Django Ninja uses Flit to build, package and publish the project.
to install it use:
pip install flit
Once you have it - to install all dependencies required for development and testing use this command:
flit install --deps develop --symlink
Once done you can check if all works with
pytest .
or using Makefile:
make test
Now you are ready to make your contribution
When you done:
Please make sure you made tests to cover your functionality
and finally check the resulting coverage of your contribution did not suffer
pytest --cov=ninja --cov-report term-missing tests
or using Makefile:
make test-cov
Django Ninja uses ruff
, and mypy
for style checks.
Run pre-commit install
to create a git hook to fix your styles before you commit.
Alternatively, manually check your code with:
ruff format --check ninja tests
ruff ninja tests
mypy ninja
or using Makefile:
make lint
Or reformat your code with:
ruff format ninja tests
ruff ninja tests --fix
or using Makefile:
make fmt
Please do not forget to document your contribution
Django Ninja uses mkdocs
cd docs/
mkdocs serve
and go to browser to see changes in real time