Graph Algorithm Library contains the Libraries implementing the Graph Representation and Path Traversal Algorithms.
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- Priority Queue
- Overview
- Operations
- Implementation
- Specialized Heaps
- Summary of Running Times
- Using a Priority Queue to Sort
- Using a Sorting Algorithm to Make a Priority Queue
- Applications – Bandwidth Management
- Applications – Discrete Event Simulation
- Application – Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- Application – Huffman Coding
- Application – Best-First Search Algorithm
- Application – ROAM Triangulation Algorithm
- Application – Prim’s Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree
- Parallel Priority Queue
- Parallelize Individual Operations
- Concurrent Parallel Access
- K-Element Operations
- References
- Binary Heap
- Overview
- Heap Operations
- Insert
- Extract
- Building a Heap
- Heap Implementation
- Derivation of Index Equations
- Child Nodes
- Parent Node
- Related Structures
- References
- Binomial Heap
- Overview
- Definition
- Structure of a Binomial Heap
- Implementation
- Merge
- Insert
- Find Minimum
- Delete Minimum
- Decrease Key
- Delete
- References
- Soft Heap
- Overview
- Applications - Selection Algorithm
- References
- The Soft Heap: An Approximate Priority Queue with Optimal Error Rate
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Applications
- The Data Structure
- Soft Heap Operations
- Inserting an Item
- Melding Two Heaps
- DeleteMin
- Complexity Analysis
- The Error Rate
- The Running Time
- Optimality
- References
- A Simpler Implementation and Analysis of Chazelle’s Soft Heaps
- Introduction
- Soft Heaps
- Implementation
- The Data Structure
- The Sift Operation
- The Combine Operation
- The Update-Suffix-Min Operation
- The make-heap Operation
- The meld Operation
- The insert Operation
- The extract-min Operation
- Correctness
- Amortized Analysis
- Adding a Delete Operation
- Comparison with Chazelle’s Implementation
- Concluding Remarks
- References
- Spanning Tree
- Overview
- Applications
- Definition
- Fundamental Cycles
- Fundamental Cutsets
- Spanning Forests
- Counting Spanning Trees
- In Specific Graphs
- In Arbitrary Graphs
- Deletion-Contraction
- Tutte Polynomial
- Algorithms - Construction
- Algorithms - Optimization
- Randomization
- Enumeration
- In Infinite Graphs
- In Directed Multi-graphs
- References
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Overview
- Multiplicity Properties
- Uniqueness Property
- Minimum Cost Subgraph Property
- Cycle Property
- Cut Property
- Minimum-Cost Edge Property
- Contraction Properties
- Algorithms
- Faster Algorithms
- Linear-Time Algorithms in Special Cases – Dense Graphs
- Linear Time Algorithm – Integer Weights
- Decision Trees
- Optimal Algorithm
- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
- MST on Complete Graphs
- Applications
- Related Problems
- References
- Prim’s Algorithm
- Overview
- Description
- Time Complexity
- Proof of Correctness
- Parallel Algorithm
- References
- Kruskal’s Algorithm
- Introduction
- The Algorithm
- Complexity
- Proof of Correctness
- Spanning Tree
- Minimality
- Parallel Algorithm
- References
- Boruvka's Algorithm
- Overview
- Special Cases
- Complexity
- Other Algorithms
- References
- Reverse-Delete Algorithm
- Overview
- Running Time
- Proof of Correctness: Approach
- Proof of Correctness: Part One
- Proof of Correctness: Part Two
- References
- Breadth-first Search
- Overview
- Objective
- Implementation
- Time and Space Complexity Analysis
- Completeness Analysis
- BFS Ordering
- Applications
- References
- Depth-first Search
- Overview
- Properties
- DFS Traversal
- Edges from a DFS Output
- Ordering of the DFS Output
- Vertex Orderings
- Implementation
- Applications
- Complexity
- References
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Introduction
- Algorithm
- Characteristics
- Generalization of the Problem
- Using a Priority Queue
- Proof of Correctness
- Running Time
- Practical Optimizations and Infinite Graphs
- Specialized Variants
- Related Problems and Algorithms
- Dynamics Programming Perspective
- References
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm
- Overview
- The Algorithm
- Proof of Correctness
- Finding Negative Weights
- Applications in Routing
- Improvements
- References
- Johnson's Algorithm
- Overview
- Algorithm Description
- Correctness
- Analysis
- References
- A^* Search Algorithm
- Overview
- Introduction
- Description
- Implementation Details
- Special Cases
- Properties – Termination and Completeness
- Properties – Admissibility
- Properties - Optimal Efficiency
- Bounded Relaxation
- Complexity
- Applications
- Relation to Other Algorithms
- Variants
- References
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Overview
- History and Naming
- Algorithm
- Behavior with Negative Cycles
- Path Reconstruction
- Analysis
- Applications and Generalizations
- Comparisons with other Shortest Path Algorithms
- References
- Strongly Connected Component
- Overview
- Definitions
- DFS Based Linear Time Algorithms
- Reachability-Based Algorithms
- Generating Random Strongly Connected Components
- Applications
- Related Results
- References
- Kosaraju's Algorithm
- Overview
- The Algorithm
- Complexity
- References
- Selection Algorithm
- Overview
- Selection by Sorting
- Unordered Partial Sorting
- Partial Selection Sort
- Partition-Based Selection
- Median Selection as Pivot Strategy
- Incremental Sorting by Selection
- Using Data Structures to Select in Sublinear Time
- Lower Bounds
- Space Complexity
- Online Selection Algorithm
- Related Problems
- References
- Quickselect
- Overview
- Algorithm
- Time Complexity
- Variants
- References
- Median Of Medians
- Overview
- Outline
- Algorithm
- Properties of the Pivot
- Proof of O(n) Running Time
- Analysis
- References
- Floyd-Rivest Algorithm
- Overview
- Algorithm
- References
- Introselect
- Overview
- Algorithm
- References
- Order Statistics Tree
- Overview
- Advanced Search Tree Implementation
- References
- Maximum Sub-array Problem
- Overview
- Background
- Applications
- Kadane’s Algorithm
- Generalizations
- References
- Subset Sum Problem
- Overview
- Complexity
- Exponential Time Algorithm
- Pseudo-polynomial Time Dynamic Programming Solution
- Polynomial-Time Approximate Algorithm
- References
- 3SUM
- Overview
- Quadratic Algorithm
- Variants
- Reduction from Conv3SUM to 3SUM
- Reduction from 3SUM to Conv3SUM
- 3SUM-Hardness
- References
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