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998 lines (807 loc) · 37 KB
  • Feature Name: inline_semantic, caller_location
  • Start Date: 2017-07-31
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Enable accurate caller location reporting during panic in {Option, Result}::{unwrap, expect} with the following changes:

  1. Support the #[inline(semantic)] function attribute, which guarantees a function is inlined before reaching LLVM.
  2. Adds lang-item consts which retrieves the caller's source location.


#![feature(inline_semantic, caller_location)]
use core::caller;

fn unwrap(self) -> T {
    panic!("{}:{}:{}: oh no", caller::FILE, caller::LINE, caller::COLUMN);

let n: Option<u32> = None;
let m = n.unwrap();


It is well-known that the error message reported by unwrap() is useless.

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', /checkout/src/libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

There have been numerous discussions (a, b, c) that wants unwrap() and friends to provide the better information to locate the panic. Previously, RFC 1669 attempted to address this by introducing the unwrap!(x) macro to the standard library, but it was closed since the x.unwrap() convention is too entrenched.

This RFC tries to introduce line numbers into unwrap() without requiring users to adapt a new idiom, i.e. the user should be able to see the precise location without changing any of the source code.

Guide-level explanation

Let's reimplement unwrap()

unwrap() and expect() are two methods on Option and Result that are commonly used when you are absolutely sure they only contains a successful value and you want to extract it.

use std::env::args;
fn main() {
    println!("args[1] = {}", args().nth(1).unwrap());
    println!("args[2] = {}", args().nth(2).unwrap());
    println!("args[3] = {}", args().nth(3).unwrap());

If the assumption is wrong, they will panic and tell you that an error is unexpected.

$ ./1
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./1 arg1
args[1] = arg1
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./1 arg1 arg2
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./1 arg1 arg2 arg3
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
args[3] = arg3

Let's say you are unhappy with these built-in functions, e.g. you want to provide an alternative error message:

use std::env::args;
pub fn my_unwrap<T>(input: Option<T>) -> T {
    match input {
        Some(t) => t,
        None => panic!("nothing to see here, move along"),
fn main() {
    println!("args[1] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(1)));
    println!("args[2] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(2)));
    println!("args[3] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(3)));

This trivial implementation, however, will only report the panic happens inside my_unwrap. This is pretty useless, since it is the caller of my_unwrap that have made the wrong assumption!

$ ./2
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see here, move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./2 arg1
args[1] = arg1
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see here, move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./2 arg1 arg2
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see here, move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./2 arg1 arg2 arg3
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
args[3] = arg3

The trivial solution would be requiring user to provide file!(), line!() and column!(). A slightly more ergonomic solution would be changing my_unwrap to a macro, thus these constants can be automatically provided.

macro_rules! my_unwrap {
    ($input:expr) => {
        match $input {
            Some(t) => t,
            None => panic!("nothing to see at {}:{}:{}, move along", file!(), line!(), column!()),
println!("args[1] = {}", my_unwrap!(args().nth(1)));
//                                ^ tell user to add an `!`.

But what if you have already published the my_unwrap crate that has thousands of users, and you want to maintain API stability? Before Rust 1.XX, the builtin unwrap() has the same problem!


The reason a my_unwrap! macro works is because it copy-and-paste the entire content of its macro definition everytime it is used.

println!("args[1] = {}", my_unwrap!(args().nth(1)));
println!("args[2] = {}", my_unwrap!(args().nth(2)));

// is equivalent to:

println!("args[1] = {}", match args().nth(1) {
    Some(t) => t,
    None => panic!("nothing to see at {}:{}:{}, move along", file!(), line!(), column!()),
println!("args[2] = {}", match args().nth(2) {
    Some(t) => t,
    None => panic!("nothing to see at {}:{}:{}, move along", file!(), line!(), column!()),

What if we allow normal functions be able to copy-and-paste its content as well? This is called inlining, which Rust and many other languages have supported this as an optimization step. If the function is inlined, the compiler can also tell the inlined function the location it is inlined, and thus able to report this to the user.

Rust allows developers to use the #[inline] attribute to hint the optimizer that a function should be inlined. However, if we want the precise caller location, a hint is not enough, it needs to be a requirement. Therefore, the #[inline(semantic)] attribute is introduced.


#[inline(semantic)] // <-- new
pub fn my_unwrap<T>(input: Option<T>) -> T {
    match input {
        Some(t) => t,
        None => panic!("nothing to see here, move along"),

println!("args[1] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(1)));
println!("args[2] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(2)));

// almost equivalent to:

println!("args[1] = {}", match args().nth(1) {
    Some(t) => t,
    None => panic!("nothing to see here, move along"),
println!("args[2] = {}", match args().nth(2) {
    Some(t) => t,
    None => panic!("nothing to see here, move along"),

If you try this code above, you will find that the panic still occurs inside my_unwrap, not at the caller's position. #[inline(semantic)] is still only a very-insistent inliner, so its behavior is still like a normal function — the syntactic location of the panic! is still inside the my_wrap. The Rust language provides a different way to obtain the caller location after the function is inlined.

Caller location

The core crate provides three magic constants core::caller::{FILE, LINE, COLUMN} which resolves to the caller's location one the function is inlined.

#![feature(inline_semantic, caller_location)]

extern crate core;

pub fn get_caller_loc() -> (&'static str, u32) {
    (core::caller::FILE, core::caller::LINE)

assert_eq!(get_caller_loc(), (file!(), line!()));
assert_eq!(get_caller_loc(), (file!(), line!()));
assert_eq!(get_caller_loc(), (file!(), line!()));

There is also a caller_location!() macro to return all three information as a single tuple.

use std::env::args;
#[inline(semantic)]  // <--
pub fn my_unwrap<T>(input: Option<T>) -> T {
    match input {
        Some(t) => t,
        None => panic!("nothing to see at {:?}, move along", caller_location!()), // <--
fn main() {
    println!("args[1] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(1)));
    println!("args[2] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(2)));
    println!("args[3] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(3)));

Now we do get the caller locations, but the location in my_unwrap is also shown, which looks very strange.

$ ./3
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see at ("", 12, 29), move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./3 arg1
args[1] = arg1
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see at ("", 13, 29), move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./3 arg1 arg2
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see at ("", 14, 29), move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./3 arg1 arg2 arg3
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
args[3] = arg3

There is a more specialized macro, panic_at_source_location!, which allows you to customize where the panic occurs. Now we have truly reproduced how the built-in unwrap() is implemented.

use std::env::args;
pub fn my_unwrap<T>(input: Option<T>) -> T {
    match input {
        Some(t) => t,
        None => panic_at_source_location!(caller_location!(), "nothing to see here, move along"), // <--
fn main() {
    println!("args[1] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(1)));
    println!("args[2] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(2)));
    println!("args[3] = {}", my_unwrap(args().nth(3)));
$ ./4
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see here, move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./4 arg1
args[1] = arg1
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see here, move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./4 arg1 arg2
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
thread 'main' panicked at 'nothing to see here, move along',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

$ ./4 arg1 arg2 arg3
args[1] = arg1
args[2] = arg2
args[3] = arg3

Why do we use semantic-inlining

If you are learning Rust alongside other languages, you may wonder why Rust obtains the caller information in such a strange way. There are two restrictions that forces us to adapt this solution:

  1. Programmatic access to the stack backtrace is often used in interpreted or runtime-heavy languages like Python and Java. However, the stack backtrace is not suitable for systems languages like Rust, because optimization often collapses multiple levels of function calls, and in some embedded system the backtrace may even be unavailable.

  2. Rust does not (yet) support default function arguments or function overloading, because it badly interferes with type inference. Therefore, solutions that uses default function arguments are also ruled out. Default-function-arguments-based solutions are often used in languages that does not perform inference higher than statement level, e.g. Swift and C#.

Reference-level explanation

Survey of panicking standard functions

Many standard functions may panic. These are divided into three categories, on whether they should receive caller information despite the inlining cost associated with it.

(The list of functions is not exhaustive. Only those with a "Panics" section in the documentation are included.)

  1. Must have. These functions are designed to generate a panic, or used so often that indicating a panic happening from them often gives no useful information.

    Function Panic condition
    Option::expect self is None
    Option::unwrap self is None
    Result::expect_err self is Ok
    Result::expect self is Err
    Result::unwrap_err self is Ok
    Result::unwrap self is Err
    [T]::index_mut range out of bounds
    [T]::index range out of bounds
    BTreeMap::index key not found
    HashMap::index key not found
    str::index_mut range out of bounds or off char boundary
    str::index range out of bounds or off char boundary
    VecDeque::index_mut index out of bounds
    VecDeque::index index out of bounds
  2. Nice to have. These functions are not commonly used, or the panicking condition is pretty rare. Often the panic information contains enough clue to fix the error without backtrace. Inlining them would bloat the binary size without much benefit.

    List of category 2 functions
    Function Panic condition
    std::env::args non UTF-8 values
    std::env::set_var invalid key or value
    std::env::vars non UTF-8 values
    std::thread::spawn OS failed to create the thread
    [T]::clone_from_slice slice lengths differ
    [T]::copy_from_slice slice lengths differ
    [T]::rotate index out of bounds
    [T]::split_at_mut index out of bounds
    [T]::swap index out of bounds
    BinaryHeap::reserve_exact capacity overflow
    BinaryHeap::reserve capacity overflow
    Duration::new arithmetic overflow
    HashMap::reserve capacity overflow
    HashSet::reserve capacity overflow
    i32::overflowing_div zero divisor
    i32::overflowing_rem zero divisor
    i32::wrapping_div zero divisor
    i32::wrapping_rem zero divisor
    Instance::duration_since time travel
    Instance::elapsed time travel
    Iterator::count extremely long iterator
    Iterator::enumerate extremely long iterator
    Iterator::position extremely long iterator
    Iterator::product arithmetic overflow in debug build
    Iterator::sum arithmetic overflow in debug build
    LinkedList::split_off index out of bounds
    LocalKey::with TLS has been destroyed
    RawVec::double_in_place capacity overflow
    RawVec::double capacity overflow
    RawVec::reserve_exact capacity overflow
    RawVec::reserve_in_place capacity overflow
    RawVec::reserve capacity overflow
    RawVec::shrink_to_fit given amount is larger than current capacity
    RawVec::with_capacity capacity overflow
    RefCell::borrow_mut a borrow or mutable borrow is active
    RefCell::borrow a mutable borrow is active
    str::split_at_mut range out of bounds or off char boundary
    str::split_at range out of bounds or off char boundary
    String::drain range out of bounds or off char boundary
    String::insert_str index out of bounds or off char boundary
    String::insert index out of bounds or off char boundary
    String::remove index out of bounds or off char boundary
    String::reserve_exact capacity overflow
    String::reserve capacity overflow
    String::splice range out of bounds or off char boundary
    String::split_off index out of bounds or off char boundary
    String::truncate off char boundary
    Vec::append capacity overflow
    Vec::drain range out of bounds
    Vec::insert index out of bounds
    Vec::push capacity overflow
    Vec::remove index out of bounds
    Vec::reserve_exact capacity overflow
    Vec::reserve capacity overflow
    Vec::splice range out of bounds
    Vec::split_off index out of bounds
    Vec::swap_remove index out of bounds
    VecDeque::append capacity overflow
    VecDeque::drain range out of bounds
    VecDeque::insert index out of bounds
    VecDeque::reserve_exact capacity overflow
    VecDeque::reserve capacity overflow
    VecDeque::split_off index out of bounds
    VecDeque::swap index out of bounds
    VecDeque::with_capacity capacity overflow
  3. Not needed. Panics from these indicate silly programmer error and the panic itself have enough clue to let programmers figure out where did the error comes from.

    List of category 3 functions
    Function Panic condition
    std::atomic::fence using invalid atomic ordering
    std::char::from_digit radix is outside 2 ..= 36
    std::env::remove_var invalid key
    std::format! the fmt method returns Err
    std::panicking::set_hook called in panicking thread
    std::panicking::take_hook called in panicking thread
    [T]::chunks_mut chunk size == 0
    [T]::chunks chunk size == 0
    [T]::windows window size == 0
    AtomicUsize::compare_exchange_weak using invalid atomic ordering
    AtomicUsize::compare_exchange using invalid atomic ordering
    AtomicUsize::load using invalid atomic ordering
    AtomicUsize::store using invalid atomic ordering
    BorrowRef::clone borrow counter overflows, see issue 33880
    BTreeMap::range_mut end of range before start of range
    BTreeMap::range end of range before start of range
    char::encode_utf16 dst buffer smaller than [u16; 2]
    char::encode_utf8 dst buffer smaller than [u8; 4]
    char::is_digit radix is outside 2 ..= 36
    char::to_digit radix is outside 2 ..= 36
    compiler_fence using invalid atomic ordering
    Condvar::wait waiting on multiple different mutexes
    Display::to_string the fmt method returns Err
    ExactSizeIterator::len size_hint implemented incorrectly
    i32::from_str_radix radix is outside 2 ..= 36
    Iterator::step_by step == 0

This RFC only advocates adding the #[inline(semantic)] attribute to the unwrap and expect functions. The index and index_mut functions should also have it if possible, but currently blocked by lack of post-monomorphized MIR pass.

Semantic-inlining MIR pass

A new inline level #[inline(semantic)] is introduced. This is like #[inline(always)], but is guaranteed that inlining happens before LLVM kicks in. With this guarantee, Rust can maintain a deterministic set of situation where an #[inline(semantic)] function can know the information of its caller or compile-time call stack.

#[inline(semantic)] functions must not be recursive, as direct inlining is guaranteed as much as possible, i.e. the following would be a compile-time error:

fn factorial(x: u64) -> u64 {
    if x <= 1 {
    } else {
        x * factorial(x - 1) //~ ERROR: `#[inline(semantic)]` function cannot call itself.

Currently semantic-inlining is performed as a MIR pass. Since MIR pass are run before monomorphization, #[inline(semantic)] currently cannot be used on trait items:

trait Trait {
    fn unwrap(&self);
impl Trait for u64 {
    #[inline(semantic)] //~ ERROR: `#[inline(semantic)]` is not supported for trait items yet.
    fn unwrap(&self) {}

To support trait items, the semantic-inlining pass must be run as post-monomorphized MIR pass (which does not exist yet), or a custom LLVM inlining pass which can extract the caller's source location. This prevents the Index trait from having #[inline(semantic)] yet.

We cannot hack the impl resolution method into pre-monomorphization MIR pass because of deeply nested functions like


fn f1<T: Trait>() { f2::<T>(); }
fn f2<T: Trait>() { f3::<T>(); }
fn f3<T: Trait>() { f4::<T>(); }
fn f100<T: Trait>() {
    T::unwrap(); // No one will know T is u32 before monomophization.

rustc already has a MIR inlining pass, which is disabled by default. The semantic-inlining pass should be run before or concurrently with the MIR inlining pass. The semantic-inlining pass is currently as a separate pass from the normal MIR inlining pass, so that they can become post-monomorphized MIR passes independently. If the semantic-inlining pass is run after the normal MIR inlining pass, the normal MIR inliner must treat #[inline(semantic)] as #[inline(never)].

#[inline(semantic)] functions may stay uninlined. This happens when one takes the address of such functions. This must be allowed due to backward compatibility. (If post-monomorphized MIR pass exists, methods via trait objects would be another case of calling #[inline(semantic)] functions without it being inline.)

let f: fn(Option<u32>) -> u32 = Option::unwrap;
let g: fn(Option<u32>) -> u32 = Option::unwrap;
assert!(f == g); // This must remain `true`.
g(None); // The effect of these two calls must be the same.

Caller location lang-item

Once a function is semantically-inlined, the content of the function will know the span about the original call site, which can be used to derive the filename, line, column, mod-path, etc. We would define the following lang items to retrieve these information:

pub mod caller {
    #[lang = "caller_file"]
    pub const FILE: &str = "<dynamic>";
    #[lang = "caller_line"]
    pub const LINE: u32 = 0;
    #[lang = "caller_file"]
    pub const COLUMN: u32 = 0;

After the semantic-inlining pass, these constants will be replaced by the corresponding call site information:

fn line() -> u32 { core::caller::LINE }
assert_eq!(3, line());
assert_eq!(4, line());
assert_eq!(5, line());

These constants only make sense when used directly inside an #[inline(semantic)] function. This excludes closures and const/static items inside the function, since they are represented as separate MIR items.

use core::caller::LINE;

const L: u32 = LINE; //~ ERROR: Cannot read caller location outside of `#[inline(semantic)]` function

fn not_inline_semantic() -> u32 {
    LINE //~  ERROR: Cannot read caller location outside of `#[inline(semantic)]` function

fn inline_semantic() -> u32 {
    const L: u32 = LINE; //~  ERROR: Cannot read caller location outside of `#[inline(semantic)]` function
    let closure = || LINE; //~  ERROR: Cannot read caller location outside of `#[inline(semantic)]` function
    LINE // (only this one is ok.)

Const-folding pass before the semantic-inliner must recognize these special constants and not fold them.

These values are provided as const lang items to make MIR transformation as simple as possible. They could be intrinsic functions, but it would mean changing the Call terminator in MIR into an Assign statement followed by a Goto, which is a bit complex.

Source-location-forwarding methods

unwrap()/expect() will become #[inline(semantic)]. However if they are called deep inside from the standard library, the source location would still be useless. Therefore, this RFC also propose the following new functions to allow caller information be forwarded:

pub macro caller_location() {
    &($crate::caller::FILE, $crate::caller::LINE, $crate::caller::COLUMN)

pub macro panic_at_source_location {
    ($location:expr) => { ... },
    ($location:expr, $fmt:expr) => { ... },
    ($location:expr, $fmt:expr, $($args:tt)*) => { ... },

impl<T> Option<T> {
    pub fn unwrap_at_source_location(self, location: &(&'static str, u32, u32)) -> T;
    pub fn expect_at_source_location(self, location: &(&'static str, u32, u32), msg: &str) -> T;

impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
    pub fn unwrap_at_source_location(self, location: &(&'static str, u32, u32)) -> T;
    pub fn expect_at_source_location(self, location: &(&'static str, u32, u32), msg: &str) -> T;
    pub fn unwrap_err_at_source_location(self, location: &(&'static str, u32, u32)) -> E;
    pub fn expect_err_at_source_location(self, location: &(&'static str, u32, u32), msg: &str) -> E;


impl<'a, K, Q, V> Index<&'a Q> for BTreeMap<K, V>
    K: Ord + Borrow<Q>,
    Q: Ord + ?Sized,
    type Output = V;

    fn index(&self, key: &Q) -> &V {
        self.get(key).expect_at_source_location(caller_location!(), "no entry found for key")

Long names are given since they are considered advanced functions and should not be used normally.

Runtime-free backtrace for ? operator

The standard Try implementations could participate in specialization, so external crates like error_chain could provide a specialized impl that prepends the caller location into the callstack everytime ? is used.

// libcore:
impl<T, E> Try for Result<T, E> {
    type Ok = T;
    type Error = E;

    fn into_result(self) -> Self { self }
    fn from_ok(v: Self::Ok) -> Self { Ok(v) }
    default fn from_error(e: Self::Error) -> Self { Err(e) }
//  ^~~~~~~

// my_crate:
impl<T> Try for Result<T, my_crate::error::Error> {
    fn from_error(mut e: Self::Error) -> Self {


Code bloat

Previously, all call to unwrap() and expect() will refer to the same location. Therefore, the panicking branch will only need to reuse a pointer to a single global tuple.

After this RFC is implemented, the panicking branch will need to allocate space to store the varying caller location, so the number of instructions per unwrap()/expect() will increase.

Also the optimizer will lose the opportunity to consolidate all jumps to the panicking branch, e.g. with the code a.unwrap() + b.unwrap(), before this RFC LLVM will optimize it to something like

if (a.tag != SOME || b.tag != SOME) {
    panic(&("called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value", "src/libcore/", 335, 20));
a.value_of_some + b.value_of_some

After this RFC, LLVM can only lower this to

if (a.tag != SOME) {
    panic(&("called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value", "", 1, 1));
if (b.tag != SOME) {
    panic(&("called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value", "", 1, 14));
a.value_of_some + b.value_of_some

Does not support dynamic call

#[inline(semantic)] relies on compile-time inlining to resolve the caller information. This makes it impossible to work with dynamic function calls (i.e. via a function pointer or trait object v-table).

Narrow solution scope

#[inline(semantic)] is only useful in solving the "get caller location" problem. Introducing an entirely new feature just for this problem seems wasteful.

Default function arguments is another possible solution for this problem but with much wider application.

Rationale and alternatives


This RFC tries to abide by the following restrictions:

  1. Precise caller location. Standard library functions which commonly panics will report the source location at where the user call them. The source location should never point inside the standard library. Examples of these functions include Option::unwrap and HashMap::index.

  2. Source compatibility. User should never need to modify existing source code to benefit from the improved precision.

  3. Debug-info independence. The precise caller location can still be reported even after stripping of debug information, which is very common on released software.

  4. Interface independence. The implementation of a trait should be able to decide whether to accept a the caller information. It shouldn't require the trait itself to enforce it, i.e. it should not affect the signature of the function. This is an extension of rule 2, since the Index trait is involved in HashMap::index. The stability of Index must be upheld, e.g. it should remain object-safe, and existing implementions should not be forced to accept the caller location.

Restriction 4 "interface independence" is currently not implemented due to lack of post-monomorphized MIR pass, but #[inline(semantic)] itself as a language feature follows this restriction.


🚲 Name of everything 🚲

  • Is #[inline(semantic)] an accurate description? #[inline(mir)]? #[inline(force)]? #[inline(with_caller_location)]?
  • Use a different attribute, instead of piggybacking on #[inline]?
  • ***_at_source_location is too long?
  • Should we move std::panic::Location into core, and not use a 3-tuple to represent the location? Note that this is also advocated in RFC 2070.
  • Use intrinsics or static instead of consts for core::caller::{FILE, LINE, COLUMN}?

Avoid introducing new public items

  • We could change the meaning of file!(), line!() and column!() so they are only converted to real constants after semantic-inlining (a MIR pass) instead of early during macro expansion (an AST pass). Inside #[inline(semantic)] functions, these macros behave as this RFC's core::caller::{FILE, LINE, COLUMN}. This way, we don't need to introduce panic_at_source_location!(). The drawback is losing explicit control of whether we want to report the actual location or the caller's location.

  • Same as above, but file!() etc are converted to a special literal kind, a kind that only the compiler can create.

  • We could make #[inline(always)] mean the same as #[inline(semantic)] to avoid introducing a new inline level.

Inline MIR

Introduced as alternative to RFC 1669, instead of the caller::{FILE, LINE, COLUMN} lang-items, we could provide a full-fledged inline MIR macro mir! similar to the inline assembler:

fn unwrap(self) -> T {
    let file: &'static str;
    let line: u32;
    let column: u32;
    unsafe {
        mir! {
            file = const $CallerFile;
            line = const $CallerLine;
            column = const $CallerColumn;
            goto -> 'c;
    'c: {
        panic!("{}:{}:{}: oh no", file, line, column);

The problem of mir! in this context is trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer. mir! is a very generic mechanism, which requiring stabilizing the MIR syntax and considering the interaction with the surrounding code. Besides, #[inline(semantic)] itself still exists and the magic constants $CallerFile etc are still magic.

Default function arguments

Assume this is solved by implementing RFC issue 323.

fn unwrap(file: &'static str = file!(), line: u32 = line!(), column: u32 = column!()) -> T {
    panic!("{}:{}:{}: oh no", file, line, column);

Default arguments was a serious contender to the better-caller-location problem as this is usually how other languages solve it.

Language Syntax
Swift func unwrap(file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) -> T
D T unwrap(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
C# 5+ T Unwrap([CallerFilePath] string file = "<n/a>", [CallerLineNumber] int line = 0)
Haskell with GHC unwrap :: (?callstack :: CallStack) => Maybe t -> t
C++ with GCC 4.8+ T unwrap(const char* file = __builtin_FILE(), int line = __builtin_LINE())

A naive solution will violate restriction 4 "interface independence": adding the file, line, column arguments to index() will change its signature. This can be resolved if this is taken into account.

impl<'a, K, Q, V> Index<&'a Q> for BTreeMap<K, V>
    K: Ord + Borrow<Q>,
    Q: Ord + ?Sized,
    type Output = V;

    // This should satisfy the trait even if the trait specifies
    // `fn index(&self, idx: Idx) -> &Self::Output`
    fn index(&self, key: &Q, file: &'static str = file!(), line: u32 = line!(), column: u32 = column!()) -> &V {
        self.get(key).expect("no entry found for key", file, line, column)

This can be resolved if the future default argument proposal takes this into account. But again, this feature itself is going to be large and controversial.

Non-viable alternatives

Many alternatives have been proposed before but failed to satisfy the restrictions laid out in the Rationale subsection, thus should not be considered viable alternatives within this RFC.


The unwrap!() macro introduced in RFC 1669 allows the user to write unwrap!(x) instead of x.unwrap().

Similar solution is introducing a loc!() macro that expands to concat!(file!(), ":", line!(), ":", column!()), so user writes x.expect(loc!()) instead of x.unwrap().

There is even the better_unwrap crate that automatically rewrites all unwrap() and expect() inside a module to provide the caller location through a procedural attribute.

All of these are non-viable, since they require the user to actively change their source code, thus violating restriction 2 "source compatibility", unless we are willing to drop the ! from macros.

(Also, all pre-typeck rewrites are prone to false-positive affecting unrelated types that have an unwrap() method. Post-typeck rewrites are no different from this RFC.)


When given debug information (DWARF section on Linux, *.pdb file on Windows, *.dSYM folder on macOS), the program is able to obtain the source code location for each address. This solution is often used in runtime-heavy languages like Python, Java and Go.

For Rust, however:

  • The debug information is usually not provided in release mode.
  • Normal inlining will make the caller information inaccurate.
  • Issues 24346 (Backtrace does not include file and line number on non-Linux platforms) and 42295 (Slow backtrace on panic) and are still not entirely fixed.
  • Backtrace may be disabled in resource-constrained environment.

These drawbacks are the main reason why restriction 3 "debug-info independence" is added to the motivation.

SourceContext generic parameter

Introduced as an alternative in RFC 1669, inspired by GHC's implicit parameter:

fn unwrap<C: SourceContext = CallerSourceContext>(self) -> T {
    panic!("{}: oh no", C::default());

The CallerSourceContext lang item will instruct the compiler to create a new type implementing SourceContext whenever unwrap() is instantiated.

Unfortunately this violates restriction 4 "interface independence". This solution cannot apply to HashMap::index as this will require a change of the method signature of index() which has been stabilized. Methods applying this solution will also lose object-safety.

Unresolved questions

  • Semantic-inlining should run after monomorphization, not before.