"Hello Vimmer, welcome to the Dungeons of Doom..."
This Vim plugin is a game that is porting of Rogue-clone II. You can enjoy the game on your Vim. This rogue-clone is message-separated, and so you can make your original message file.
By the way, you can get the original of this game from FreeBSD ports japanese/rogue_s
You can get the latest version from here.
rogue.vim requires Lua-enabled Vim.
Check :echo has('lua')
returns 1 and :echo luaeval('_VERSION')
returns Lua 5.1
or later.
LuaJIT is recommended because that is very fast.
Copy autoload
, doc
, plugin
, and syntax
directories into your Vim runtimepath,
like $HOME/.vim
or $VIM/vimfiles
And execute this Vim command to make help tags.
:helptags <installed directory>/doc
You can execute :h rogue
to see this plugin's help.
If you use a Vim plugin manager, follow its way.
MIT License