The second letter in the Hebrew alphabet is the ב bet/beit. Its meaning is "house". In the ancient pictographic Hebrew it was a symbol resembling a tent on a landscape.
stands for truth in Hebrew.
Note: Pre-release packages are distributed via
The storage provider for Azure Storage Blob for RulesEngine library.
If you like or are using this project to learn or start your solution, please give it a star. Thanks!
dotnet add package Bet.Extensions.Emet.Azure.Storage
The default authentication method for Azure Storage Blob is token. In order to make it work on local machine please make sure the following steps are completed:
Azure CLI installed and you are login with Azure Account that have
Storage Blob Data Contributor
associated with your development account. -
dotnet new tool-manifest
and install AppAuthentication -dotnet tool install appauthentication
Run in the command prompt
appauthentication run --local --verbose:debug
in the root of your project. Make sure that Visual Studio or VSCode is restarted.
"profiles": {
"Bet.Extensions.Emet.Workersample": {
"commandName": "Project",
"environmentVariables": {
"DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT": "Development",
"MSI_ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:5050/oauth2/token",
"MSI_SECRET": "38597b24-96c9-4b5a-b5c5-405469523460"
"dotnetRunMessages": "true"
"Docker": {
"commandName": "Docker"
- Add Workflow to Storage Blob -> Container
"WorkflowName": "RetirementEligibilityWorkflow",
"Rules": [
"RuleName": "IsEligible",
"SuccessEvent": "",
"ErrorMessage": "Employee is not eligible.",
"ErrorType": "Error",
"RuleExpressionType": "LambdaExpression",
"Expression": "input1.LengthOfServiceInDays >= 190 OR input1.IsOverridden == true"
- Add the DI Registration
public static IServiceCollection AddRetirementEligibilityWorkflow(this IServiceCollection services)
sp =>
var providers = sp.GetServices<IEmetProvider>().ToList();
var provider = providers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Workflows.AzureRetirementEligibilityWorkflow);
if (provider == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException( Workflows.AzureRetirementEligibilityWorkflow, $"IEmetProvider wasn't register");
return new RetirementService(provider);
var builder = services.AddEmetProvider( Workflows.AzureRetirementEligibilityWorkflow).AddAzureStorageLoader(
configOptions: (options, config) =>
options.BlobServiceUri = new Uri(config["SharedBlobServiceUri"]);
return services;
"SharedBlobServiceUri": "",
"AzureCountryWorkflow": {
"BlobServiceUri": "",
"ContainerName": "workflows",
"FileNames": [
"AzureRetirementEligibilityWorkflow": {
"BlobServiceUri": "",
"ContainerName": "workflows",
"FileNames": [
"AzureDiscountWorkflow": {
"BlobServiceUri": "",
"ContainerName": "workflows",
"FileNames": [