This repository contains the latest scripts for preprocessing data in Igor and exporting it to Python. The intention is that data which has gone through this pipeline can be uploaded directly to a MySQL database using the Datajoint module for Python. In addition, scripts for uploading electrophysiology data to Python are under development, making use of the stfio module.
The sister repository, located at Eulerlab/ret_datajoint will contain further scripts for interfacing Python with MySQL. Development for this is not yet underway.
Comments and suggestions should be directed to the developer associated with particular scripts, who are as follows:
ScanM Form Generator and ScaM IO (Igor) - Thomas Euler
Preprocessing scripts (Igor) - Tom Baden
Datajoint (Python) - Philipp Berens
Electrophysiology (Python) - Theresa Stadler
Hdf5 export (Igor) and import (Python) - Luke Rogerson
Datajoint Homepage: