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Sample Application

Sample application demonstrates how a project can be structured with RESTful services and a Web UI.

This project can be cloned as a template.


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Build and Run

Clone and Build project

Follow these commands to fetch the source and build:

  1. git clone my-dir (first time only)
  2. cd my-dir

Quick build

Quick build profile has QA and Tests turned off

  1. mvn install -Pquick-build

Full build

On windows make sure chromedriver is in PATH, on *NIX in current user profile. Otherwise provide system property See ChromeDriver for more information.

  1. mvn install

Run REST Service

Follow these commands to run a local instance of the REST Services:

  1. cd app-lde
  2. mvn lde-exec:run
  3. Access swagger ui at http://localhost:8082/lde/launchswagger

Run Web UI

Follow these commands to run a local instance of the Web UI:

  1. cd web-lde
  2. mvn lde-exec:run
  3. Access web ui at http://localhost:8081/lde/app

Change Web UI to Use Local REST Services

By default the Web UI uses a Mocked version of the service layer. This can be overriden to use a REST Client implementation via a property file, environment variables or system properties.

Property file

Follow these steps to make the Web UI call the local instance of the REST Services via a property file:

  1. cd web-lde
  2. copy to
  3. Uncomment the BT_WEB_ENV=LOCAL
  4. Run Web UI
  5. Run REST Service
Environment Variables

Environment Variables can also be used to make the Web UI use a REST client implementation.

To use the REST Client Implementation, set the following variable:


To use a different REST endpoint, set the following variable:

SET BT_APP_REST_URI=http://myhost:8082/myapp/api
System properties

The configuration of the Web UI and REST Services can also be configured via System Properties.

Running the Web UI with the REST Client Implementation:

cd web-lde
mvn lde-exec:run -DBT_WEB_ENV=LOCAL

Running the Web UI with the REST Client Implementation and different REST URI:

cd web-lde
mvn lde-exec:run -DBT_WEB_ENV=LOCAL -DBT_APP_REST_URI=http://localhost:8888/lde/api

Running the REST Services on a different Port:

cd app-lde
mvn lde-exec:run -Dbordertech.lde.port.default=8888

Modify war name

The app and web war artifact name defaults to maven generated value ${}. This behaviour can be modified by setting property -Dapp.warName and/or -Dweb.warName. If supplied, then only war file in target dir is impacted, artifacts published to maven repository (local or remote) is as per maven default.

Advantage of setting custom war name is, when deployed to a web container, the application context becomes http://<host:port>/<custom-warName>. It avoid the need for container specific configuration.

Default name

The app and web war artifact names will be ${}

mvn install
Custom name

app war will be apple-war, and web war will be orange-war

mvn install -Dapp.warName=apple-war -Dweb.warName=orange-war

app and web war will be it's artifactId as defined in pom.xml

mvn install -Dapp.warName='${project.artifactId}' -Dweb.warName='${project.artifactId}'

Smoke tests

Sample command lines for running smoke tests.

API Test

See Run REST Service, ensure localhost is running ahead of executing API Test

mvn test -Psmoke -pl rest-server-impl -Dserver.smoke.port=8086 -Dserver.smoke.base=/lde/api/v1/

UI Test

See Run Web UI, ensure localhost is running ahead of executing UI Test

mvn test -Psmoke -pl web-ui -Dbordertech.webfriends.selenium.launchServer=false -Dbordertech.webfriends.selenium.serverUrl=http://localhost:8081/lde