This repository allows you to easily install essential set of tools for ULX3S programming. Also, comes with tools for ICE40 related boards.
To build FPGA programs for ULX3S board, you'll need the ujprog
, project-trellis
, yosys
, and nextpnr
Installing a simple toolchain is as easy as running the following:
$ brew tap kost/homebrew-ulx3s
$ brew install --HEAD project-trellis yosys nextpnr-trellis fujprog
You can also install alternative to ujprog called openFPGALoader:
$ brew install --HEAD openfpgaloader
ULX3S tools:
- project-trellis
- nextpnr-trelllis
- yosys
- ujprog
- fujprog
- openfpgaloader
ICE40 tools:
- icestorm
- nextpnr-ice40
- yosys
You can always create new tap from current directory
brew tap test/ulx3s .
Note that you need to untap if you have tap by that name already:
brew untap test/ulx3s
trellis related and ice stuff is taken and adapted from: