;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;; the terms of this license.
;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(defmacro for
  [seq-exprs body-expr]
  (let [to-groups (fn [seq-exprs]
                    (reduce (fn [groups [k v]]
                              (if (keyword? k)
                                (conj (pop groups) (conj (peek groups) [k v]))
                                (conj groups [k v])))
                            [] (partition 2 seq-exprs)))
        err (fn [& msg] (throw (IllegalArgumentException. ^String (apply str msg))))
        emit-bind (fn emit-bind [[[bind expr & mod-pairs]
                                  & [[_ next-expr] :as next-groups]]]
                    (let [giter (gensym "iter__")
                          gxs (gensym "s__")
                          do-mod (fn do-mod [[[k v :as pair] & etc]]
                                     (= k :let) `(let ~v ~(do-mod etc))
                                     (= k :while) `(when ~v ~(do-mod etc))
                                     (= k :when) `(if ~v
                                                    ~(do-mod etc)
                                                    (recur (rest ~gxs)))
                                     (keyword? k) (err "Invalid 'for' keyword " k)
                                     `(let [iterys# ~(emit-bind next-groups)
                                            fs# (seq (iterys# ~next-expr))]
                                        (if fs#
                                          (concat fs# (~giter (rest ~gxs)))
                                          (recur (rest ~gxs))))
                                     :else `(cons ~body-expr
                                                  (~giter (rest ~gxs)))))]
                      (if next-groups
                        `(fn ~giter [~gxs]
                             (loop [~gxs ~gxs]
                               (when-first [~bind ~gxs]
                                 ~(do-mod mod-pairs)))))
                        (let [gi (gensym "i__")
                              gb (gensym "b__")
                              do-cmod (fn do-cmod [[[k v :as pair] & etc]]
                                          (= k :let) `(let ~v ~(do-cmod etc))
                                          (= k :while) `(when ~v ~(do-cmod etc))
                                          (= k :when) `(if ~v
                                                         ~(do-cmod etc)
                                                           (unchecked-inc ~gi)))
                                          (keyword? k)
                                          (err "Invalid 'for' keyword " k)
                                          `(do (chunk-append ~gb ~body-expr)
                                               (recur (unchecked-inc ~gi)))))]
                          `(fn ~giter [~gxs]
                               (loop [~gxs ~gxs]
                                 (when-let [~gxs (seq ~gxs)]
                                   (let [~bind (first ~gxs)]
                                     ~(do-mod mod-pairs))))))))))]
    `(let [iter# ~(emit-bind (to-groups seq-exprs))]
        (iter# ~(second seq-exprs)))))