diff --git a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/build/diacritic_rota.js b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/build/diacritic_rota.js
index 84ed997eb6c..159c4d811ba 100644
--- a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/build/diacritic_rota.js
+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/build/diacritic_rota.js
@@ -1 +1,1413 @@
-if(typeof keyman === 'undefined') {console.log('Keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later');if(typeof tavultesoft !== 'undefined') tavultesoft.keymanweb.util.alert("This keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later");} else {KeymanWeb.KR(new Keyboard_diacritic_rota());}function Keyboard_diacritic_rota(){this._v=(typeof keyman!="undefined"&&typeof keyman.version=="string")?parseInt(keyman.version,10):9;this.KI="Keyboard_diacritic_rota";this.KN="Diacritic 10-key Rota";this.KMINVER="14.0";this.KV={F:' 1em "Arial"',K102:0};this.KV.KLS={};this.KV.BK=(function(x){var e=Array.apply(null,Array(65)).map(String.prototype.valueOf,""),r=[],v,i,m=['default','shift','ctrl','shift-ctrl','alt','shift-alt','ctrl-alt','shift-ctrl-alt'];for(i=m.length-1;i>=0;i--)if((v=x[m[i]])||r.length)r=(v?v:e).slice().concat(r);return r})(this.KV.KLS);this.KDU=0;this.KH='';this.KM=0;this.KBVER="1.0";this.KMBM=0x0010;this.KVKD="T_DK_DIA_GRAVE T_DK_DIA_ACUTE 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{return this.g0(t,e);};this.gs=function(t,e) {return this.g0(t,e);};this.g0=function(t,e) {var k=KeymanWeb,r=0,m=0;if(k.KKM(e,16384,256)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"̀");k.KDO(-1,t,0);}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,257)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"́");k.KDO(-1,t,1);}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,258)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"̂");k.KDO(-1,t,2);}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,256)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"̀");k.KDO(-1,t,0);}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,257)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"́");k.KDO(-1,t,1);}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,258)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"̂");k.KDO(-1,t,2);}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,32)) {if(k.KFCM(2,t,[{t:'a',a:this.s21},{t:'a',a:this.s22}])){r=m=1;k.KDC(2,t);k.KO(-1,t," ");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,32)) {if(k.KFCM(2,t,[{t:'a',a:this.s21},{t:'a',a:this.s22}])){r=m=1;k.KDC(2,t);k.KO(-1,t," ");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,65)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"A");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,66)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"B");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,67)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"C");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,68)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"D");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,69)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"E");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,70)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"F");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,71)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"G");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,72)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"H");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,73)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"I");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,74)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"J");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,75)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"K");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,76)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"L");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,77)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"M");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,78)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"N");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,79)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"O");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,80)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"P");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,81)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"Q");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,82)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"R");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,83)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"S");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,84)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"T");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,85)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"U");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,86)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"V");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,87)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"W");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,88)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"X");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,89)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"Y");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16400,90)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"Z");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,65)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"a");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,66)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"b");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,67)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"c");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,68)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"d");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,69)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"e");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,70)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"f");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,71)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"g");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,72)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"h");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,73)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"i");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,74)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"j");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,75)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"k");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,76)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"l");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,77)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"m");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,78)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"n");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,79)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"o");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,80)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"p");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,81)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"q");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,82)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"r");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,83)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"s");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,84)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"t");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,85)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"u");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,86)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"v");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,87)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"w");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,88)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"x");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,89)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"y");}}else if(k.KKM(e,16384,90)) {if(1){r=m=1;k.KDC(0,t);k.KO(-1,t,"z");}}if(m==1) {k.KDC(-1,t);r=this.g1(t,e);m=2;}return r;};this.g1=function(t,e) {var k=KeymanWeb,r=1,m=0;if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̀',{t:'d',d:0},{t:'a',a:this.s13}])){m=1;k.KDC(3,t);k.KIO(-1,this.s15,3,t);}else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['́',{t:'d',d:1},{t:'a',a:this.s13}])){m=1;k.KDC(3,t);k.KIO(-1,this.s17,3,t);}else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̂',{t:'d',d:2},{t:'a',a:this.s13}])){m=1;k.KDC(3,t);k.KIO(-1,this.s19,3,t);}else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̀',{t:'d',d:0},{t:'a',a:this.s14}])){m=1;k.KDC(3,t);k.KIO(-1,this.s16,3,t);}else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['́',{t:'d',d:1},{t:'a',a:this.s14}])){m=1;k.KDC(3,t);k.KIO(-1,this.s18,3,t);}else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̂',{t:'d',d:2},{t:'a',a:this.s14}])){m=1;k.KDC(3,t);k.KIO(-1,this.s20,3,t);}return r;};}
\ No newline at end of file
+if(typeof keyman === 'undefined') {
+ console.log('Keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later');
+ if(typeof tavultesoft !== 'undefined') tavultesoft.keymanweb.util.alert("This keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later");
+} else {
+KeymanWeb.KR(new Keyboard_diacritic_rota());
+function Keyboard_diacritic_rota()
+ var modCodes = keyman.osk.modifierCodes;
+ var keyCodes = keyman.osk.keyCodes;
+ this._v=(typeof keyman!="undefined"&&typeof keyman.version=="string")?parseInt(keyman.version,10):9;
+ this.KI="Keyboard_diacritic_rota";
+ this.KN="Diacritic 10-key Rota";
+ this.KMINVER="14.0";
+ this.KV={F:' 1em "Arial"',K102:0};
+ this.KV.KLS={
+ };
+ this.KV.BK=(function(x){
+ var
+ empty=Array.apply(null, Array(65)).map(String.prototype.valueOf,""),
+ result=[], v, i,
+ modifiers=['default','shift','ctrl','shift-ctrl','alt','shift-alt','ctrl-alt','shift-ctrl-alt'];
+ for(i=modifiers.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
+ v = x[modifiers[i]];
+ if(v || result.length > 0) {
+ result=(v ? v : empty).slice().concat(result);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ })(this.KV.KLS);
+ this.KDU=0;
+ this.KH='';
+ this.KM=0;
+ this.KBVER="1.0";
+ this.KMBM=modCodes.SHIFT /* 0x0010 */;
+ this.KVKL={
+ "phone": {
+ "font": "Tahoma",
+ "layer": [
+ {
+ "id": "default",
+ "row": [
+ {
+ "id": "1",
+ "key": [
+ {
+ "id": "K_7",
+ "text": "7"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "K_8",
+ "text": "8",
+ "hint": "abc",
+ "multitap": [
+ {
+ "text": "a",
+ "id": "K_A"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "b",
+ "id": "K_B"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "c",
+ "id": "K_C"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "A",
+ "id": "K_A",
+ "nextlayer": "shift",
+ "layer": "shift"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "B",
+ "id": "K_B",
+ "nextlayer": "shift",
+ "layer": "shift"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "C",
+ "id": "K_C",
+ "nextlayer": "shift",
+ "layer": "shift"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "K_9",
+ "text": "9",
+ "hint": "def",
+ "multitap": [
+ {
+ "text": "d",
+ "id": "K_D"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "e",
+ "id": "K_E"
+ },
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+ k.KO(-1,t,"̀");
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+ r=m=1; // Line 46
+ k.KDC(2,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t," ");
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+ }
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+ if(1){
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+ k.KDC(0,t);
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+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_D /* 0x44 */)) {
+ if(1){
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+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"D");
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+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"E");
+ }
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+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_F /* 0x46 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"F");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_G /* 0x47 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"G");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_H /* 0x48 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"H");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_I /* 0x49 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"I");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_J /* 0x4A */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"J");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_K /* 0x4B */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"K");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_L /* 0x4C */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"L");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_M /* 0x4D */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"M");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_N /* 0x4E */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"N");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_O /* 0x4F */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"O");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_P /* 0x50 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"P");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_Q /* 0x51 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"Q");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_R /* 0x52 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"R");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_S /* 0x53 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"S");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_T /* 0x54 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"T");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_U /* 0x55 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"U");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_V /* 0x56 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"V");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_W /* 0x57 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"W");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_X /* 0x58 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"X");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_Y /* 0x59 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"Y");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.SHIFT | modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4010 */, keyCodes.K_Z /* 0x5A */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 43
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"Z");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_A /* 0x41 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"a");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_B /* 0x42 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"b");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_C /* 0x43 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"c");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_D /* 0x44 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"d");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_E /* 0x45 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"e");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_F /* 0x46 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"f");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_G /* 0x47 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"g");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_H /* 0x48 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"h");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_I /* 0x49 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"i");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_J /* 0x4A */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"j");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_K /* 0x4B */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"k");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_L /* 0x4C */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"l");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_M /* 0x4D */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"m");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_N /* 0x4E */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"n");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_O /* 0x4F */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"o");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_P /* 0x50 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"p");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_Q /* 0x51 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"q");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_R /* 0x52 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"r");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_S /* 0x53 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"s");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_T /* 0x54 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"t");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_U /* 0x55 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"u");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_V /* 0x56 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"v");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_W /* 0x57 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"w");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_X /* 0x58 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"x");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_Y /* 0x59 */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"y");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(k.KKM(e, modCodes.VIRTUAL_KEY /* 0x4000 */, keyCodes.K_Z /* 0x5A */)) {
+ if(1){
+ r=m=1; // Line 42
+ k.KDC(0,t);
+ k.KO(-1,t,"z");
+ }
+ }
+ if(m==1) {
+ k.KDC(-1,t);
+ r=this.g_combine_1(t,e);
+ m=2;
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ this.g_combine_1=function(t,e) {
+ var k=KeymanWeb,r=1,m=0;
+ if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̀',{t:'d',d:0},{t:'a',a:this.s_basealpha_13}])){
+ m=1; // Line 54
+ k.KDC(3,t);
+ k.KIO(-1,this.s_alphagrave_15,3,t);
+ }
+ else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['́',{t:'d',d:1},{t:'a',a:this.s_basealpha_13}])){
+ m=1; // Line 55
+ k.KDC(3,t);
+ k.KIO(-1,this.s_alphaacute_17,3,t);
+ }
+ else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̂',{t:'d',d:2},{t:'a',a:this.s_basealpha_13}])){
+ m=1; // Line 56
+ k.KDC(3,t);
+ k.KIO(-1,this.s_alphacircum_19,3,t);
+ }
+ else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̀',{t:'d',d:0},{t:'a',a:this.s_bigalpha_14}])){
+ m=1; // Line 58
+ k.KDC(3,t);
+ k.KIO(-1,this.s_biggrave_16,3,t);
+ }
+ else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['́',{t:'d',d:1},{t:'a',a:this.s_bigalpha_14}])){
+ m=1; // Line 59
+ k.KDC(3,t);
+ k.KIO(-1,this.s_bigacute_18,3,t);
+ }
+ else if(k.KFCM(3,t,['̂',{t:'d',d:2},{t:'a',a:this.s_bigalpha_14}])){
+ m=1; // Line 60
+ k.KDC(3,t);
+ k.KIO(-1,this.s_bigcircum_20,3,t);
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
diff --git a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/diacritic_rota.kpj b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/diacritic_rota.kpj
index 041493da886..6faa433afad 100644
--- a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/diacritic_rota.kpj
+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/diacritic_rota.kpj
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
- True
- keyboard
diff --git a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.keyman-touch-layout b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.keyman-touch-layout
index 66912da4b96..998755428f0 100644
--- a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.keyman-touch-layout
+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.keyman-touch-layout
@@ -820,12 +820,13 @@
"id": "K_SHIFT",
"text": "*Shift*",
"width": 100,
- "sp": 1,
+ "sp": 2,
"nextlayer": "default"
"id": "K_0",
- "text": "0"
+ "text": "0",
+ "layer": "default"
"id": "K_PERIOD",
diff --git a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.kps b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.kps
index 731ab10b943..239d6024723 100644
--- a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.kps
+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/diacritic_rota/source/diacritic_rota.kps
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@@ -55,11 +55,15 @@
- Diacritic Rota
+ Diacritic 10-key Rota
+ English
diff --git a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/gesture_prototyping/gesture_prototyping.kpj b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/gesture_prototyping/gesture_prototyping.kpj
index a270dd04fa3..b9632965945 100644
--- a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/gesture_prototyping/gesture_prototyping.kpj
+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/gesture_prototyping/gesture_prototyping.kpj
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
- True
- keyboard
diff --git a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/ye_old_ten_key/build/ye_old_ten_key.js b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/ye_old_ten_key/build/ye_old_ten_key.js
index 7624e771fc5..9db6476136c 100644
--- a/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/ye_old_ten_key/build/ye_old_ten_key.js
+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/ye_old_ten_key/build/ye_old_ten_key.js
@@ -1 +1,824 @@
-if(typeof keyman === 'undefined') {console.log('Keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later');if(typeof tavultesoft !== 'undefined') tavultesoft.keymanweb.util.alert("This keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later");} else {KeymanWeb.KR(new Keyboard_ye_old_ten_key());}function Keyboard_ye_old_ten_key(){this._v=(typeof keyman!="undefined"&&typeof keyman.version=="string")?parseInt(keyman.version,10):9;this.KI="Keyboard_ye_old_ten_key";this.KN="ye_old_ten_key";this.KMINVER="10.0";this.KV={F:' 1em "Arial"',K102:0};this.KV.KLS={};this.KV.BK=(function(x){var e=Array.apply(null,Array(65)).map(String.prototype.valueOf,""),r=[],v,i,m=['default','shift','ctrl','shift-ctrl','alt','shift-alt','ctrl-alt','shift-ctrl-alt'];for(i=m.length-1;i>=0;i--)if((v=x[m[i]])||r.length)r=(v?v:e).slice().concat(r);return 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\ No newline at end of file
+if(typeof keyman === 'undefined') {
+ console.log('Keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later');
+ if(typeof tavultesoft !== 'undefined') tavultesoft.keymanweb.util.alert("This keyboard requires KeymanWeb 10.0 or later");
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "text": "*Enter*",
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+ }
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4",
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+ }
+ this.KVER="";
+ this.KVS=[];
+ this.gs=function(t,e) {
+ return this.g_main_0(t,e);
+ };
+ this.gs=function(t,e) {
+ return this.g_main_0(t,e);
+ };
+ this.g_main_0=function(t,e) {
+ var k=KeymanWeb,r=0,m=0;
+ return r;
+ };
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+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/ye_old_ten_key/source/ye_old_ten_key.keyman-touch-layout
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"key": [
"id": "K_SHIFT",
- "text": "*Shifted*",
+ "text": "*Shift*",
"width": 100,
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+ "sp": 2,
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"id": "K_0",
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+ "text": "0",
+ "layer": "default"
"id": "K_SPACE",
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+ English
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+++ b/web/src/test/manual/web/keyboards/ye_old_ten_key/ye_old_ten_key.kpj
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
- True
- keyboard
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