diff --git a/packages/html/test/compile.test.tsx b/packages/html/test/compile.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 39c5dfeed..000000000
--- a/packages/html/test/compile.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-import assert from 'node:assert';
-import test, { describe } from 'node:test';
-import Html, { compile } from '../index';
-type Props = Html.PropsWithChildren<{ color: string }>;
-function Component({ color, children }: Props) {
- return (
- );
-describe('Compiled components', () => {
- test('simple', () => {
- const Compiled = Html.compile(Component);
- assert.equal(
- 1,
- ''
- );
- });
- test('with children', () => {
- const Compiled = Html.compile>(Component);
- assert.equal(
- <>1>
- <>2>
- ,
- ''
- );
- });
- test('with props', () => {
- const Compiled = Html.compile(Component);
- assert.equal(
- 1,
- ''
- );
- });
- test('handmade component', () => {
- const Compiled = Html.compile(({ color, children }: Props) => (
- ));
- assert.equal(
- 1,
- ''
- );
- });
- test('strict', () => {
- const Compiled = Html.compile(({ color, children }: Props) => (
- ));
- assert.throws(
- //@ts-expect-error - Property color was not provided.
- () => Compiled({}),
- /Error: Property color was not provided./
- );
- assert.throws(
- //@ts-expect-error - Property color was not provided.
- () => Compiled(),
- /Error: The arguments object was not provided./
- );
- });
- test('not strict', () => {
- const Compiled = Html.compile(
- ({ color, children }: Props) => (
- ),
- false
- );
- assert.doesNotThrow(
- //@ts-expect-error - Property color was not provided.
- Compiled
- );
- assert.equal(
- //@ts-expect-error - Property color was not provided.
- ,
- ''
- );
- });
- test('multiple children', () => {
- const Compiled = Html.compile(({ children }) => {children}
- assert.equal(
- 1
- 2
- ,
- ''
- );
- });
- test('validations', () => {
- assert.throws(
- //@ts-expect-error - should complain
- () => compile('not a function'),
- /Error: The first argument must be a function./
- );
- async function AsyncComponent() {
- return ;
- }
- assert.throws(
- () => compile(AsyncComponent),
- /Error: You cannot use compile\(\) with async components./
- );
- });
- test('escapes backtick', () => {
- const compiled = compile<{ prop: string }>((p) => ` {p.prop}
- assert.equal(compiled({ prop: 'test' }), '` test
- });
diff --git a/packages/html/test/util.test.ts b/packages/html/test/util.test.ts
index e1828a885..99ebb2a65 100644
--- a/packages/html/test/util.test.ts
+++ b/packages/html/test/util.test.ts
@@ -87,18 +87,9 @@ describe('Util', () => {
test('esm and cjs usage', async () => {
const Html0 = require('../index');
- const { Html: Html1 } = require('../index');
- const Html2 = require('../index').default;
+ const Html1 = await import('../index');
- const Html3 = await import('../index');
- const { Html: Html4 } = await import('../index');
- const Html5 = (await import('../index')).default;
- assert.deepEqual(Html0, Html);
- assert.deepEqual(Html1, Html);
- assert.deepEqual(Html2, Html);
- assert.deepEqual(Html3, Html);
- assert.deepEqual(Html4, Html);
- assert.deepEqual(Html5, Html);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(Html0, Html);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(Html1, Html);