We know of people that recommend these packages. We haven't included them in our main list because they do not meet one or more of our criteria for a useful R package:
- The code in the package runs fast, with few errors.
- The code in the package has an intuitive syntax that is easy to remember.
- The package plays well with other packages; you do not need to munge your data into new forms to use the package.
- The package is widely used and recommended by its users.
- The package has a development website, or series of vignettes, that make the package easy to learn.
- The package is developed in the open (e.g. on Github or RForge).
- The package uses tests to ensure that it will be stable and bug free well into the future.
- The package is stable and available from CRAN, or we are personally involved with the package and committed to its development.
- scales
- extrafont - import fonts for graphs. No tests.
- ggstat
- gggeom
- manipulate. No tests.
- gridBase - integrates base and grid graphics. No website. Not DS.
- maps - utilities for maps. No website. No vignette.
- labeling - axis labeling algorithms. No website. No vignette.
- gtable - tools for laying out plots. No website. No vignettes. Not for DS.
- gridExtra - extensions for grid graphics. Not for DS.
- scales - Utilities for mapping data to visual aesthetics in plots. No website. No vignette. Not for DS.
- gdata - tools for data manipulation. No website.
- plyr - functions for groupwise operations. Most used parts superceded by dplyr.
- arm - Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. No website. No vignette.
- nlme - Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models. No website.
- kernlab - Kernel-based machine learning methods. No website.
- mgcv - generalized additive models. No website. No vignette.
- boot - bootstrapping methods. No site.
- irlba - SVD, PCA and Symmetric Eigendecomposition for large, sparse matrices. No vignette.
- e1071 -
function for support vector machines. No website. - lmtest - tools to test linear regression models. No website.
- acepack - ACE and AVAS methods for choosing regression transformations. No website. No vignette.
- nnet - neural networks with a single hidden layer. No website. No vignette.
- sandwich - Model-robust standard error estimators for cross-sectional, time series, and longitudinal data. No website.
- Formula - Infrastructure for multipart modelling formulas. No website.
- MASS - functions and data sets from Modern Applied Statistics with S. No development website. No vignette.
- caTools - tools for moving window statistics. No Website. No Vignette.
- quantreg - quantile regression. No Website.
- stargazer - Turns R objects into customized tables. No public development page.
- countdown - countdown timer for R Markdown documents. Not on Cran. No vignette.
- openssl - Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL. Not for DS.
- RCurl - libcurl interface for HTTP requests. Not for DS.
- httpuv - tools for HTTP and WebSocket requests. Not DS.
- registry - tools for defining and using registries. No website. Not DS.
- pkgmaker - Utilities for making R packages. Not DS.
- quadprog - tools for solving quadratic programming. No dev site.
- doParallel - parallel processing when combined with the
package. No website. - withr - run code with safely and temporarily modified global state. Not DS.
- whisker - {{mustache}} templating for R. Not DS.
- gtools - Various R Programming Tools. No website. No vignette.
- assertthat - tools for more friendly error messages. Not DS.
- lazyeval - tools to program with non-standard evaluation. Not for DS.
- iterators - Support for iterating operations. No website.
- memoise - Cache the results of a function so that when you call it again with the same arguments it returns the pre-computed value. Not for DS.
- RcppEigen - interface for Eigen C++ library for linear algebra. Not for DS.
- foreach - foreach looping. Now Website.
- evaluate - Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the command line behaviour of R. Not for DS.
- BH - Boost C++ templates for R. Not for DS.
- rJava - Low-Level R to Java Interface. Not for DS.
- bitops - functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors. No website. No vignette. Not for DS.
- curl - An R connection interface to libcurl. Not for DS.
- mime - Map Filenames to MIME Types. Not for DS.
- digest - Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects. Not for DS.
- snow - simple parallel computing in R. No website.
- Rth - Parallel processing with R through Thrush. Not on CRAN.
- datasets - small data sets
- HistData - small data sets of historical importance