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Contact |
{% include inline-img.html path="/assets/img/john.webp" caption="Contact me for a relaxed discussion of your context and how we might work together." %}
I provide software engineering [services]({{ '/services' | relative_url }}) of various kinds. The list of services is not exclusive. It is based in large part on my forty years of software engineering experience.
You might also enjoy some of the articles I have posted on my [blog]({{ '/blog' | relative_url }}). They will give you a better sense of my interests and experience.
Contact me any time for a relaxed discussion about your needs and to explore if and how we might work together.
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If you would like to reach me by email please fill out and submit the form below. I am usually able to reply to your email within a few hours.
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You can also schedule a meeting with me for a discussion. Please fill out the information below to book a meeting with me at a time that is convenient for you.
<iframe id="contact-embed-calendly" src="https://calendly.com/john-sambrook/60-minute-meeting?embed_domain=common-sense.com&embed_type=Inline" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>