To install and run Gentelella application you must have installed:
- MySQL or related
- PHP ^7.0
- Composer
- Bower
Before installing the application you must run your database e.g. running the shell command:
$ mysql start
Then run the commands:
$ composer create-project krzysiekpiasecki/gentelella gentelella "dev-master"
$ cd gentelella
$ composer setup
$ composer test
$ php bin/console fos:user:create --super-admin
$ php bin/console server:run --env=dev
After successfully running all commands navigate to:
Start the mysql server first. Then run the commands in the terminal:
$ composer create-project krzysiekpiasecki/gentelella gentelella "dev-master"
$ cd gentelella
$ .\vendor\bin\phing.bat setup
$ .\vendor\bin\phpunit.bat
$ php bin\console fos:user:create --super-admin
$ php bin\console server:run --env=prod
To install PHP as CLI follow the article: Command Line PHP on Microsoft Windows