can be changed by editing the value of MaxRamSat and MaxRamSatLines (respectively) in ModRamSats.f90

Each satellite listed under the #SATELLITE command will produce a NetCDF file in the output_ram folder. Simulation meta data, such as run parameters, start times, etc., are contained within this file as well as energy and pitch angle grid information. Magnetic field, flux, spacecraft position, and other values are saved for every DtOutput for which the satellite is within the 3D Equilibrium code's domain. Each record written takes about ten kilobytes of hard drive space.

<command name="OUTPUT_FREQUENCY">
	<parameter name="DtPressureFileWrite" type="float" default=300.0/>
	<parameter name="DthIFileWrite" type="float" default=300.0/>
	<parameter name="DtEFieldFileWrite" type="float" default=3600.0/>
	<parameter name="DtMagXYZFileWrite" type="float" default=300.0/>
300.0 	DtPressureFileWrite
300.0 	DthIFileWrite
3600.0	DtEFieldFileWrite
300.0 	DtMAGxyzFileWrite

Specify the frequency of various output writes for RAM and SCB. Default frequencies are shown.
	\item DtPressureFileWrite: How often RAM equatorial pressures should be written (in seconds)
	\item DthIFileWrite: How often SCB hI files should be written (in seconds)
	\item DtEFieldFileWrite: How often electric field files should be written
	\item DtMAGxyzFileWrite: How often x, y, and z from SCB should be written

<commandgroup name="TESTING">
!!!!!!!!Testing group!!!!!!!!!!!!

<command name="TEST">
	<parameter name="StringTest" type="string" length="100"/>

CON_session::do_session		StringTest

A space separated list of subroutine and function names to be tested. Only subroutines containing the 'call CON_set_do_test(...)' statement can be tested. The first argument is the name of the subroutine, usually defined as the string parameter 'NameSub'. Default is an empty string.

This feature and its conventions has been adopted from the Space Weather Modeling Framework.
