diff --git a/libs/community/extended_testing_deps.txt b/libs/community/extended_testing_deps.txt
index fc208a71ef21c..d9c8177cd6a07 100644
--- a/libs/community/extended_testing_deps.txt
+++ b/libs/community/extended_testing_deps.txt
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ gliner>=0.2.7
diff --git a/libs/community/langchain_community/graph_vectorstores/visualize.py b/libs/community/langchain_community/graph_vectorstores/visualize.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7dd0f1dcfcf20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/community/langchain_community/graph_vectorstores/visualize.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import re
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple
+from langchain_core._api import beta
+from langchain_core.documents import Document
+from langchain_community.graph_vectorstores.links import get_links
+ import graphviz
+def _escape_id(id: str) -> str:
+ return id.replace(":", "_")
+ "in": "back",
+ "out": "forward",
+ "bidir": "both",
+_WORD_RE = re.compile("\s*\S+")
+def _split_prefix(s: str, max_chars: int = 50) -> str:
+ words = _WORD_RE.finditer(s)
+ split = min(len(s), max_chars)
+ for word in words:
+ if word.end(0) > max_chars:
+ break
+ split = word.end(0)
+ if split == len(s):
+ return s
+ else:
+ return f"{s[0:split]}..."
+def render_graphviz(
+ documents: Iterable[Document],
+ engine: Optional[str] = None,
+ node_color: Optional[str] = None,
+ node_colors: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None,
+ skip_tags: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] = (),
+) -> "graphviz.Digraph":
+ """Render a collection of GraphVectorStore documents to GraphViz format.
+ Args:
+ documents: The documents to render.
+ engine: GraphViz layout engine to use. `None` uses the default.
+ node_color: Default node color.
+ node_colors: Dictionary specifying colors of specific nodes. Useful for
+ emphasizing nodes that were selected by MMR, or differ from other
+ results.
+ skip_tags: Set of tags to skip when rendering the graph. Specified as
+ tuples containing the kind and tag.
+ Returns:
+ The "graphviz.Digraph" representing the nodes. May be printed to source,
+ or rendered using `dot`.
+ Note:
+ To render the generated DOT source code, you also need to install Graphviz_
+ (`download page `_,
+ `archived versions `_,
+ `installation procedure for Windows `_).
+ """
+ if node_colors is None:
+ node_colors = {}
+ try:
+ import graphviz
+ except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
+ raise ImportError(
+ "Could not import graphviz python package. "
+ "Please install it with `pip install graphviz`."
+ )
+ graph = graphviz.Digraph(engine=engine)
+ graph.attr(rankdir="LR")
+ graph.attr("node", style="filled")
+ skip_tags = set(skip_tags)
+ tags: dict[Tuple[str, str], str] = {}
+ for document in documents:
+ id = document.id
+ if id is None:
+ raise ValueError(f"Illegal graph document without ID: {document}")
+ escaped_id = _escape_id(id)
+ color = node_colors[id] if id in node_colors else node_color
+ node_label = "\n".join(
+ [
+ graphviz.escape(id),
+ graphviz.escape(_split_prefix(document.page_content)),
+ ]
+ )
+ graph.node(
+ escaped_id,
+ label=node_label,
+ shape="note",
+ fillcolor=color,
+ tooltip=graphviz.escape(document.page_content),
+ )
+ for link in get_links(document):
+ tag_key = (link.kind, link.tag)
+ if tag_key in skip_tags:
+ continue
+ tag_id = tags.get(tag_key)
+ if tag_id is None:
+ tag_id = f"tag_{len(tags)}"
+ tags[tag_key] = tag_id
+ graph.node(tag_id, label=graphviz.escape(f"{link.kind}:{link.tag}"))
+ graph.edge(escaped_id, tag_id, dir=_EDGE_DIRECTION[link.direction])
+ return graph
diff --git a/libs/community/tests/unit_tests/graph_vectorstores/test_visualize.py b/libs/community/tests/unit_tests/graph_vectorstores/test_visualize.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..89615c0bfe6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/community/tests/unit_tests/graph_vectorstores/test_visualize.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import pytest
+from langchain_core.documents import Document
+from langchain_community.graph_vectorstores.links import METADATA_LINKS_KEY, Link
+from langchain_community.graph_vectorstores.visualize import render_graphviz
+def test_visualize_simple_graph() -> None:
+ doc1 = Document(
+ id="a",
+ page_content="some content",
+ metadata={
+ Link.incoming("href", "a"),
+ Link.bidir("kw", "foo"),
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ doc2 = Document(
+ id="b",
+ page_content="",
+ metadata={
+ Link.incoming("href", "b"),
+ Link.outgoing("href", "a"),
+ Link.bidir("kw", "foo"),
+ Link.bidir("kw", "bar"),
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ assert render_graphviz([doc1, doc2]).source == (
+ "digraph {\n"
+ "\trankdir=LR\n"
+ "\tnode [style=filled]\n"
+ '\ta [label="a\nsome content" shape=note tooltip="some content"]\n'
+ '\ttag_0 [label="href:a"]\n'
+ "\ta -> tag_0 [dir=back]\n"
+ '\ttag_1 [label="kw:foo"]\n'
+ "\ta -> tag_1 [dir=both]\n"
+ '\tb [label="b\n" '
+ 'shape=note tooltip=""]\n'
+ '\ttag_2 [label="href:b"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_2 [dir=back]\n"
+ "\tb -> tag_0 [dir=forward]\n"
+ "\tb -> tag_1 [dir=both]\n"
+ '\ttag_3 [label="kw:bar"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_3 [dir=both]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ )
+ assert render_graphviz([doc1, doc2], engine="fdp").engine == "fdp"
+ assert render_graphviz([doc1, doc2], node_colors={"a": "gold"}).source == (
+ "digraph {\n"
+ "\trankdir=LR\n"
+ "\tnode [style=filled]\n"
+ '\ta [label="a\nsome content" fillcolor=gold '
+ 'shape=note tooltip="some content"]\n'
+ '\ttag_0 [label="href:a"]\n'
+ "\ta -> tag_0 [dir=back]\n"
+ '\ttag_1 [label="kw:foo"]\n'
+ "\ta -> tag_1 [dir=both]\n"
+ '\tb [label="b\n" '
+ 'shape=note tooltip=""]\n'
+ '\ttag_2 [label="href:b"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_2 [dir=back]\n"
+ "\tb -> tag_0 [dir=forward]\n"
+ "\tb -> tag_1 [dir=both]\n"
+ '\ttag_3 [label="kw:bar"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_3 [dir=both]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ )
+ assert render_graphviz(
+ [doc1, doc2], node_color="gold", node_colors={"a": None}
+ ).source == (
+ "digraph {\n"
+ "\trankdir=LR\n"
+ "\tnode [style=filled]\n"
+ '\ta [label="a\nsome content" shape=note tooltip="some content"]\n'
+ '\ttag_0 [label="href:a"]\n'
+ "\ta -> tag_0 [dir=back]\n"
+ '\ttag_1 [label="kw:foo"]\n'
+ "\ta -> tag_1 [dir=both]\n"
+ '\tb [label="b\n" fillcolor=gold '
+ 'shape=note tooltip=""]\n'
+ '\ttag_2 [label="href:b"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_2 [dir=back]\n"
+ "\tb -> tag_0 [dir=forward]\n"
+ "\tb -> tag_1 [dir=both]\n"
+ '\ttag_3 [label="kw:bar"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_3 [dir=both]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ )
+ assert render_graphviz([doc1, doc2], skip_tags=[("kw", "foo")]).source == (
+ "digraph {\n"
+ "\trankdir=LR\n"
+ "\tnode [style=filled]\n"
+ '\ta [label="a\nsome content" shape=note tooltip="some content"]\n'
+ '\ttag_0 [label="href:a"]\n'
+ "\ta -> tag_0 [dir=back]\n"
+ '\tb [label="b\n" '
+ 'shape=note tooltip=""]\n'
+ '\ttag_1 [label="href:b"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_1 [dir=back]\n"
+ "\tb -> tag_0 [dir=forward]\n"
+ '\ttag_2 [label="kw:bar"]\n'
+ "\tb -> tag_2 [dir=both]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ )