- This is a team project. Recommended team size: 2-3
- Solo submissions are allowed but not encouraged. If you have trouble finding a team mate, call it out on Discord
- Pick one of the project options in the list below
- The goal is to make the project "usable". This is not a hobby project. You are building a tool for the world to use.
- Use well thought out architecture and good coding practices
- Brainstorm features and technical design. Document the decisions in the final repo
- Write tests!
- The assets of a completed project are:
- A GitHub repo containing the source code
- A README explaining the usage of the tool and how someone can deploy the code and self-host
A RESTful API for a e-commerce website that allows users to view products, add items to a shopping cart, and place orders
A social media platform that allows users to create profiles, post updates, and connect with friends
A project management tool that allows teams to collaborate on tasks and projects
A blog / Content Management System that allows organizations to manage and distribute content through website or application, consisting of a "public" set of APIs for viewing and navigating blog and a "private" set of APIs for managing content
A job portal that allows job seekers and recruiters to connect, search and apply for jobs, the backend would handle user management, job posting, and resume management