This project is no longer in development. Consider using to play Pico 8 games on the Switch.
A fork of the gamax92's fork of PICOLOVE, an implementation of PICO-8's API for the Löve Potion implementation of the LÖVE2D game engine
Original PICOLOVE is on github at:
gamax92's fork is on github at:
Requires a homebrew cabaple Nintendo Switch
Löve Potion:
- An implementation of PICO-8's api for Löve Potion
- Incomplete
- Able to parse the cart's sprite sheet and set it to canvas for drawing
- Switch gamepad input is able to be detected and should be usable by PICO-8 btn() calls
- Basics of graphics API is working
- Get a homebrew capable switch (I can't offher help on this, but you can start here:
- Download the latest LovePotion build (see the releases page: Currently latest build is 1.1.0)
- put the LovePotion build in the "switch" folder of you Switch's SD card, and then PicoLovePotion (all files from this repo) in the "switch/LovePotion/game" directory
- add your own *.p8 cart and change the name of the in main.lua
- cross your fingers
If you want to build a standalone game, use the above instructions but follow the directions for distribution in the LovePotion wiki (
- Fix bugs
- optimize slowness (palette shifting, other places to combine pixel setting calls)
- add png cart support? (may need image data support from LovePotion for this)
- Add SFX and music support (may need support for creating in memory sound objects from LovePotion)
- 3ds support?
- For a fun challenge!
- Allow standalone publishing of PICO-8 games on (Homebrew capable) Nintendo Switch (and maybe later 3ds)
- Open source
- Fully functional
- A replacement for PICO-8
- A perfect replica
- No dev tools, no image editor, map editor, sfx editor, music editor
- No modifying or saving carts
- No GIF recording
- Not memory compatible with PICO-8
- pget() does not work (will require an update to LovePotion or a very big refactor to graphics)
- pal() and palt() are very slow on initial use, and screen palette shifting is not supported
- Based on Lua 5.1, so GOTO (and possible other pico 8 supported features) not working
- memory functions (peek(), poke(), memcpy(), memset(), etc) not implemented
- floating point, not fixed point numbers
- no audio