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185 lines (178 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

185 lines (178 loc) · 10.8 KB


  • data.diff

    • implement
    • port of fipp for pretty-printing
  • Instructions (Usage, Setup)

    • Make a diagram
    • Remove Leiningen
      • add clojure -Spom and check that root pom.xml has no diff
    • In Readme, point to details in Contributing about minimum tools/versions
    • Add "standalone code" usage section
      • Create a versioned release so that the instructions will work
    • Error handling: better error message for "wrong" file type
    • Error handling: failure to properly process the Clojure code
    • Command-line help message (add pointer to more info)
  • Persistent data structures

    • all languages have a library, but not everyone wants the dependency
    • performance goals
    • would like to support both, choose the mutability that you want
    • need to differentiate (probably by atoms)
    • consider our own macros
    • maps/sets/vectors conj/assoc/update etc
    • import when needed
    • We might be better of using Collection builder functions instead of temporary variables?
    • We should check static block semantics
  • Typing

    • for users
      • users need to specify a lot of typing and casting
      • would Typed Clojure be able to help?
      • explore examples (existing or new) using type aliases to abbreviate users' static typing annotation effort
      • simplify :kalias info finding (do it downstream in language pipeline rather than in kalai pipeline annotate_ast)?
      • nested aliases
    • for implementing
      • spec
      • Schema
      • Malli (?) by Metosin (?)
  • Replacing Value enum with Value trait objects

    • Understand Rust output of ^{:t {:mvector [:any]}} v ^{:cast :mvector} x in core.clj -> Why is kalai-type->rust being called instead of t-str in rust e-string?
      • Also investigate occurrences of Value::Null
    • Fill out all helper methods for all wrapper types that we need (Map, Vector?), not just 1 example for Set
    • updating Clojure Rust pipeline code (ex: around collections) (following the change to trait objs from enums for Value) -> this occurs in sql_builder transpiling of core.clj ->
    • Refactor {Rust,Java} identifier stringifying code in java util.clj / rust util.clj
    • We don't need "crate::kalai:...", instead only "kalai::..." - just be consistent
  • In Java, nth index can only be an int, we should do that on behalf of the user and document that constraint.

  • SQL builder application

    • Fix stringification of WHERE clause and fix the "op" interpolation in the WHERE clause of example f1
    • Rust sql_builder output can have a binary to run transpiled output
    • Rename kalai::Value enum to kalai::Any enum ?
    • Create "kalai::Value::MISSING_TYPE(..." output or throw an error when using (r/value ...) on an argument whose type is not recognized for kalai::Value instead of returning nil
    • Note: the absence of a type isn't the same as a {:t :any}
    • Note: the type of the inner value on the binding symbol for a nested collection didn't propagate to the binding initial value data literal's inner/nested data coll literals
    • Note: type :any is not specific enough to construct a collection with currently (ex: in an init aka let-binding) because the initial value can either represent a persistent vector or mutable vector, and the user must specify which one the literal represents
    • Heterogeneous collections
      • Copy over any Java tests for heterogeneous colls to Rust and make work
      • Handle ":any" type in Rust
        • Rust std::any:Any cannot work (is trait, not type/enum)
        • serde Value (enum) is interesting, but leads to follow-on enum handling
          • to cast from Value back to primitive, need to allow user to cast, and support cast with match statement
          • need to support casting as a Kalai construct in general, anyways, if we support ":any"
            • Needed for Java anyways (?) (we don't actually test in Java casting Object -> concrete type ?)
          • when getting from a collection we receive a reference type that may need to be immediately cloned (unless we use refs everywhere or solve it some other way) Note that get returns an Option of a reference
      • Uncertain alternative: use persistent collections to circumvent question (if they support heterogeneous?)
    • Support (:key obj default-val) syntax (currently: only (get obj :key default-val) supported)
  • Type propagation: inferred types (from an initialization value) don't get propagated to call site. Ex:

(let [i (int 1)]
  (+ i i))


(let [^{:t :int} i (int 1)]
  (+ i i))
  • Create a task in examples to run the output (binaries, logic tests, etc.)

    • There should be a make task should run the final compiled binary (b/c invocation is non-trivial)
    • Stretch: make should also run logic unit tests
  • Verify that examples can compile using deployed artifact (namely, if/how to update deps.clj and/or pom.xml)

  • Don't depend on import statements being intelligent (not hard-coded)

    • instead using fully-qualified identifier names
  • Rust etc

    • swap! doesn't seem to work atm
    • how to deal with multiple overloads of fns in Rust?
    • dealing with refs?
    • do we make the user annotate the type in every assignment?
    • or do we infer this in the S-exprs?
    • how do we know when to deref a ref vs. not deref when it is not a ref (ex: Vec.insert() in code)
    • or what should the question be?
    • current workaround in demo02.clj
      • annotated the types manually in the code
      • ex: ^:ref ^{:t {:mvector [:char]}} numberSystemDigits (get numberSystemsMap numberSystem) (which used to be ^{:t {:mvector [:char]}} numberSystemDigits (get numberSystemsMap numberSystem))
    • parameterize pipeline & test helpers to be target lang-driven
    • add Java tests to Rust tests that we skipped over for temporary expediency reasons
    • things that were difficult for emitter approach in Rust
      • type modifiers
        • if a fn param is both mutable and a reference
          • fn param signature (ex1: s: &String; ex2: s: &mut String)
          • annotation of call site arg expression to the fn param (ex1: f(&my_string), ex2: f(&mut my_string))
          • but if my_string was previously defined as let my_string: &String = &String::from("..."), then call site would look different (ex1: f(my_string), ex2: f(mut my_string)) to prevent passing a &&String type
      • general type strategy that Kalai enforces
        • primitive types to be "pass-by-value"
        • all other types to be "pass-by-reference" (all other types = heap-allocated?)
      • interop
    • make shared passes apply for all target languages
      • if so, can make them ignore leading target language symbol prefix (ex: "j/", "r/")
      • a block is just a block, why bother with r/block, j/block
    • StringBuffer mutability should be inferred
  • Types!!!

    • Document target language type conversions (when added)
    • Validate types and narrow the set of accepted types
    • Define common types
      • supporting universals: numeric types should be signed
    • Top level def of data literal needs static block initialization (def x [1]) for Java
    • Debug why ^Character localDigit (get numberSystemDigits remainder) transpiles to a type declaration of Object but ^{:t :char} localDigit (get numberSystemDigits remainder) gives the proper type char in demo02. Same for ^char sep.
    • Troubleshoot issue in getNumberSystemsMap in demo02 where data literal to be return must have type annotation within a let binding else types are missing in Kalai compilation phase (note: also the only nested data structure in demo02)
    • Might be a nice-to-have to propagate function return type to variable identifier in variable assignments, ex: (def x (fn-call 1 2 3))
    • Propagate return type of fn to a data literal passed as return value in fn body implementation, ex: (defn f ^{:t {:mmap [:char :int]}} [] {})
    • Option types
    • (let [x (String. "abc")]) should infer :t :string
      • does this already happen
      • also, consider turning "user-defined types" (non-Kalai supported primitives) (ex: 'java.lang.StringBuffer) into Kalai style target-language type representation in target-language pipeline phase (ex: Rust syntax pass converts 'StringBuffer into {:mvector [:char]} as early as possible)
  • Test organization

    • grouping functionality
    • generate docsy from tests
      • new test directory
      • split up into more namespaces
      • don't show the Kalai intermediate syntax
      • markdown inversion
      • GitHub action
      • local action
    • Resurect placation or find some way of doing that better
  • Interop

    • Add demo03 from #13 (environment variables)
    • Support import statements (ex: for user-defined classes; automatically created when user uses data collections)
    • expand the "function-call" pass (core/interop/kalai/custom)
      • depends on us choosing another target language
      • core = clojure.core fns; interop = which Java classes to support (ex: StringBuffer) out-of-the-box; kalai = other users' Kalai source; custom = 3rd-party libs/fns that users need
    • see if starter code for rust and python works
    • support array types (?) (ex: Java main method)
    • In C++ make sure that string concatenation of numbers is wrapped by std::to_string
    • implement str
  • Extend demo01 and demo02

    • try using case instead of cond in getSeparatorPositions of demo02
    • transpile logic unit tests into target languages
  • Miscellaneous

    • Filename syntax should be language specific
    • Update Design doc headings & organization
    • Throw warning/error if expression cannot be supported as statement in target language (target-language's a_syntax.clj)
    • Delete the line "import java.util.List" from Java pipeline's e-string/std-imports
  • We think we have most of the proof of concept language concepts, but we need to hook up the tests

    • workflows (developer and CI)
      • documenting workflows (?)
    • salvaging existing tests
    • figure out coverage testing
    • figure out feature coverage across languages / feature parity
    • indenting strings and comparing ignoring leading space
    • elseif
    • run the output through the native language compiler
    • pleasant cider testing
  • Operator and language specific transformation (e.g. = in Clojure is either .equals java or ==)

  • test helper clean up

    • don't report failures twice
  • Support function calls where functions are defined in input code across namespaces

    • Solve importing
  • Allow users to bring their own functions

  • Allow users to bring their own languages

  • Indentation

  • Do we support first class enums?

    • Without it you lose type strictness
    • Namespaced keywords?
    • Would require user declaration form
  • Expand documentation:

    • Preserving knowledge (not tribal)
    • Keeping on track (what did we learn, why did we do that)