The Calculator for Dyson Sphere Program (game).
This is CLI tool.
$ > python '.\'
< Dyson Sphere Program - calculator >
Enter the name of component > Information matrix
| [ Name ] | pcs | fac | N
| Information matrix | 1.00 | res | 10
| Particle broadband | 1.00 | asm | 8
| Titanium ingot | 1.00 | smelt | 2.0
| Plastic | 1.00 | chem | 3
| Sulfuric acid | 1.50 | chem | 2.25
| Water | 1.50 | pump | -
| Processor | 2.00 | asm | 6
| Carbon nanotube | 2.00 | chem | 4.0
| Titanium ore | 2.00 | mine | -
| Crystal sillicon | 2.00 | smelt | 4
| High-purity sillicon | 2.00 | smelt | 4
| Graphene | 3.00 | chem | 4.5
| Stone ore | 3.00 | mine | -
| Sillicon ore | 4.00 | mine | -
| Refined oil | 4.25 | chem | 8.5
| Crude oil | 4.25 | ref | -
| Energetic graphite | 5.50 | smelt | 11.0
| Coal ore | 11.00 | mine | -
- When you enter the name of the component, it outputs the required material and the number of factories needed to produce deliverable at 1pcs/s.
Create venv
$ python3 -m venv venv
Install requirements
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Reformat and lint
(venv) $ tox