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CCM for Equinix Metal Build and Design

The Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) Equinix Metal plugin enables a Kubernetes cluster to interface directly with Equinix Metal cloud services.


Read how to deploy the Kubernetes CCM for Equinix Metal in the!


To build the binary, run:

make build

It will deposit the binary for your local architecture as dist/bin/cloud-provider-equinix-metal-$(OS)-$(ARCH)

By default make build builds the binary using your locally installed go toolchain. To build it using a docker container, do:

make build DOCKERBUILD=true

By default, it will build for your local operating system and CPU architecture. You can build for alternate architectures or operating systems via the OS and ARCH parameters:

make build OS=darwin
make build OS=linux ARCH=arm64

Docker Image

To build a docker image, run:

make image

The image will be tagged with :latest

CI/CD/Release pipeline

The CI/CD/Release pipeline is run via the following steps:

  • make ci: builds the binary, runs all tests, builds the OCI image
  • make cd: takes the image from the prior stage, tags it with the name of the branch and git hash from the commit, and pushes to the docker registry
  • make release: takes the image from the ci stage, tags it with the git tag, and pushes to the docker registry

The assumptions about workflow are as follows:

  • make ci can be run anywhere. The built binaries and OCI image will be named and tagged as per make build and make image above.
  • make cd should be run only on a merge into main. It generally will be run only in a CI system, e.g. drone or github actions. It requires passing both CONFIRM=true to tell it that it is ok to push, and BRANCH_NAME=${BRANCH_NAME} to tell it what tag should be used in addition to the git hash. For example, to push out the current commit as main: make cd CONFIRM=true BRANCH_NAME=main
  • make release should be run only on applying a tag to main, although it can run elsewhere. It generally will be run only in a CI system. It requires passing both CONFIRM=true to tell it that it is ok to push, and RELEASE_TAG=${RELEASE_TAG} to tell it what tag this release should be. For example, to push out a tagged version v1.2.3 on the current commit: make release CONFIRM=true RELEASE_TAG=v1.2.3.

For both make cd and make release, if you wish to push out a different commit, then check that one out first.

The flow to make changes normally should be:

  1. main is untouched, a protected branch.
  2. In your local copy, create a new working branch.
  3. Make your changes in your working branch, commit and push.
  4. Open a Pull Request or Merge Request from the branch to main. This will cause make ci to run.
  5. When CI passes and maintainers approve, merge the PR/MR into main. This will cause make ci and make cd CONFIRM=true BRANCH_NAME=main to run, pushing out images tagged with :main and :${GIT_HASH}
  6. When a particular commit is ready to cut a release, on main add a git tag and push. This will cause make release CONFIRM=true RELEASE_TAG=<applied git tag> to run, pushing out an image tagged with :${RELEASE_TAG}


The Equinix Metal CCM follows the standard design principles for external cloud controller managers.

The main entrypoint command is in main.go, and provides fairly standard boilerplate for CCM.

  1. import the Equinix Metal implementation as import _ "":
    1. calls init(), which..
    2. registers the Equinix Metal provider
  2. import the main app from
  3. main():
    1. initialize the command
    2. call command.Execute()

The Equinix Metal-specific logic is in, which, as described before, is imported into main.go. The blank import _ is used solely for the side-effects, i.e. to cause the init() function in metal/cloud.go to run before executing the command. This init() registers the Equinix Metal cloud provider via cloudprovider.RegisterCloudProvider, where cloudprovider is aliased to

The init() step does the following registers the Equinix Metal provider with the name "equinixmetal" and an initializer func, which:

  1. retrieves the Equinix Metal project ID and Equinix Metal secret API token
  2. creates a new packngo.Client
  3. creates a new, passing it the client, so it can interact with the Equinix Metal API
  4. returns the, as it complies with cloudprovider.Interface

The cloudprovider now has a functioning struct that can perform the CCM functionality.

File Structure

The primary entrypoint to the Equinix Metal provider is in cloud.go. This file contains the initialization functions, as above, as well as registers the Equinix Metal provider and sets it up.

The cloud struct itself is created via newCloud(), also in cloud.go. This initializes the struct with the packngo.Client, as well as structs for each of the sub-components that are supported: LoadBalancer and InstancesV2. The specific logic for each of these is contained in its own file:

The other calls to cloud return nil, indicating they are not supported.

Adding Functionality

To add support for additional elements of cloudprovider.Interface

  1. Modify newCloud() in cloud.go to populate the cloud struct, using newX(), e.g. to support Routes(), populate with newRoutes.
  2. Create a file to support the new functionality, with the name of the file matching the functionality, e.g. for Routes, name the file routes.go.
  3. In the new file:
    • Create a type <functionality> struct with at least the client and project properties, as well as any others required, e.g. type routes struct
    • Create a func newX() to create and populate the struct
    • Add necessary func with the correct receiver to implement the new functionality, per cloudprovider.Interface
    • Create a test file for the new file, testing each functionality, e.g. routes_test.go. See the section below on testing.


By definition, a cloud controller manager is intended to interface with a cloud provider. It would be difficult and expensive to test the CCM against the true Equinix Metal API each time.

To simplify matters, the Equinix Metal CCM leverages packet-api-server to simulate a true Equinix Metal API. All of the tests leverage testGetValidCloud() from cloud_test.go to:

  • launch a simulated Equinix Metal API server that will terminate at the end of tests
  • create an instance of cloud that is configured to connect to the simulated API server
  • create an instance of store.Memory so you can manipulate the "backend data" that the API server returns

To run any test:

  1. vc, backend := testGetValidCloud(t)
  2. use backend to input the seed data you want
  3. call the function under test
  4. check the results, either as the return from the function under test, or as the modified data in the backend

For examples, see devices_test.go or facilities_test.go.