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File metadata and controls

34 lines (27 loc) · 2.24 KB

The goal of this repository is to supplement the main Real-Time High Resolution Background Matting repo with a working demo of a videoconferencing plugin (e.g. the code used in our promotional demos).


This plugin requires Linux, because it relies on the v4l2loopback kernel module to create and stream to virtual video devices. We welcome and encourage community adaptations to other platforms.

  1. Install v4l2loopback. On Debian/Ubuntu, the command is likely sudo apt-get install v4l2loopback-utils.
  2. Install required packages in requirements.txt
    • If starting from the main repository, just install pyfakewebcam (Python interface for v4l2loopback, pip install pyfakewebcam). You can move the script to the root level in that repository.


Before running the plugin, the virtual web camera device needs to be created.

sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=1

The above command should create a single virtual webcam at /dev/video1 (the number may change), which is the default stream output for the plugin script. This webcam can now be selected by software such as Zoom, browsers, etc.

After downloading the TorchScript weights of your choice here, launch the pluging with e.g.: python --model-checkpoint torchscript_resnet50_fp32.pth

Once the plugin is launched, a simple OpenCV-based UI will show two buttons:

  • Toggle between background selection view and (after snapping a background) actual matting
  • Cycle through target background options:
    1. Plain white
    2. Gaussian blur of the background frame
    3. Supplied target video background (samples included in this repo)
    4. Supplied target image background At any point, press Q to exit.


For best results:

  1. Avoid blocking bright light, especially during background capture.
  2. Avoid changing light conditions. For prolonged use, it may be helpful to re-take the background as light conditions drift.

Thanks to CK FreeVideoTemplates on YouTube for the seasonal video target background.