As of version 2.0, JNativeHook includes a native library loading interface called NativeLibraryLocator. You can implement this interface to customize what libraries are loaded, as well as where they are loaded from.
public class UrlLibraryLocator implements NativeLibraryLocator {
public Iterator<File> getLibraries() {
String libName = "MyLibrary";
// Get what the system "thinks" the library name should be.
String libNativeName = System.mapLibraryName(libName);
// Hack for OS X JRE 1.6 and earlier.
libNativeName = libNativeName.replaceAll("\\.jnilib$", "\\.dylib");
String libExt = libNativeName.substring(libNativeName.lastIndexOf('.'));
URL libUrl = new URL("http://www.mydomain.tld/pathToFile/" + libNativeName);
File libFile = File.createTempFile(tempFile, libExt);
FileUtils.copyURLToFile(libUrl, libFile);
ArrayList<libFile> list = new ArrayList(1);
return list;