[]-In the projects page make a different component to contain all the projects and get the number of cards based on the number of projects
[]-Protect the route of adding a project
[]-Connect the tags to the microservice that returns the tags
[]-Make a navbar
[]-Design the UserDashboard and make a drawer accordingly
[]-Make a drawer for navigating the website and in it [1]-When the user is logged in the links will be:-
Search for a project
Add a project
My Dashboard
[2]-When the user is not Logged in the links will be:-
Search for a project
[]-Make a Logout route in the frontend and backend
[]-Change the design of the cards according to the layout in the google Scholarship showcase app
[]-Make a cloudinary that is a way for uploading files(images of the project and the contributors) in the frontend and change the model in the backend
[]-Make routes for updating the project and deleting a project
[]-Make routes for updating the user and deleting a profiles
[]-Make another page for complaints section for the website
[]-Make a comments section for each project and make it such that the owner will recieve a notification whenever a user comments