Own your (social network) data: Publish to social networks from your data.
- An app that would let you write and publish to different platforms, but you would always keep the original in your control. + * You can publish a picture, to twitter and instagram, but you do it from your app, so you keep a copy of your own.
- You write a long article you publish it to your app, and it will post it to the pastry box or medium.
- You have a collection of pictures about a trip, you upload them to your app, and the app then shares it to flickr and facebook.
- Conversations on twitter could be tracked and stored in your app too.
- You have a link you want to store, and make some comments about it, we could do a chrome extension that then sends the link to the app. The app in turn would publish it to evernote, twitter, google plus, what ever…