MyBag should update RSSI notification is broadcasting the wrong index. it should broadcast t.identifer not index
Edit my bag does not show missing clubs
Mybag should disable the cell after the beacon has become unrachable BM should have a didDepart event notification
*To receive geofence events you must add the protocol to your AppDelegate.h and add a QLContextPlaceConnector property.
A. Accept Gimbal Notifications B. Allow Location Monitoring
Gimbal Geofences Diable / Enable proximity and location monitoring
Proximity Monitoring with iBeacon or Gimbal • Scan for beacons • Save my beacons
Location monitoring • for saving a location to a beacon sighting
CFLocationManager Manages
Transmitter *name *identifier *rssi *previousRSSI *lastSighted *batteryLevel *temperature
Sighting *transmitter Transmitter *dateTime *location
Major could be the user Minor could be each of the users golf clubs
http://beekn.net/2013/11/how-to-build-ibeacon-app/ There will be delays in an event being triggered and these delays will fluctuate.