# itiriri-async

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Next generation library to manipulate [asynchronous iterators](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iteration).

import * as WebRequest from 'web-request';
import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

type ToDo = {
  id: number,
  userId: number,
  title: string,
  completed: boolean,

async function* todosAsync() {
  let id = 1;
  while (true) {
    yield await WebRequest.json<ToDo>(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/${id++}`);

async function showTop2ToDos(): Promise<void> {
  const todos = await itiririAsync(todosAsync())
    .filter(x => !x.completed)


// [ 'delectus aut autem', 'quis ut nam facilis et officia qui' ]

> Check examples folder for more

## Installation

Using npm:

$ npm install 'itiriri-async' --save


import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

## Running tests

$ npm install
$ npm test


## Complete list of methods

* [average](#average)
* [awaitAll](#awaitall)
* [concat](#concat)
* [distinct](#distinct)
* [entries](#entries)
* [every](#every)
* [exclude](#exclude)
* [filter](#filter)
* [find](#find)
* [findIndex](#findindex)
* [findLast](#findlast)
* [findLastIndex](#findlastindex)
* [first](#first)
* [flat](#flat)
* [forEach](#foreach)
* [groupJoin](#groupjoin)
* [includes](#includes)
* [indexOf](#indexof)
* [intersect](#intersect)
* [join](#join)
* [keys](#keys)
* [last](#last)
* [lastIndexOf](#lastindexof)
* [leftJoin](#leftjoin)
* [length](#length)
* [map](#map)
* [max](#max)
* [min](#min)
* [nth](#nth)
* [prepend](#prepend)
* [reduce](#reduce)
* [skip](#skip)
* [slice](#slice)
* [some](#some)
* [sum](#sum)
* [take](#take)
* [union](#union)
* [values](#values)

### `average`

Returns the average value.

> Syntax

average(): Promise<number>;
average(selector: (element: T, index: number) => number): Promise<number>;

> Parameters
* `selector` - *(optional)* a value transformer function to apply to each element

For a sequence with no elements returns `undefined`.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [41, 42, 43];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [{value: 1}, {value: 2}];

itiririAsync(generator1()).average()  // returns Promise<42>
itiririAsync(generator2()).average(elem => elem.value) // returns Promise<1.5>

### `awaitAll`

Awaits for all elements an returns `IterableQuery`.
The ruterned iterable is a sync [`itiriri`](https://npmjs.com/package/itiriri) iterable.

> Syntax

awaitAll(): Promise<IterableQuery<T>>

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [41, 40, 43];

// ...
const numbers = await itiririAsync(generator()).awaitAll();
// returns IterableQuery([41, 40, 43])

// returns: [40, 41, 43]

### `concat`

Concatenates the sequence with another one.

> Syntax

concat(other: T): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
concat(other: Promise<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
concat(other: Iterable<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
concat(other: AsyncIterable<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `other` - *(required)* sequence to concatenate

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [4, 5];

(async function() {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator1()).concat(generator2()).awaitAll();
  q.toArray();   // returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

(async function() {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator1()).concat([2, 1]).awaitAll();
  q.toArray();   // returns [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]

(async function() {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator1()).concat(-1).awaitAll();
  q.toArray();   // returns [1, 2, 3, -1]

`concat` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `distinct`

Returns a sequence of unique elements.

> Syntax

distinct(): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
distinct<S>(selector: (element: T) => S): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `selector` - *(optional)* a value transformer function to be used for comparisons

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).distinct().awaitAll();
  q.toArray();   // returns [1, 2, 3, 4]

`distinct` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `entries`

Returns a sequence of key/value pair for each element and its index.

> Syntax

entries(): AsyncIterableQuery<[number, T]>;

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* ['Bob', 'Alice'];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).entries().awaitAll();
  q.toArray();   // returns [[0, 'Bob'], [1, 'Alice']]

`entries` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `every`

Tests whether all the elements pass the predicate.

> Syntax

every(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): Promise<boolean>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(required)* function to test for each element

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 4, 3, 0];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).every(x => x >= 0); // true

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).every(x => x > 0); // false

### `exclude`

Returns a sequence of elements not contained in a given sequence.

> Syntax

exclude<S>(others: Iterable<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
exclude<S>(others: Iterable<T>, selector: (element: T) => S): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `others` - *(required)* a sequence of elements to be excluded
* `selector` - *(optional)* a value transformer function to be used for comparisons

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [2, 0, 1, 8, 2];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator1()).exclude([0, 1]).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns [2, 8, 2]

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator2()).exclude([{ id: 2 }], x => x.id).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns [{id: 1}]

`exclude` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `filter`

Returns a sequence of elements that pass the predicate.

> Syntax

filter(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(required)* function to test for each element

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).filter(elem => elem < 3).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns [1, 2]

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).filter(elem => elem > 10).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns []

`filter` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `find`

Finds the first element that satisfies the specified predicate.

> Syntax

find(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): Promise<T>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(required)* function to test for each element

If no element satisfies the predicate, returns `undefined`.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).find(elem => elem > 2); // returns 3

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).find(elem => elem > 10); // returns undefined

### `findIndex`

Finds the first index at which a given element satisfies the specified predicate.

> Syntax

findIndex(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): Promise<number>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(required)* function to test for each element

If no element satisfies the predicate, returns `-1`.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).find(elem => elem > 2); // returns 2

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).find(elem => elem > 10); // returns -1

### `findLast`

Finds the last element that satisfies the specified predicate.

> Syntax

findLast(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): Promise<T>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(required)* function to test for each element

If no element satisfies the predicate, returns `undefined`.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).findLast(elem => elem > 2); // returns 5

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).findLast(elem => elem > 10); // returns undefined

### `findLastIndex`

Finds the last index at which a given element satisfies the specified predicate.

> Syntax

findLastIndex(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): Promise<number>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(required)* function to test for each element

If not present, returns `-1`.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).findLastIndex(elem => elem > 2); // returns 4

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).findLastIndex(elem => elem > 10); // returns -1

### `first`

Returns the first element in a sequence.

> Syntax

first(): Promise<T>;

For an empty sequence returns `undefined`.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator1()).first(); // returns 1

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator2()).first(); // returns undefined

### `flat`

Returns a sequence with all sub-sequences concatenated.

> Syntax

flat<T>(selector?: (element: T, index: number) => AsyncIterable<S>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `selector` - *(optional)* a value transformer function to be used for comparisons

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).flat().awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

`flat` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `forEach`

Runs through every element and applies a given function.

> Syntax

forEach(action: (element: T, index: number) => void): Promise<void>;

> Parameters
* `action` - *(required)* function to apply on each element

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).forEach(elem => console.log(elem));
// 1
// 2
// 3

### `groupJoin`

Returns a sequence of correlated elements where each element from the current sequence
is matched with zero or more elements from the other sequence.

> Syntax

groupJoin<TKey, TRight, TResult>(
    other: Iterable<TRight>,
    leftKeySelector: (element: T, index: number) => TKey,
    rightKeySelector: (element: TRight, index: number) => TKey,
    joinSelector: (left: T, right: TRight[]) => TResult,
  ): AsyncIterableQuery<TResult>;

> Parameters
* `other` - *(required)* sequence to join
* `leftKeySelector` - *(required)* function that provides the key of each element from source sequence
* `rightKeySelector` - *(required)* function that provides the key of each element from joined sequence
* `joinSelector` - *(required)* a transformation function to apply on each joined element with group

The `joinSelector` function is called on each element from the source sequence and the array of matched
elements from the joined sequence.  
When an element from the source sequence doesn't match with any of the elements from the joined sequence,
the `joinSelector` function will be called with an empty array.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator())
    .groupJoin([1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2], x => x, x => x, (x, y) => ({ x, y }))
//[ { x: 1, y: [ 1, 1, 1 ] },
//  { x: 2, y: [ 2, 2 ] },
//  { x: 3, y: [ 3 ] } ]

`groupJoin` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `includes`

Determines whether the sequence includes a certain element.

> Syntax

includes(element: T): Promise<boolean>;
includes(element: T, fromIndex: number): Promise<boolean>;

> Parameters
* `element` - *(required)* the element to search for
* `fromIndex` - *(optional)* starting index, defaults to `0`

`includes` uses triple equals `===` to compare elements.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).includes(2); // returns: true
  await itiririAsync(generator()).includes(4); // returns: false

### `indexOf`

Returns the first (zero-based) index at which a given element can be found.

> Syntax

indexOf(element: T): Promise<number>;
indexOf(element: T, fromIndex: number): Promise<number>;

> Parameters
* `element` - *(required)* the element to search for
* `fromIndex` - *(optional)* starting index, defaults to `0`

When an element is not found, returns -1.  
`indexOf` uses triple equals `===` to compare elements.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).indexOf(2); // returns: 1
  await itiririAsync(generator()).indexOf(4); // returns: -1

### `intersect`

Returns a set intersection with a given sequence.

> Syntax

intersect(others: Iterable<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
intersect<S>(other: Iterable<T>, selector: (element: T) => S): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `other` - *(required)* the sequence to intersect with
* `selector` - *(optional)* a value transformer function to be used for comparisons

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator())
    .intersect([1, 2, 4])
  q.toArray(); // returns: [1, 2]

`intersect` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `join`

Returns a sequence of correlated elements transformation that match a given key.

> Syntax

join<TKey, TRight, TResult>(
    other: Iterable<TRight>,
    leftKeySelector: (element: T, index: number) => TKey,
    rightKeySelector: (element: TRight, index: number) => TKey,
    joinSelector: (left: T, right: TRight) => TResult,
  ): AsyncIterableQuery<TResult>;

> Parameters
* `other` - *(required)* sequence to join
* `leftKeySelector` - *(required)* function that provides the key of each element from source sequence
* `rightKeySelector` - *(required)* function that provides the key of each element from joined sequence
* `joinSelector` - *(required)* a transformation function to apply on each matched tuple

The `join` method works as an sql inner join.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator())
    .join([1, 1, 2], x => x, x => x, (x, y) => ({ x, y }))
  q.toArray(); // returns: [ { x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: 2, y: 2 } ]

`join` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `keys`

Returns a sequence of keys for each index in the source sequence.

> Syntax

keys(): AsyncIterableQuery<number>;

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* ['a', 'b', 'c'];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).keys().awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: [0, 1, 2]

`keys` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `last`

Returns the last element in a sequence.

> Syntax

last(): Promise<T>;

For an empty sequence returns `undefined`.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, -2];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).last(); // returns: -2

### `lastIndexOf`

Returns the last index at which a given element can be found.

> Syntax

lastIndexOf(element: T): Promise<number>;
lastIndexOf(element: T, fromIndex: number): Promise<number>;

> Parameters
* `element` - *(required)* the element to search for
* `fromIndex` - *(optional)* starting index, defaults to `0`

When an element is not found, returns -1.  
`lastIndexOf` uses triple equals `===` to compare elements.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 2, 1];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).lastIndexOf(2); // returns: 3

### `leftJoin`

Returns a sequence of correlated elements transformation that match a given key.

> Syntax

leftJoin<TKey, TRight, TResult>(
    other: Iterable<TRight>,
    leftKeySelector: (element: T, index: number) => TKey,
    rightKeySelector: (element: TRight, index: number) => TKey,
    joinSelector: (left: T, right?: TRight) => TResult,
  ): AsyncIterableQuery<TResult>;

> Parameters
* `other` - *(required)* sequence to join
* `leftKeySelector` - *(required)* function that provides the key of each element from source sequence
* `rightKeySelector` - *(required)* function that provides the key of each element from joined sequence
* `joinSelector` - *(required)* a transformation function to apply on each matched tuple

The `leftJoin` method works as an sql left join.
When an element from the left sequence doesn't match with any of the elements from the right sequence,
the `joinSelector` function is called with an `undefined` right value.  

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator())
    .leftJoin([2, 3, 4, 2], n => n, n => n, (a, b) => `${a}-${b || '#'}`)
  q.toArray(); // returns ['1-#', '2-2', '2-2', '3-3']

`leftJoin` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `length`

Returns the number of elements in a sequence.

> Syntax

length(): Promise<number>;
length(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): Promise<number>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(optional)* a function to count only the elements that match the predicate

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).length(); // returns 3

### `map`

Returns a sequence of transformed values.

> Syntax

map<S>(selector: (element: T, index: number) => S): AsyncIterableQuery<S>;

> Parameters
* `selector` - *(required)* a value transformer function to apply to each element

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

function x10(numbers: AsyncIterable<number>) {
  return itiririAsync(numbers).map(n => n * 10);

(async function(){
  const numbers = await x10(generator()).awaitAll();
  console.log(numbers); // [10, 20, 30]

`map` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `max`

Returns the maximum element in a sequence.

> Syntax

max(): Promise<T>;
max(compareFn: (a: T, b: T) => number): Promise<T>;

> Parameters
* `compareFn` - *(optional)* a comparer function that compares two elements from a sequence and returns:
  * `-1` when `a` is less than `b`
  * `1` when `a` is greater `b`
  * `0` when `a` equals to `b`

If sequence is empty, returns `undefined`.  

> Example

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [1, 42, 3];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator1()).max(); // returns 42
  await itiririAsync(generator2()).max(); // returns undefined

### `min`

Returns the minimum element in a sequence.

> Syntax

min(): Promise<T>;
min(compareFn: (a: T, b: T) => number): Promise<T>;

> Parameters
* `compareFn` - *(optional)* a comparer function that compares two elements from a sequence and returns:
  * `-1` when `a` is less than `b`
  * `1` when `a` is greater `b`
  * `0` when `a` equals to `b`

If sequence is empty, returns `undefined`.  

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [1, -2, 3];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator1()).min(); // returns -1
  await itiririAsync(generator2()).min(); // returns undefined

### `nth`

Returns the element at a specified index.

> Syntax

nth(index: number): Promise<T>;

> Parameters
* `index` - *(required)* zero based index at which to get the element

If index is out of the range, returns `undefined` .

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, -2, 3];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).nth(2); // returns: 3
  await itiririAsync(generator()).nth(3); // returns: undefined

### `prepend`

 Returns a sequence with given elements at the beginning.

> Syntax

prepend(other: T): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
prepend(other: Promise<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
prepend(other: Iterable<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
prepend(other: AsyncIterable<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `other` - *(required)* the sequence to be added at the beginning

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, -2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).prepend(4).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: [4, 1, -2, 3]

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).prepend([0, 4]).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: [0, 4, 1, -2, 3]

`prepend` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `reduce`

Applies a function against an accumulator and each element *(from left to right)* to reduce it to a single value.

> Syntax

    callback: (accumulator: T, current: T, index: number) => T,
  ): Promise<T>;

    callback: (accumulator: S, current: T, index: number) => S,
    initialValue: S,
  ): Promise<S>;

> Parameters
* `callback` - *(required)* function to execute on each element in the sequence, taking three arguments
  * `accumulator` the accumulator accumulates the callback's return values;
  * `current` the current element being processed;
  * `currentIndex` the index of the current element being processed;
* `initialValue` - *(optional)* value to use as the first argument to the first call of the `callback`

Calling `reduce` on an empty sequence without an initial value throws an error.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  // 5 + 10 + 20 + 30
  await itiririAsync(generator()).reduce((accum, elem) => accum + elem * 10, 5); // returns 65

### `skip`

Skips the specified number of elements from the beginning of sequence and returns the remaining ones.

> Syntax

skip(count: number): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `count` - *(required)* number of elements to skip

When *count* is greater than actual number of elements, results in an empty sequence.  

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).skip(1).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: [2, 3]

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).skip(10).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: []

`skip` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `slice`

Returns a sequence that represents the range of elements from start to end.

> Syntax

slice(start: number, end: number): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `start` - *(required)* zero-based index at which to begin extraction
* `end` - *(required)* zero-based index before which to end extraction.

The `end` index is not included in the result.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, 3, 4];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).slice(2, 4).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: [3, 3]

`slice` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `some`

Tests whether at least one element passes the predicate.

> Syntax

some(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): Promise<boolean>;

> Parameters
* `predicate` - *(required)* function to test for each element

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3, -3, 4, 0];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator()).some(x => x < 0); // returns: true
  await itiririAsync(generator()).some(x => x > 5); // returns: false

### `sum`

Returns the sum of all elements.

> Syntax

sum(): number;
sum(selector: (element: T, index: number) => number): Promise<number>;

> Parameters
* `selector` - *(optional)* a value transformer function to apply to each element

Optionally, a function can be provided to apply a transformation and map each element to a value.

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [{ val: 3 }, { val: 5 }];

(async function () {
  await itiririAsync(generator1()).sum(); // returns: 6
  await itiririAsync(generator2()).sum(x => x.val); // returns: 8

### `take`

Returns a specified number of elements from the beginning of sequence.

> Syntax

take(count: number): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `count` - *(required)* number of elements to take

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).take(2).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: [1, 2]

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).take(0).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns: []

`take` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `union`

Returns a set union with a given sequence.

> Syntax

union(other: AsyncIterable<T>): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;
union<S>(other: AsyncIterable<T>, selector: (element: T) => S): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Parameters
* `other` - *(required)* the sequence to join with
* `selector` - *(optional)* a value transformer function to be used for comparisons


import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator1() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];

async function* generator2() {
  yield* [3, 4, 5];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator1()).union(generator2()).awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

`union` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

### `values`

Returns a sequence of values for each index in the source sequence.

> Syntax

values(): AsyncIterableQuery<T>;

> Example

import itiririAsync from 'itiriri-async';

async function* generator() {
  yield* [1, 0, 2, 3];

(async function () {
  const q = await itiririAsync(generator()).values().awaitAll();
  q.toArray(); // [1, 0, 2, 3]

`values` *is a deferred method and is executed only when the result sequence is iterated.*

## License