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Asset loading

These functions live in the UE5Coro::Latent namespace, and as such, they can only be used from the game thread.

Every function on this page returns a type satisfying the TLatentAwaiter concept.

auto AsyncLoadObject<T>(TSoftObjectPtr<T>, TAsyncLoadPriority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncLoadObjects<T>(const TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<T>>&, TAsyncLoadPriority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncLoadObjects(TArray<FSoftObjectPath>, TAsyncLoadPriority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncLoadClass(TSoftClassPtr<>, TAsyncLoadPriority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncLoadClasses(const TArray<TSoftClassPtr<>>&, TAsyncLoadPriority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

These functions start loading the provided soft pointers, and return an awaiter that resumes the calling coroutine when the loading is complete.

If everything is already loaded, the calling coroutine will continue immediately. Multiple loads may be started before the first one is awaited, for higher overall throughput. The awaiters will strongly reference the loaded objects until awaited.

The result of the await expression is based on the first parameter of the function:

co_await result What's being loaded
T* TSoftObjectPtr<T>
UClass* TSoftClassPtr<>
TArray<T*> TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<T>>
TArray<UClass*> TArray<TSoftClassPtr<>>
void TArray<FSoftObjectPath>

The FSoftObjectPath overload is intended to have lower overhead than the templated TSoftObjectPtr one by not resolving the loaded objects (as well as not inflating the compiled binary with additional template instantiations). TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> can be used instead of FSoftObjectPath to load "any object".

For typed TSoftClassPtrs, TSubclassOf<T> may be used to receive the returned pointers, since it implicitly converts from UClass*.


using namespace UE5Coro::Latent;

UClass* Class = co_await AsyncLoadClass(SoftClass);
if (AActor* SpawnedActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(Class))

auto AsyncLoadPrimaryAsset(const FPrimaryAssetId& AssetToLoad, const TArray<FName>& LoadBundles = {}, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncLoadPrimaryAsset<T>(FPrimaryAssetId AssetToLoad, const TArray<FName>& LoadBundles = {}, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncLoadPrimaryAssets(TArray<FPrimaryAssetId> AssetsToLoad, const TArray<FName>& LoadBundles = {}, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncLoadPrimaryAssets<T>(TArray<FPrimaryAssetId> AssetsToLoad, const TArray<FName>& LoadBundles = {}, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

These functions work with primary asset IDs, and support specifying bundles. Loading starts when the functions are called, and the return value may be used to resume the calling coroutine when loading is complete. Multiple operations may be overlapped before the first one is awaited for higher throughput.

If the assets are already loaded, the calling coroutine will immediately continue.

The loaded objects will stay in memory until explicitly unloaded.

The result of the await expression will be:

  • void for the non-templated variants
  • T* for AsyncLoadPrimaryAsset<T>
  • TArray<T*> for AsyncLoadPrimaryAssets<T>


using namespace UE5Coro::Latent;

for (auto* Asset : co_await AsyncLoadPrimaryAssets<UExampleAsset>(...))

auto AsyncLoadPackage(const FPackagePath& Path, FName PackageNameToCreate = NAME_None, EPackageFlags PackageFlags = PKG_None, int32 PIEInstanceID = INDEX_NONE, TAsyncLoadPriority PackagePriority = 0, const FLinkerInstancingContext* InstancingContext = nullptr)

Starts loading the UPackage at the specified path, returns an object that can be awaited to resume the calling coroutine when loading is complete. If the package is already loaded at the time of the co_await, nothing happens, and the calling coroutine continues immediately.

The await expression will result in the loaded UPackage*.

For more details on the parameters, see the engine function LoadPackageAsync() in the global namespace.


using namespace UE5Coro::Latent;

UPackage* Package = co_await AsyncLoadPackage(Path);

auto AsyncChangeBundleStateForPrimaryAssets(const TArray& AssetsToChange, const TArray& AddBundles, const TArray& RemoveBundles, bool bRemoveAllBundles = false, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

auto AsyncChangeBundleStateForMatchingPrimaryAssets(const TArray& NewBundles, const TArray& OldBundles, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = FStreamableManager::DefaultAsyncLoadPriority)

These functions begin the requested bundle state changes on the provided (first function) or all matching (second function) primary assets, and return an object that can be awaited to resume the calling coroutine when loading is complete or if it was canceled.

If the asset manager determines there's nothing to do, the calling coroutine will continue immediately.

For more details, see the corresponding functions on UAssetManager.


using namespace UE5Coro::Latent;

co_await AsyncChangeBundleStateForMatchingPrimaryAssets({"LoadMe"}, {"RemoveMe"});