Releases: juliansteenbakker/mobile_scanner
Bugs fixed:
- [web] Fixed a crash with the ZXing barcode format (thanks @hazzo!)
- [web] Fixed stream controller not being closed on web.
- [iOS] Fixed a crash with unsupported torch modes. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- [iOS] Fixed a crash with the camera discovery session. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- Upgrade camera dependencies on Android.
- Upgrade compileSdk version to 34 on Android.
- Add numberOfCameras parameter in MobileScannerArguments callback, which shows how many cameras there are available on Android.
- [Android] Migrated to ResolutionSelector with ResolutionStrategy. You can opt in into the new selector by setting [useNewCameraSelector] in the [MobileScannerController] to true.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed a bug where the scanner would get stuck after denying permissions on Android. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed a bug with an implicit conversion to integer for the scan timeout for iOS. (thanks @EArminjon !)
- Updated to
version 18.3.0
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed the
function not completing on Android and MacOS. (thanks @navaronbracke !) - Fixed some camera access issues, when the camera could have been null on Android. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- Fixed a crash on Android when there is no camera. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- Fixed a bug with the
detection speed. (thanks @pgeof !) - Fixed a synchronization issue for the torch state. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- The
of anAddress
is now non-null. - The
of anEmail
is now non-null. - The
of anSMS
is now non-null. - The
of aGeoPoint
are now non-null. - The
are now non-null. - The
of aUrlBookmark
is now non-null. - The
is now non-null. - The
are now non-null. - The
class now exposes asize
. - The list of
of aBarcode
is now non-null.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed the default values for the
arguments of the Barcode constructor.
These now useBarcodeFormat.unknown
, rather thanBarcodeFormat.ean13
(thanks @navaronbracke !) - Fixed messages not being sent on the main thread for Android, iOS and MacOS. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
New Features:
- Added the option to switch between bundled and unbundled MLKit for Android. (thanks @woolfred !)
- Added the option to specify the camera resolution for Android. (thanks @EArminjon !)
- Added a sample with a scanner overlay. (thanks @Spyy004 !)
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed the scan window calculation taking into account the widget coordinates, instead of the screen coordinates. (thanks @jlin5 !)
- Fixed the scan window calculation returning wrong results. (thanks @MBulli !)
- Fixed the BarcodeCapture format on MacOS. (thanks @ryanduffyne !)
- Fixed the timeout for scanning on MacOS. (thanks @ryanduffyne !)
- Fixed Android builds failing by downgrading from Kotlin 1.9.10 to 1.7.22. (thanks @vbuberen !)
- Fixed images on iOS being rotated, resulting in bad detection rates. (thanks @EArminjon !)
- Fixed scan timeout not working on iOS. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- Fixed a crash on iOS when the device is nil. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- Fixed a case of an unhandled exception when starting the scanner. (thanks @navaronbracke !)
- Improved MacOS memory footprint by using a background queue. (thanks @ryanduffyne !)
Change MediaQuery.sizeOf(context) to of(context).size for backwards compatibility
New Features:
- This PR adds an option to add an overlay to the scanner which is only visible when the scanner has started. (thanks @svenopdehipt !)
fix a bug in the static interop binding of PhotoCapabilities (thanks @navaronbracke !)
[Web] add the corners from the ZXing result to the barcode on web (thanks @navaronbracke !)
update the example app web entrypoint to the latest template by running flutter create . --platforms=web (thanks @navaronbracke !)
add better handling for the case where scanning barcodes is unsupported (for example a desktop running the browser sample) (thanks @navaronbracke !)
[Web] fix the permission denied handling on the web, by using the NotAllowedError error message as defined by MDN (thanks @navaronbracke !)
add app bars with back buttons to the example app (so that you can go back easily) (thanks @navaronbracke !)
[iOS] Implements a fix from issue iOS After first QR Code Scan, When Scanning again, First Image stays on Camera buffer (thanks @FlockiiX !)
By dynamically adjusting the positioning and scaling of the scan window relative to the texture, the package ensures optimal coverage and alignment for scanning targets. (thanks @sdkysfzai !)
In the original package, If there are multiple barcode/qrcodes in the screen, the scan would randomly pick up any barcode/qrcode that shows in the screen, This upgrade fixes it and picks on the qrcode/barcode that is in the center of the camera. (thanks @sdkysfzai !)
In the original package if you changed the camera size, it would still pick scans even if the barcode are not shown in the screen, This issue is also fixed in the upgraded packaged. (thanks @sdkysfzai !)
[iOS] This removes a threading warning (and potentially jank). (thanks @ened !)
[Android] fix(ScanImage): fix android image result is not correct format and orientation (thanks @phanbaohuy96 !)
[iOS] Respect detectionTimeout on iOS devices, instead of arbitrarily waiting 10 frames (thanks @jorgenpt !)
[iOS] Don't start a second scan until the first one is done, to keep memory usage more fixed if the device is slow (thanks @jorgenpt !)
[Android] This PR ensure that the camera is not stopped in the callback. (thanks @g123k !)
[macOS] Fix some macOS build errors (thanks @svenopdehipt !)
[Android] Fixed an issue which caused the App Lifecycle States to not work correctly on Android. (thanks @androi7 !)
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed bug where onDetect method was being called multiple times
- [Android] Fix Gradle 8 compatibility by adding the
attribute to the build.gradle.
- [Android] Upgraded camera2 dependency
- Added zoomScale value notifier in MobileScannerController for the application to know the zoom scale value set actually.
The value is notified from the native SDK(CameraX/AVFoundation). - Added resetZoomScale() in MobileScannerController to reset zoom ratio with 1x.
Both Android and iOS, if the device have ultra-wide camera, calling setZoomScale with small value causes to use ultra-wide camera and may be diffcult to detect barcodes.
resetZoomScale() is useful to use standard camera with zoom 1x.
setZoomScale() with the specific value can realize same effect, but added resetZoomScale for avoiding floating point errors.
The application can know what zoom scale value is selected actually by subscribing zoomScale above after calling resetZoomScale. - [iOS] Call resetZoomScale while starting scan.
Android camera is initialized with a zoom of 1x, whereas iOS is initialized with the minimum zoom value, which causes to select the ultra-wide camera unintentionally ([iOS] Impossible to focus and scan the QR code due to picking the wide back camera #554).
Fixed this issue by calling resetZoomScale - [iOS] Remove zoom animation with ramp function to match Android behavior.
- [iOS] Updated GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning to 4.0.0
- [Android] Updated from 17.0.3 to 17.1.0
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed onDetect not working with analyzeImage when autoStart is false in MobileScannerController
- [iOS] Explicit returned type for compactMap