diff --git a/docs/src/osal_fs.dox b/docs/src/osal_fs.dox
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index 6a8b8cf29..000000000
--- a/docs/src/osal_fs.dox
+++ /dev/null
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-\page osalfsovr File System Overview
- The File System API is a thin wrapper around a selection of POSIX file APIs.
- In addition the File System API presents a common directory structure and
- volume view regardless of the underlying system type. For example, vxWorks
- uses MS-DOS style volume names and directories where a vxWorks RAM disk might
- have the volume “RAM:0”. With this File System API, volumes are represented
- as Unix-style paths where each volume is mounted on the root file system:
- - RAM:0/file1.dat becomes /mnt/ram/file1.dat
- FL:0/file2.dat becomes /mnt/fl/file2.dat
- This abstraction allows the applications to use the same paths regardless of
- the implementation and it also allows file systems to be simulated on a desktop
- system for testing. On a desktop Linux system, the file system abstraction can
- be set up to map virtual devices to a regular directory. This is accomplished
- through the OS_mkfs call, OS_mount call, and a BSP specific volume table that
- maps the virtual devices to real devices or underlying file systems.
- In order to make this file system volume abstraction work, a “Volume Table”
- needs to be provided in the Board Support Package of the application. The table
- has the following fields:
- - Device Name: This is the name of the virtual device that the Application
- uses. Common names are “ramdisk1”, “flash1”, or “volatile1” etc. But the
- name can be any unique string.
- Physical Device Name: This is an implementation specific field. For
- vxWorks it is not needed and can be left blank. For a File system based
- implementation, it is the “mount point” on the root file system where all
- of the volume will be mounted. A common place for this on Linux could
- be a user’s home directory, “/tmp”, or even the current working
- directory “.”. In the example of “/tmp” all of the directories created
- for the volumes would be under “/tmp” on the Linux file system. For a real
- disk device in Linux, such as a RAM disk, this field is the device
- name “/dev/ram0”.
- Volume Type: This field defines the type of volume. The types are:
- FS_BASED which uses the existing file system, RAM_DISK which uses a
- RAM_DISK device in vxWorks, RTEMS, or Linux, FLASH_DISK_FORMAT which uses
- a flash disk that is to be formatted before use, FLASH_DISK_INIT which
- uses a flash disk with an existing format that is just to be initialized
- before it’s use, EEPROM which is for an EEPROM or PROM based system.
- Volatile Flag: This flag indicates that the volume or disk is a volatile
- disk (RAM disk ) or a non-volatile disk, that retains its contents when
- the system is rebooted. This should be set to TRUE or FALSE.
- Free Flag: This is an internal flag that should be set to FALSE or zero.
- Is Mounted Flag: This is an internal flag that should be set to FALSE
- or zero. Note that a “pre-mounted” FS_BASED path can be set up by setting
- this flag to one.
- Volume Name: This is an internal field and should be set to a space
- character “ “.
- Mount Point Field: This is an internal field and should be set to a space
- character “ “.
- Block Size Field: This is used to record the block size of the device and
- does not need to be set by the user.
-\page osalfsfd File Descriptors In Osal
- The OSAL uses abstracted file descriptors. This means that the file descriptors
- passed back from the OS_open and OS_creat calls will only work with other OSAL OS_*
- calls. The reasoning for this is as follows:
- Because the OSAL now keeps track of all file descriptors, OSAL specific information
- can be associated with a specific file descriptor in an OS independent way. For
-instance, the path of the file that the file descriptor points to can be easily
- retrieved. Also, the OSAL task ID of the task that opened the file can also be
- retrieved easily. Both of these pieces of information are very useful when trying
- to determine statistics for a task, or the entire system. This information can all
- be retrieved with a single API, OS_FDGetInfo.
- All of possible file system calls are not implemented. "Special" files requiring OS
- specific control/operations are by nature not portable. Abstraction in this case is
- is not possible, so the raw OS calls should be used (including open/close/etc). Mixing
- with OSAL calls is not supported for such cases. #OS_TranslatePath is available to
- support using open directly by an app and maintain abstraction on the file system.
- There are some small drawbacks with the OSAL file descriptors. Because the related
- information is kept in a table, there is a define called OS_MAX_NUM_OPEN_FILES that
- defines the maximum number of file descriptors available. This is a configuration
-parameter, and can be changed to fit your needs.
- Also, if you open or create a file not using the OSAL calls (OS_open or OS_creat)
- then none of the other OS_* calls that accept a file descriptor as a parameter will
-work (the results of doing so are undefined). Therefore, if you open a file with
- the underlying OS's open call, you must continue to use the OS's calls until you
- close the file descriptor. Be aware that by doing this your software may no longer
- be OS agnostic.
diff --git a/docs/src/osal_timer.dox b/docs/src/osal_timer.dox
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index 793bc24c7..000000000
--- a/docs/src/osal_timer.dox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- \page osaltimerover Timer Overview
- The timer API is a generic interface to the OS timer facilities. It is
- implemented using the POSIX timers on Linux and vxWorks and the native timer
- API on RTEMS. The number of timers supported is controlled by the configuration
- parameter OS_MAX_TIMERS.
diff --git a/docs/src/osalmain.dox b/docs/src/osalmain.dox
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index 7502b6991..000000000
--- a/docs/src/osalmain.dox
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- \mainpage Osal API Documentation
- - General Information and Concepts
- Core
- - \ref OSReturnCodes
- \ref OSObjectTypes
- APIs
- - \ref OSAPICore
- \ref OSAPIObjUtil
- \ref OSAPITask
- \ref OSAPIMsgQueue
- \ref OSAPIHeap
- \ref OSAPIError
- \ref OSAPISelect
- \ref OSAPIPrintf
- \ref OSAPIBsp
- \ref OSAPIClock
- \ref OSAPIShell
- - \subpage osapi-common.h "Common Reference"
- \subpage osapi-error.h "Return Code Reference"
- \subpage osapi-idmap.h "Id Map Reference"
- \subpage osapi-clock.h "Clock Reference"
- \subpage osapi-task.h "Task Reference"
- \subpage osapi-queue.h "Message Queue Reference"
- \subpage osapi-heap.h "Heap Reference"
- \subpage osapi-select.h "Select Reference"
- \subpage osapi-printf.h "Printf Reference"
- \subpage osapi-bsp.h "BSP Reference"
- \subpage osapi-shell.h "Shell Reference"
- - File System
- - \subpage osalfsovr
- \subpage osalfsfd
- \ref OSFileAccess
- \ref OSFileOffset
- APIs
- - \ref OSAPIFile
- \ref OSAPIDir
- \ref OSAPIFileSys
- - \subpage osapi-filesys.h "File System Reference"
- \subpage osapi-file.h "File Reference"
- \subpage osapi-dir.h "Directory Reference"
- - Object File Loader
- - APIs
- \subpage osapi-module.h "File Loader Reference"
- - Network
- - APIs
- - \ref OSALAPINetwork
- \ref OSAPISocketAddr
- \ref OSALAPISocket
- - \subpage osapi-network.h "Network Reference"
- \subpage osapi-sockets.h "Socket Reference"
- - Timer
- - \subpage osaltimerover
- APIs
- - \ref OSAPITimebase
- \ref OSAPITimer
- - \subpage osapi-timer.h "Timer Reference"
- \subpage osapi-timebase.h "Time Base Reference"
- - Semaphore and Mutex
- - \ref OSSemaphoreStates
- APIs
- - \ref OSAPIBinSem
- \ref OSAPICountSem
- \ref OSAPIMutex
- - \subpage osapi-binsem.h "Binary Semaphore Reference"
- \subpage osapi-countsem.h "Counting Semaphore Reference"
- \subpage osapi-mutex.h "Mutex Reference"
- \page osalIntro OSAL Introduction
- The goal of this library is to promote the creation of portable and
- reusable real time embedded system software. Given the necessary OS
- abstraction layer implementations, the same embedded software should
- compile and run on a number of platforms ranging from spacecraft
- computer systems to desktop PCs.
- The OS Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are broken up into core,
- file system, loader, network, and timer APIs. See the related document
- sections for full descriptions.
- @note The majority of these APIs should be called from a task running
- in the context of an OSAL application and in general should not be called
- from an ISR. There are a few exceptions, such as the ability to give a
- binary semaphore from an ISR.