- Allow selecting text in chat; to make copy and paste work.
- Longer chat history
- Taller chat box, based on resolution
- Unlock all 5 additional Plane Presets, possible?
- Select the Ace Badge you want to wear; might require separate server for coordination?
- Small Speechbubble icon on player's who are writing in chat; next to friend and mute icons; also works for spectating players, requires server support
- Ability to contact servers directly without nimbly main server? (LAN servers!?, testing required)
- Remove bouncy walls from server list display and filter and in-game tablist (I just hate that setting, make your walls bouncy via the map editor directly)
- Allow receiving and displaying custom gamemode names in the serverlist; regardless of map name
- Mute certain (all?) server messages like gravity change, etc
- Remember last used password for servers that require passwords
- When a player is in spectator mode, don't show anyones powerups, unless the player is an admin (add separate permission?)
- color codes in names and chat?
- Show player health, energy, thrust, veteran bars, etc and also allow custom per server/map info like carries bomb, ball, keys, etc - in tab gui