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Standardise JWTs Usage

Authors: Kimonas Sotirchos @kimwnasptd


  • OIDC logic, via Istio external authoriser, should be adding id_token to http requests in Authorization: Bearer <token> headers


This proposal aims to standardise how the Kubeflow backends should be handling the user information (name of user, groups they belong to), living in JWTs and http headers.

This proposal takes as a requirement that users should be able to use K8s Tokens as Authorization: Bearer <token> headers in their request from inside the cluster. Note that the issuer of the tokens should not be relevant to the Kubeflow applications. It'll be up to the service-mesh to verify them, and be able to work with multiple issuers (i.e. Dex, K8s etc). The applications will only care about the user/groups information from the tokens.


  • Which component should be validating JWTs (id-tokens from OIDC or K8s ServiceAccount tokens)
  • Define where the backends should expect to find user related information
  • Define how different token issuers (i.e. Dex, K8s etc) should be handled


  • Proposing code changes to existing components

Current State

As of Kubeflow 1.8 the user information has been injected into requests as the kubeflow-userid header, from the AuthService (replaced by oauth2-proxy). For this approach to be secure there are the following patterns that Kubeflow follows:

  1. Backends in the kubeflow namespace that need to know the user identity rely on kubeflow-userid headers in http requests.
  2. The AuthService adds the kubeflow-userid header to all authenticated requests.
  3. Only requests from the Istio IngressGateway are trusted to have the kubeflow-userid header
    1. Backends that are not exposed to user namespaces (i.e. jupyter-web-app) are only reachable via the Istio IngressGateway.
    2. The KFP backend explicitly drops requests from user namespaces if they have this header
    3. In-cluster Pods that want to talk to kubeflow workloads, which understands identity, are using a K8s ServiceAccount Token


  • Not able to express AuthorizationPolicies for group header in Istio
  • Limited possibility to use custom JWT claims as a source of information about the authenticated user

To accommodate the above limitations and improve the authentication and authorization flow in terms of security, maintenance and flexibility we propose to add the JWT to the Authorization header, so it can be digested by Istio and have the user details securely injected into the Authorization headers. This will also enable us to define policies in the future for better handling of groups.

But the above creates the following topics that require an agreement on how to handle them:

  1. There will be id_tokens from different issuers (i.e. from Dex, K8s) that the platform will need to handle
  2. Information of user is both in kubeflow-userid and in id_token of http request, for Kubeflow components to deduce the identity from
  3. It's not clear if backends should be validating the JWT (i.e. KFP right now validates ServiceAccount tokens 1 2 )


The goal of this proposal is to provide a uniform way for all backends to handle identity tokens and to specify which levels of the stack are responsible for which parts.

This spec proposes to standardise on the following high level agreement, for new backends:

  1. Requests hitting kubeflow apps, which expect user identity in requests, should have a JWT in Authorization: Bearer <token> header
  2. The service-mesh is responsible for validating the JWTs
    1. The service-mesh must drop (401) a request if the JWT is invalid (RequestAuthentication)
    2. The service-mesh must drop (403) a request if the JWT is not present, and the application expects requests to have a user identity (AuthorizationPolicy)
  3. The backends are not responsible for validating the JWTs or their existence
  4. The service-mesh must expose user and groups to kubeflow-userid and kubeflow-groups headers, after validating JWTs
    1. if the mesh will not override these headers, then users could forge requests and impersonate other users by setting the header and any valid token
    2. for User to Machine traffic, the email claim from id_token should be used by default but it should also allow parameterization to allow using different claims. This is doable via RequestAuthentication with object per issuer
    3. in case of K8s ServiceAccount tokens the sub claim will be used. sub claim format is system:serviceaccount:<sa-namespace>:<sa-name>
    4. in case of Dex tokens it would be [email protected]
  5. The backends will use the information from the headers and not deal with JWTs
    1. SubjectAccessReviews should be made for the user and groups that were exposed from the headers, independently of the issuer of the token
    2. SubjectAccessReview API uses the user, groups, resource and verb details to verify the access against K8s RBAC, which allows defining authorization to specific actions based on K8s standard RBAC implementation

With the above implementation we move all the logic of handling the JWTs to the service-mesh and leave only the business logic to the apps. This also means that the apps don't care about token "types" (i.e. dex, k8s tokens etc) and only have to look at the corresponding headers.

This proposal aims to put more focus on keeping and validating id_tokens but also bridging to the existing functionality of the backends, to avoid extensive changes.


The technical details for the above proposal translate to the following

  1. Common Kubeflow manifests, for all components, for configuring Istio for supporting multiple issuers (Dex and K8s-m2m), via RequestAuthentication objects
  2. AuthorizationPolicy objects of components, for allowing access from Istio IngressGateway, will need to be extended for also requiring a JWT
  3. Backends that need to be accessible from other user-namespaces will need to have an AuthorizationPolicy that allows any request, only if it has a JWT
  4. Backends don't need any logic for validating the JWTs and their existence
  5. RequestAuthentication objects, per issuer, should expose the corresponding token claims to the kubeflow-userid and kubeflow-groups headers
  6. Backends only need to care about kubeflow-userid and kubeflow-groups headers

Requiring a JWT

The service-mesh will need to drop requests (403) that don't have any JWT, for services that expect user identity in the requests.

This can be achieved in multiple ways:

  • By using requestPrincipals
  • By using[iss] in the when condition of an AuthorizationPolicy rule

The recommended way is to use requestPrincipals: ["*"], as the Istio docs suggest, to accept only requests that have a valid JWT.

If an admin would like to further limit access to Kubeflow services based on specific issuers, they can do so by updating the AuthorizationPolicies to instead use[iss].

From the above, the AuthorizationPolicy for the jupyter-web-app should look like:

kind: AuthorizationPolicy
    app: jupyter-web-app
    kustomize.component: jupyter-web-app
  name: jupyter-web-app
  namespace: kubeflow
  action: ALLOW
  - from:
    - source:
        - cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account
        requestPrincipals: # new! Require JWT
        - '*'
      app: jupyter-web-app

Similarly, KFP API Server AuthorizationPolicy, for allowing requests from all namespaces, should be:

kind: AuthorizationPolicy
  labels: ml-pipeline kubeflow-pipelines
    application-crd-id: kubeflow-pipelines
  name: ml-pipeline
  namespace: kubeflow
  - from:
    - source:
        - cluster.local/ns/kubeflow/sa/ml-pipeline
        - cluster.local/ns/kubeflow/sa/ml-pipeline-ui
        - cluster.local/ns/kubeflow/sa/ml-pipeline-persistenceagent
        - cluster.local/ns/kubeflow/sa/ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow
        - cluster.local/ns/kubeflow/sa/ml-pipeline-viewer-crd-service-account
        - cluster.local/ns/kubeflow/sa/kubeflow-pipelines-cache
  - from:
    - source:
        requestPrincipals: # new! Allow request from any source, as long as it has JWT
        - '*'
      app: ml-pipeline