Digital clock with stopwatch and timer function
- ncurses library used for displaying character on terminal
- thread library used for switching functions
this program needs ncurses
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
- build
- run
./main.out -v [refresh interval of 1~1000]
- clean
make clean
- 'h' and 'l' key for switching functions
- 's' and 'r' key for 'stop/resume' and 'reset'
- 'm' key for switching among hour, minute and seconds in timer function
- 'j' and 'k' key for 'decrease' and 'increase' numbers in timer function
- This program uses linux threads, so default refresh interval setting of 1 milliseconds for stopwatch and timer can use quite long cpu time.
- By using -v flag, the refresh interval can be adjusted.
- 1 is the highest and 1000 is the lowest (1 milliseconds, 1000 milliseconds = 1 seconds)