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Recently a new version of Locust was released so I decided to use this as an excuse to refresh the docker image and show information on how to use it.

I decided to create a dedicated repository for the project. If you visit, you’ll notice that the repo is organized so it can maintain many versions of the image.

Please, visit for the latest version of the docker image.

Dockerizing Locust experiment

I wanted the image to:

  • use Python 3
  • use the latest version of Locust
  • be as small as possible
  • be simple to use
  • take Locust scripts by means of mounting a volume

Most of the images found on docker hub was old (1-2 yo) so I decided to give it a try.

This one is based on python:3.6-alpine, installs locustio package and required dependencies. It weighs about 124MB.


The image doesn't include locust scripts during build. It assumes, the scripts will be supplied on runtime by mounting a volume (to /locust path).

Building the image

docker build -t grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6 .

or (if behind a proxy):

docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy -t grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6 . 

Running the image

The image uses the following environment variables to configure its behavior:

Variable Description Default Example
LOCUST_FILE Sets the --locustfile option.
ATTACKED_HOST The URL to test. Required. -
LOCUST_MODE Set the mode to run in. Can be standalone, master or slave. standalone master
LOCUST_MASTER Locust master IP or hostname. Required for slave mode. -
LOCUST_MASTER_BIND_PORT Locust master port. Used in slave mode. 5557 6666
LOCUST_OPTS Additional locust CLI options. - "-c 10 -r 10"


Basic run, with folder (path in $MY_SCRIPTS) holding

docker run --rm --name standalone --hostname standalone -e ATTACKED_HOST=http://standalone:8089 -p 8089:8089 -d -v $MY_SCRIPTS:/locust grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6

or, with additional runtime options:

docker run --rm --name standalone --hostname standalone -e ATTACKED_HOST=http://standalone:8089 -e "LOCUST_OPTS=--no-web" -p 8089:8089 -d -v $MY_SCRIPTS:/locust grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6


Run master:

docker run --name master --hostname master \
 -p 8089:8089 -p 5557:5557 -p 5558:5558 \
 -v $MY_SCRIPTS:/locust \
 -e ATTACKED_HOST='http://master:8089' \
 -e LOCUST_MODE=master \
 --rm -d grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6

and some slaves:

docker run --name slave0 \
 --link master --env NO_PROXY=master \
 -v $MY_SCRIPTS:/locust \
 -e ATTACKED_HOST=http://master:8089 \
 -e LOCUST_MODE=slave \
 -e LOCUST_MASTER=master \
 --rm -d grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6

docker run --name slave1 \
 --link master --env NO_PROXY=master \
 -v $MY_SCRIPTS:/locust \
 -e ATTACKED_HOST=http://master:8089 \
 -e LOCUST_MODE=slave \
 -e LOCUST_MASTER=master \
 --rm -d grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6

For the real brave, Windows PowerShell version:

Basic run:

docker run --rm --name standalone `
 -e ATTACKED_HOST=http://localhost:8089 `
 -v c:\locust-scripts:/locust `
 -p 8089:8089 -d `

Run master:

docker run --name master --hostname master `
 -p 8089:8089 -p 5557:5557 -p 5558:5558 `
 -v c:\locust-scripts:/locust `
 -e ATTACKED_HOST='http://master:8089' `
 -e LOCUST_MODE=master `
 --rm -d grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6

Run slave:

docker run --name slave0 `
 --link master --env NO_PROXY=master `
 -v c:\locust-scripts:/locust `
 -e ATTACKED_HOST=http://master:8089 `
 -e LOCUST_MODE=slave `
 -e LOCUST_MASTER=master `
 --rm -d grubykarol/locust:0.8.1-py3.6