This is a Zephyr RTOS based project to read out and process data from a number of IMU breakout board that have all been glued to a single piece of wood. The goal is to fuse the data of all the sensors together and compare the respective qualities of the signals. An STM32 BlackPill is used to read out the data through two I2C ports:
Address: Board - Chip: Type Port 0: 19: ADAFRUIT 10DOF - LSM303DLHC: accel 1c: SPARKFUN SEN13944 - LSM9DS1: magn 1e: ADAFRUIT 10DOF - LSM303DLHC: magn 1f: ADAFRUIT 9DOF - FXOS8700CQ: accel/magn 21: ADAFRUIT 9DOF - FXAS21002C: gyro 28: ADAFRUIT IMU - BNO055: accel/gyro/mag - fusion 68: SPARKFUN SEN13762 - MPU9250: accel/gyro/magn 6a: SPARKFUN SEN13944 - LSM9DS1: accel/gyro 6b: ADAFRUIT 10DOF - L3GD20H: gyro 77: ADAFRUIT 10DOF - BMP180: press/temp Port 1: 19: SPARKFUN SEN14480 - H3LIS331DL: accel 1e: NAMELESS 10DOF - HMC5883: magn 40: NAMELESS 10DOF - BMA180: accel 68: NAMELESS 10DOF - ITG3205: gyro 69: PRIMORONI IMC20948 - ICM20948: accel/gyro/magn 77: NAMELESS 10DOF - BMP085: pressure
Boot the BlackPill with BOOT0 button down and use dfu-util -a 0 to download or upload firmware