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926 lines (615 loc) · 34.4 KB

File metadata and controls

926 lines (615 loc) · 34.4 KB

Static HTML Output Changelog

= 6.6.22 =

  • support Windows filepaths

= 6.6.21 =

  • include ads.txt in initial crawl list
  • don't force exclude wp-json from crawling
  • fix for password managers trying to fill plugin option fields
  • granular crawl and deploy progress indicators
  • no more txt files polluting uploads dir, slowing things down
  • progress indicator on WP_CLI generate cmd
  • finally supporting UTF/multibyte URLs!
  • preserve font hex values in parsed stylesheets
  • fix detection of archives pagination pages
  • fix detection of posts pagination pages
  • fix detection of URLs within inline styles
  • fix rewriting of urlencoded WP site URL
  • preserve desired link elements when using "Remove WP Tags" option
  • preserve query strings in URLs
  • preserve whitespace in generated HTML
  • force https on external links when destination protocol is https
  • fix for detecting common missing assets
  • fix for special characters not being converted properly
  • fix for PLACEHOLDER.wpsho URLs remaining
  • fix for mixed-content protocols when deploying to https
  • fix deployment test button giving false positives
  • fix ZIP download URL when dev site's protocol doesn't match Site URL's
  • fix protocol relative URLs in stylesheet rewriting
  • support BunnyCDN's BETA API endpoint regions
  • support link extraction/rewriting from more element types
  • update S3 region endpoints
  • Tested with WP 5.4.1
  • Requires minimum PHP 7.3
  • removed insecure FTP option
  • removed relative link conversion and base element processing
  • Matching project name to slug
  • Implement code quality tooling
  • Performance optimization for slow hosting providers
  • rm offline zip functionality
  • Minor fix for setting base HREF option
  • use WP's mime-types lookup for S3 deployer

= 6.6.7 =

  • Readme bump only

= 6.6.6 =

  • Enhancement: prevent vendor notices distorting StaticHTMLOutput UI
  • Enhancement: warn when DOMDocument not available
  • Enhancement: warn when ZIP extension not available for Netlify deploy
  • Enhancement: set outdated PHP detection version to < 5.6

= 6.6.5 =

  • Bugfix: fix offline ZIP generation (links not being properly rewritten)
  • Bugfix: fix for srcset URLs not being crawled or rewritten
  • Bugfix: fixes compatibility with PHP 5.6 (but please do upgrade!)

= 6.6.4 =

  • Bugfix: fix cases of WordPress Site URL -> placeholder rewriting
  • Bugfix: fixes escaped URLs not being written to Destination URL

= 6.6.3 =

  • Bugfix: fixes incorrect links in pagination URLs detection
  • Bugfix: fixes homepage showing 404 page in some environments
  • Enhancement: allow custom port to be used during crawling

= 6.6.2 =

  • Bugfix: fix errors in S3 deployments. Ensure you delete your Deploy Cache (Advanced tab), then re-run your deploy with version 6.6.2.

= 6.6.1 =

  • Bugfix: fix for Excluded URLs; log exclusion rules for Debug Mode (thanks @yadex205!)
  • Bugfix: fix for malformed URLs returned in Detected URLs

= 6.6 =

  • Enhancement: Crawl Delay added to overcome "Too many files" issue on certain hosting environments
  • Bugfix: S3 files with @ in pathname (quick fix, in lieu of a comprehensive fix for extended/foreign characters)
  • Bugfix: forcing of https rewriting when site contains http links when serving over https
  • Bugfix: Detected URLs returning some paths with double //'s within
  • Change: plugin directory structure cleaned up

= 6.5.3 =

  • Bugfix: filter URLs with spaces from initial crawl list

= 6.5.1 =

  • Bugfix: fixes exports where homepage is 404

= 6.5 =

  • Enhancement: pagination URLs for all post types now included in initial crawl
  • Enhancement: pagination URLs for taxonomies, comments now included in initial crawl
  • Bugfix: posts and page URLs weren't all being detected

= 6.4 =

  • New feature: Debug Mode - helps diagnose any errors causing the plugin to fail
  • Enhancement: Improvements to URL rewriting engine
  • Enhancement: Set unique user-agent while crawling site
  • Bugfix: Allow uploads to S3 buckets with dots in bucket name
  • Bugfix: Detect Webpack-built themes' dist directory
  • Bugfix: Fix false-positives in deploy tests
  • Bugfix: Fix error with WP-CLI options commands

= 6.3 =

  • New feature: incremental deploys for all but Netlify (cache unchanged files to speed up deploys)
  • New feature: Post-deploy hook, allowing users to trigger their own scripts after deploy
  • New feature: Additional URLs filter, allowing users to hook into plugin from their own code to manipulate the intial crawl list
  • Enhancement: PowerPack / all deploy methods now available in the free version.
  • Enhancement: progress bars now show during all compatible deploy methods
  • Enhancement: reduced plugin size/overhead by using custom code over 3rd party libraries
  • Enhancement: simplified CloudFront invalidation process (behind the scenes)
  • Enhancement: cURL requests replace Guzzle library for less bloat (behind the scenes)
  • Bugfix: BunnyCDN cache purging working properly (Storage & Pull Zone keys required)
  • Bugfix: email notification on deploy now working for browser based deploys (previously only WP-CLI deploys would trigger it if selected)
  • Bugfix: support Unicode chars in source HTML (thanks @dimobelov!)
  • Bugfix: fix Additional URLs not being crawled
  • Bugfix: choosing 'Everything' in WP URL detection really gets everything
  • Bugfix: protocol relative URLs being properly replace in HTML files
  • Bugfix: ignore Base HREF and relative URL settings when creating offline ZIP

= 6.2 =

  • New feature: choose your WordPress URL detection level (Crawl settings)
  • New feature: diff-based deploys for GitHub (PowerPack only)
  • Enhancement: New deployment method for GitHub (PowerPack only)
  • Enhancement: Progress-bar showing long-running task % complete (partial rollout)
  • Enhancement: Sticky footer for plugin controls (first iteration, not pretty yet)
  • Enhancement: Plugin download size reduced
  • Bugfix: Non HTML/CSS files not being properly written in export (proper fix for what should have been reoslved in last version)
  • Bugfix: Fix for detected WP theme URLs being malformed
  • Dropped: No longer creating symlinks to last export directory

= 6.1.3 =

  • Bugfix: JS files not being properly written in export

= 6.1.2 =

  • Bugfix: JS files not being properly written in export

= 6.1.1 =

  • Bugfix: Cachebust to ensure latest ZIP download link
  • Bugfix: Fix issue preventing certain 3rd party deploys (PowerPack only)

= 6.1 =

  • Bugfix: Site URLs without trailing slash weren't rewritten

= 6.0 =

  • New feature: WP CLI integration
  • New feature: auto-deploy to Bitbucket
  • New feature: auto-deploy to GitLab
  • New feature: send email upon completion
  • New feature: exclude URLs from being crawled/exported
  • New feature: initial support for feeds/xml exporting
  • Enhancement: much improved export speeds via batching requests
  • Enhancement: test external deploy settings before starting export
  • Enhancement: flexible URL rewriting and directory renaming
  • Enhancement: preview initial crawl list before starting your export
  • Enhancement: support sleeping between GitHub API requests, avoid rate limits
  • Enhancement: support multiple site ID formats within Netlify deploy
  • Enhancement: remove Freemius SDK from free version
  • Enhancement: scheduled CRON deploys now in the free version
  • Enhancement: detect Elementor, copy FontAwesome to archive
  • Enhancement: easy access to export/deploy logs from Logs tab
  • Enhancement: strip WP's noindex,follow meta tag
  • Enhancement: support Netlify _headers and _redirects files
  • Enhancement: support Yoast SEO sitemaps
  • Bugfix: Support for Bedrock, Debian & non-standard WP paths
  • Bugfix: Prevent rewriting mailto: links containing domain
  • Bugfix: Prevent rewriting URLs on external domains
  • Bugfix: Offline ZIP creation now functioning properly
  • Bugfix: Fix ZIP download button not always appearing
  • Bugfix: Ignore certificate errors when crawling
  • Drop feature: diff-based deploys (now possible via WP-CLI)
  • Drop feature: deploy to Dropbox (they don't love static sites anymore)
  • Plugin name change to StaticHTMLOutput

= 5.8 =

  • Bugfix: Allow activation (with warning) for PHP < 5.4 users

= 5.7 =

  • Bugfix: Allow for WPMU/network site activation
  • Bugfix: Include gallery files for NextGEN Gallery

= 5.6 =

  • Bugfix: Major bug preventing certain files being crawled has been fixed
  • Improvement: Partial support for WPMU/network site activation

= 5.5.1 =

  • Improvement: Deploy times reduced by ~ 30%, amount of data transferred by client minimized
  • Improvement: Diff-based deploys to only copy changed files (for folder, S3 and FTP deployments only)
  • Improvement: Don't block other plugin usage if ZIP extension is not available
  • Improvement: UX - 1-click same-server deployments; defaults to same-server for new installs
  • Improvement: De-cluttered UI

= 5.4.2 =

  • Bugfix: include all nested directories when building initial list to crawl

= 5.4.1 =

  • Bugfix: missing library for GitHub Pages export in free version

= 5.4 =

  • Improvement: more deployment options included (Netlify, GitHub Pages)
  • Bugfix: certain cases where inline style images are written with incorrect filenames
  • Bugfix: fix for cron-scheduled exports failing
  • Bugfix: offline copy not rewriting home URLs

= 5.3 =

  • Bugfix: subdir WP installations not exporting properly
  • Improvement: cleaner UI for first export

= 5.2 =

  • Support for latest WordPress 4.9.8
  • Plugin name change to WP Static Site Generator

= 5.1 =

  • Enhancement: improved accessibility of plugin menu

= 5.0 =

  • Major bugfixes - must update
  • fixes issues preventing deployments on certain hosting environments

= 4.4 =

  • Enhancement: More feedback on export errors with troubleshooting tips
  • Enhancement: Updated Frequently Asked Questions

= 4.3 =

  • Bugfix: fix cases where exported site is placed in site root

= 4.2 =

  • New feature: support for relative URLs with base href

= 4.1 =

  • New feature: deploy directly to a folder on the current server
  • Improvement: FTP deployments included in the free forever version
  • Bugfix: fix for rewriting escaped URLs within JavaScript for some themes
  • Bugfix: fix for subdomains being duplicated during rewriting

= 4.0 =

  • Improvement: simplified UI for easier usage
  • Improvement: livechat from within plugin for easier support (during support hours)
  • Improvement: basic auth setting available for free users
  • Improvement: ability to reset plugin to default settings
  • Bugfix: fix from crawling prematurely ending when empty files encountered

= 3.1 =

  • Bugfix: fix certain CloudFront exceptions not being caught/logged
  • Bugfix: previous exports being included in deployments in some cases
  • Bugfix: issue preventing Dropbox deployments from working
  • Bugfix: enable S3 deploys to all regions
  • Bugfix: allow crawling local/self-cert SSL sites
  • Improvement: Dropbox export done incrementally to support shared hosting environments
  • Improvement: allow setting a subfolder within your S3 bucket to deploy to
  • Improvement: minimized number of files from plugin for faster install times
  • Improvement: allow crawling basic auth protected sites

= 3.0 =

  • Bugfix: fix certain CloudFront exceptions not being caught/logged

= 2.9 =

  • Bugfix: critical fix for exported directories not being rewritten

= 2.8 =

  • Bugfix: critical fix for Dropbox, BunnyCDN and Netlify exports

= 2.7 =

  • Bugfix: Fixes major issue where a failed first export blocked subsequent ones unless page was refreshed
  • Bugfix: Plugin was not respecting the Output Directory Override

= 2.6.4 =

  • Improvement: Reduced plugin download size from 4+ MB to about 0.8MB
  • Improvement: Streamlined S3 and CloudFront export codes not to require massive AWS SDK
  • Improvement: Add check for cURL extension and add more help to system requirements page
  • Improvement: Make UI cleaner; place export button above Export Log;call to action on n exports
  • Bugfix: Remove message about deleting ZIP when none has been created

= 2.6.3 =

  • Bugfix: Reduced plugin download size and fix missing libraries needed for export

= 2.6.2 =

  • Improvement: Reduced plugin total ZIP size to allow installation for limited hosts

= 2.6.1 =

  • Bugfix: Fix CloudFront Cache Invalidation and update to latest AWS SDK V3.6.13
  • Bugfix: allow crawling sites served via SSL / HTTPS
  • Bugfix: prevent PHP warnings in error_log for unlink and renaming files - check they exist first
  • Bugfix: correctly determine WP root in filesystem
  • Improvement: allow FTP active mode, not just passive
  • Improvement: add Osaka endpoint for S3
  • Improvement: include more information in Export Log to help debug

= 2.6 =

  • Feature: Remove all traces of WordPress from your site - improve your SEO/SEM
  • Feature: Include all of your uploads folder by default - ensures all files are exported
  • Improvement: Streamlined interface for less clutter
  • Improvement: Cleanup export folder upon completion - no more filling up your uploads dir
  • Improvement: Make ZIP creation an optional step - not everyone needs to create ZIPs!
  • Bugfix: Respect custom output folder setting
  • Bugfix: Strip query strings from extracted URLs
  • Bugfix: Use base uploads dir for export folder - no more digging around for your export folder

= 2.5 =

  • Under the hood improvements, increasing stability and performance of the plugin.

= 2.4 =

  • Feature: Export to BunnyCDN - a very cheap and quick static site hosting option
  • Bugfix: Extracts relative URLs like fonts, background images, etc linked from your theme's CSS files

= 2.3 =

  • Feature: Scheduled exports via WP Crontrol
  • Bugfix: FTP export now works on shared/limited hosting
  • Bugfix: Extracts all URLs when crawling your website's HTML files
  • Bugfix: Subsequent exports correctly show realtime progress in log

= 2.2 =

  • Bugfix: GitHub export now works on shared/limited hosting
  • Feature: Realtime export progress logs

= 2.1 =

  • Bugfix: don't hang on failures
  • Bugfix: fix option to retain files on server after export
  • Feature: 1-click publishing to a Netlify static site
  • Feature: view server log on failure

= 2.0 =

Critical bug fixes and a shiny new feature!

  • Bugfix: Dropbox export once again working after they killed version 1 of their API
  • Bugfix: Amazon S3 publishing fixed after bug introduced in 1.9
  • Feature: 1-click publishing to a GitHub Pages static site

Thanks to a user donation for funding the development work to get GitHub Pages exporting added as a new feature. I was also able to merge some recently contributed code from @patrickdk77, fixing the recent issues with AWS S3 and CloudFront. Finally, I couldn't make a new release without fixing the Dropbox export functionality - unbeknowst to me, they had killed version 1 of their API in September, breaking the functionality in this plugin, along with many other apps.

= 1.9 =

  • Bugfix: Plugin now works on PHP 5.3

Though this is no longer an officially supported PHP version, many of this plugin's users are running PHP 5.3 or earlier. This fix should once again allow them to use the plugin, which has not been possible for them since about version 1.2. If you are one of these affected users, please now upgrade and enjoy all the new useful features!

= 1.8 =

  • Bugfix: improved URL rewriting

Plugin now ensures that formatted versions of your site's URL, ie // or or the https/http equivalent are detected and rewritten to your target Base URL. The rewriting should now also work within CSS and JavaScript files.

= 1.7 =

  • Bugfix: index.html contents empty for some users' themes/setups
  • Bugfix: remove PHP short open tags for better compatibility

= 1.6 =

  • Additional URLs now work again! Much needed bugfix.

= 1.5 =

  • bugfix for Dropbox export function not exporting all files

= 1.4 =

  • add Dropbox export option
  • fix bug some users encountered with 1.3 release

= 1.3 =

  • reduce plugin download size

= 1.2.2 =

  • supports Amazon Web Service's S3 as an export option

= 1.2.1 =

  • unlimited export targets
  • desktop notifications alert you when all exports are completed (no more staring at the screen)

= 1.2.0 =

  • 1-click generation and exporting to an FTP server
  • improved user experience when saving and exporting sites (no more white screen of boredom!)

= 1.1.3 =

  • Now able to choose whether to strip unneeded meta tags from generated source code.
  • Improved layout for config/export screen.
  • Better feedback to user when system requirements are not met

= 1.1.2 =

  • Version bump for supporting latest WP (4.7)

= 1.1.1 =

Added Features

  • Updated author URL

Removed Features

  • Premium options for One-Click publishing to provided hosting and domain

= 1.1.0 =

Added Features

  • Premium options for One-Click publishing to provided hosting and domain

= 1.0.9 =

Added Features

  • Japanese localization added (ja_UTF)

= 1.0.8 =

Added Features

  • long-awaited FTP transfer option integrated with basic functionality
  • option to save generated static HTML files on server

= 1.0.7 =

Fixed bug introduced with previous version. Applied following modifications contributed by Brian Coca (

Added Features

  • zip is now written atomically (write tmp file first, then rename to zip) which now allows polling scripts to only deal with completed zip file.
  • username and blog id are now part of the file name. For auditing and handling multi site exports.

Bug fixes

  • . and .. special directory entries are now ignored
  • dirname is checked before access avoiding uninitialized warning

= 1.0.6 =

Added shortcut to Settings page with Plugin Action Links

= 1.0.5 =

Added link to relevant Settings page when permalinks structure is not set.

= 1.0.4 =

Added a timeout value to URL request which was breaking for slow sites

= 1.0.3 =

Altered main codebase to fix recursion bug and endless loop. Essential upgrade.

= 1.0.2 =

Initial release to Wordpress community

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 6.6.6 =

  • Enhancement: prevent vendor notices distorting StaticHTMLOutput UI
  • Enhancement: warn when DOMDocument not available
  • Enhancement: warn when ZIP extension not available for Netlify deploy
  • Enhancement: set outdated PHP detection version to < 5.6

= 6.6.5 =

  • Bugfix: fix offline ZIP generation (links not being properly rewritten)
  • Bugfix: fix for srcset URLs not being crawled or rewritten
  • Bugfix: fixes compatibility with PHP 5.6 (but please do upgrade!)

= 6.6.4 =

  • Bugfix: fix cases of WordPress Site URL -> placeholder rewriting
  • Bugfix: fixes escaped URLs not being written to Destination URL

= 6.6.3 =

  • Bugfix: fixes incorrect links in pagination URLs detection
  • Bugfix: fixes homepage showing 404 page in some environments
  • Enhancement: allow custom port to be used during crawling

= 6.6.2 =

  • Bugfix: fix errors in S3 deployments. Ensure you delete your Deploy Cache (Advanced tab), then re-run your deploy with version 6.6.2.

= 6.6.1 =

  • Bugfix: fix for Excluded URLs; log exclusion rules for Debug Mode (thanks @yadex205!)
  • Bugfix: fix for malformed URLs returned in Detected URLs

= 6.6 =

  • Enhancement: Crawl Delay added to overcome "Too many files" issue on certain hosting environments
  • Bugfix: S3 files with @ in pathname (quick fix, in lieu of a comprehensive fix for extended/foreign characters)
  • Bugfix: forcing of https rewriting when site contains http links when serving over https
  • Bugfix: Detected URLs returning some paths with double //'s within
  • Change: plugin directory structure cleaned up

= 6.5.3 =

  • Bugfix: filter URLs with spaces from initial crawl list

= 6.5.1 =

  • Bugfix: fixes exports where homepage is 404

= 6.5 =

  • Enhancement: pagination URLs for all post types now included in initial crawl
  • Enhancement: pagination URLs for taxonomies, comments now included in initial crawl
  • Bugfix: posts and page URLs weren't all being detected

= 6.4 =

  • New feature: Debug Mode - helps diagnose any errors causing the plugin to fail
  • Enhancement: Improvements to URL rewriting engine
  • Enhancement: Set unique user-agent while crawling site
  • Bugfix: Allow uploads to S3 buckets with dots in bucket name
  • Bugfix: Detect Webpack-built themes' dist directory
  • Bugfix: Fix false-positives in deploy tests
  • Bugfix: Fix error with WP-CLI options commands

= 6.3 =

  • New feature: incremental deploys for all but Netlify (cache unchanged files to speed up deploys)
  • New feature: Post-deploy hook, allowing users to trigger their own scripts after deploy
  • New feature: Additional URLs filter, allowing users to hook into plugin from their own code to manipulate the intial crawl list
  • Enhancement: PowerPack / all deploy methods now available in the free version.
  • Enhancement: progress bars now show during all compatible deploy methods
  • Enhancement: reduced plugin size/overhead by using custom code over 3rd party libraries
  • Enhancement: simplified CloudFront invalidation process (behind the scenes)
  • Enhancement: cURL requests replace Guzzle library for less bloat (behind the scenes)
  • Bugfix: BunnyCDN cache purging working properly (Storage & Pull Zone keys required)
  • Bugfix: email notification on deploy now working for browser based deploys (previously only WP-CLI deploys would trigger it if selected)
  • Bugfix: support Unicode chars in source HTML (thanks @dimobelov!)
  • Bugfix: fix Additional URLs not being crawled
  • Bugfix: choosing 'Everything' in WP URL detection really gets everything
  • Bugfix: protocol relative URLs being properly replace in HTML files
  • Bugfix: ignore Base HREF and relative URL settings when creating offline ZIP

= 6.2 =

  • New feature: choose your WordPress URL detection level (Crawl settings)
  • New feature: diff-based deploys for GitHub (PowerPack only)
  • Enhancement: New deployment method for GitHub (PowerPack only)
  • Enhancement: Progress-bar showing long-running task % complete (partial rollout)
  • Enhancement: Sticky footer for plugin controls (first iteration, not pretty yet)
  • Enhancement: Plugin download size reduced
  • Bugfix: Non HTML/CSS files not being properly written in export (proper fix for what should have been reoslved in last version)
  • Bugfix: Fix for detected WP theme URLs being malformed
  • Dropped: No longer creating symlinks to last export directory

= 6.1.3 =

  • Bugfix: JS files not being properly written in export

= 6.1.2 =

  • Bugfix: JS files not being properly written in export

= 6.1.1 =

  • Bugfix: Cachebust to ensure latest ZIP download link
  • Bugfix: Fix issue preventing certain 3rd party deploys (PowerPack only)

= 6.1 =

  • Bugfix: Site URLs without trailing slash weren't rewritten

= 6.0 =

  • New feature: WP CLI integration
  • New feature: auto-deploy to Bitbucket
  • New feature: auto-deploy to GitLab
  • New feature: send email upon completion
  • New feature: exclude URLs from being crawled/exported
  • New feature: initial support for feeds/xml exporting
  • Enhancement: much improved export speeds via batching requests
  • Enhancement: test external deploy settings before starting export
  • Enhancement: flexible URL rewriting and directory renaming
  • Enhancement: preview initial crawl list before starting your export
  • Enhancement: support sleeping between GitHub API requests, avoid rate limits
  • Enhancement: support multiple site ID formats within Netlify deploy
  • Enhancement: remove Freemius SDK from free version
  • Enhancement: scheduled CRON deploys now in the free version
  • Enhancement: detect Elementor, copy FontAwesome to archive
  • Enhancement: easy access to export/deploy logs from Logs tab
  • Enhancement: strip WP's noindex,follow meta tag
  • Enhancement: support Netlify _headers and _redirects files
  • Enhancement: support Yoast SEO sitemaps
  • Bugfix: Support for Bedrock, Debian & non-standard WP paths
  • Bugfix: Prevent rewriting mailto: links containing domain
  • Bugfix: Prevent rewriting URLs on external domains
  • Bugfix: Offline ZIP creation now functioning properly
  • Bugfix: Fix ZIP download button not always appearing
  • Bugfix: Ignore certificate errors when crawling
  • Drop feature: diff-based deploys (now possible via WP-CLI)
  • Drop feature: deploy to Dropbox (they don't love static sites anymore)
  • Plugin name change to StaticHTMLOutput

= 5.8 =

  • Bugfix: Allow activation (with warning) for PHP < 5.4 users

= 5.7 =

  • Bugfix: Allow for WPMU/network site activation
  • Bugfix: Include gallery files for NextGEN Gallery

= 5.6 =

  • Bugfix: Major bug preventing certain files being crawled has been fixed
  • Improvement: Partial support for WPMU/network site activation

= 5.5.1 =

  • Improvement: Deploy times reduced by ~ 30%, amount of data transferred by client minimized
  • Improvement: Diff-based deploys to only copy changed files (for folder, S3 and FTP deployments only)
  • Improvement: Don't block other plugin usage if ZIP extension is not available
  • Improvement: UX - 1-click same-server deployments; defaults to same-server for new installs
  • Improvement: De-cluttered UI

= 5.4.2 =

  • Bugfix: include all nested directories when building initial list to crawl

= 5.4.1 =

  • Bugfix: missing library for GitHub Pages export in free version

= 5.4 =

  • Improvement: more deployment options included (Netlify, GitHub Pages)
  • Bugfix: certain cases where inline style images are written with incorrect filenames
  • Bugfix: fix for cron-scheduled exports failing
  • Bugfix: offline copy not rewriting home URLs

= 5.3 =

  • Bugfix: subdir WP installations not exporting properly
  • Improvement: cleaner UI for first export

= 5.2 =

  • Support for latest WordPress 4.9.8
  • Plugin name change to WP Static Site Generator

= 5.1 =

  • Enhancement: improved accessibility of plugin menu

= 5.0 =

  • Major bugfixes - must update
  • fixes issues preventing deployments on certain hosting environments

= 4.4 =

  • Enhancement: More feedback on export errors with troubleshooting tips
  • Enhancement: Updated Frequently Asked Questions

= 4.3 =

  • Bugfix: fix cases where exported site is placed in site root

= 4.2 =

  • New feature: support for relative URLs with base href

= 4.1 =

  • New feature: deploy directly to a folder on the current server
  • Improvement: FTP deployments included in the free forever version
  • Bugfix: fix for rewriting escaped URLs within JavaScript for some themes
  • Bugfix: fix for subdomains being duplicated during rewriting

= 4.0 =

Major upgrade recommended for all users. Adds new functionality and fixes a major bug.

  • Improvement: simplified UI for easier usage
  • Improvement: livechat from within plugin for easier support (during support hours)
  • Improvement: basic auth setting available for free users
  • Improvement: ability to reset plugin to default settings
  • Bugfix: fix from crawling prematurely ending when empty files encountered

= 3.1 =

Critical upgrade with bugfixes and improvements

  • Bugfix: fix certain CloudFront exceptions not being caught/logged
  • Bugfix: previous exports being included in deployments in some cases
  • Bugfix: issue preventing Dropbox deployments from working
  • Bugfix: enable S3 deploys to all regions
  • Bugfix: allow crawling local/self-cert SSL sites
  • Improvement: Dropbox export done incrementally to support shared hosting environments
  • Improvement: allow setting a subfolder within your S3 bucket to deploy to
  • Improvement: minimized number of files from plugin for faster install times
  • Improvement: allow crawling basic auth protected sites

= 3.0 =

  • Bugfix: fix certain CloudFront exceptions not being caught/logged

= 2.9 =

  • Bugfix: critical fix for exported directories not being rewritten

= 2.8 =

Critical upgrade - recommended for all users. If you have troubles upgrading, please contact the developer at [email protected] for assistance.

  • Bugfix: critical fix for Dropbox, BunnyCDN and Netlify exports

= 2.7 =

Critical upgrade - recommended for all users. If you have troubles upgrading, please contact the developer at [email protected] for assistance.

  • Bugfix: Fixes major issue where a failed first export blocked subsequent ones unless page was refreshed
  • Bugfix: Plugin was not respecting the Output Directory Override

= 2.6.4 =

Non-critical update - get some UI and exporting improvements and a minor bug fix

  • Improvement: Reduced plugin download size from 4+ MB to about 0.8MB
  • Improvement: Streamlined S3 and CloudFront export codes not to require massive AWS SDK
  • Improvement: Add check for cURL extension and add more help to system requirements page
  • Improvement: Make UI cleaner; place export button above Export Log;call to action on n exports
  • Bugfix: Remove message about deleting ZIP when none has been created

= 2.6.3 =

Critical update - fixes issues blocking installation/export for some users.

  • Bugfix: Reduced plugin download size and fix missing libraries needed for export

= 2.6.2 =

Important fix for those users trying to upgrade to a recent version of the plugin. The reduced filesize of this version should allow installs where others where failing.

  • Improvement: Reduced plugin total ZIP size to allow installation for limited hosts

= 2.6.1 =

Minor release - fixes some minor issues discovered in V2.6, brings some improvements. Recommeneded to upgrade for increased stability with your exports and an easier time troubleshooting when something goes wrong.

  • Bugfix: Fix CloudFront Cache Invalidation and update to latest AWS SDK V3.6.13
  • Bugfix: allow crawling sites served via SSL / HTTPS
  • Bugfix: prevent PHP warnings in error_log for unlink and renaming files - check they exist first
  • Bugfix: correctly determine WP root in filesystem
  • Improvement: allow FTP active mode, not just passive
  • Improvement: add Osaka endpoint for S3
  • Improvement: include more information in Export Log to help debug

= 2.6 =

Important upgrade, bringing a killer new feature, nice improvements and important bugfixes:

  • Feature: Remove all traces of WordPress from your site - improve your SEO/SEM
  • Feature: Include all of your uploads folder by default - ensures all files are exported
  • Improvement: Streamlined interface for less clutter
  • Improvement: Cleanup export folder upon completion - no more filling up your uploads dir
  • Improvement: Make ZIP creation an optional step - not everyone needs to create ZIPs!
  • Bugfix: Respect custom output folder setting
  • Bugfix: Strip query strings from extracted URLs
  • Bugfix: Use base uploads dir for export folder - no more digging around for your export folder

= 2.5 =

  • Under the hood improvements, increasing stability and performance of the plugin.

= 2.4 =

All the important bits from the 2.3 release, plus:

  • Feature: Export to BunnyCDN - a very cheap and quick static site hosting option
  • Bugfix: Extracts relative URLs like fonts, background images, etc linked from your theme's CSS files

= 2.3 =

Important upgrade - critical bugfixes and new features. As we hit the 100,000 alltime downloads mark, there are big things in the pipeline coming in the major 3.0 release. Get the latest 2.3 version for a marked improvement to the plugin!

  • Feature: Scheduled exports via WP Crontrol
  • Bugfix: FTP export now works on shared/limited hosting
  • Bugfix: Extracts all URLs when crawling your website's HTML files
  • Bugfix: Subsequent exports correctly show realtime progress in log

= 2.2 =

Important upgrade - bug fix and better error reporting. Recommended for all users.

  • Bugfix: GitHub export now works on shared/limited hosting
  • Feature: Realtime export progress logs

Recommended upgrade for all users. Exporting from shared hosting has been improved. Better ability to debug issues and get help when an export is failing.

= 2.1 =

  • Bugfix: don't hang on failures
  • Bugfix: fix option to retain files on server after export
  • Feature: 1-click publishing to a Netlify static site
  • Feature: view server log on failure

= 2.0 =

Critical bug fixes and a shiny new feature!

  • Bugfix: Dropbox export once again working after they killed version 1 of their API
  • Bugfix: Amazon S3 publishing fixed after bug introduced in 1.9
  • Feature: 1-click publishing to a GitHub Pages static site

Thanks to a user donation for funding the development work to get GitHub Pages exporting added as a new feature. I was also able to merge some recently contributed code from @patrickdk77, fixing the recent issues with AWS S3 and CloudFront. Finally, I couldn't make a new release without fixing the Dropbox export functionality - unbeknowst to me, they had killed version 1 of their API in September, breaking the functionality in this plugin, along with many other apps.

Please contact me to report any bugs or request new features. Thanks again for your support of this plugin!

= 1.9 =

Critical update for many users~!

  • Bugfix: Plugin now works on PHP 5.3

Though this is no longer an officially supported PHP version, many of this plugin's users are running PHP 5.3 or earlier. This fix should once again allow them to use the plugin, which has not been possible for them since about version 1.2. If you are one of these affected users, please now upgrade and enjoy all the new useful features!

= 1.8 =

  • Bugfix: improved URL rewriting

Plugin now ensures that formatted versions of your site's URL, ie // or or the https/http equivalent are detected and rewritten to your target Base URL. The rewriting should now also work within CSS and JavaScript files.

= 1.7 =

  • Bugfix: index.html contents empty for some users' themes/setups
  • Bugfix: remove PHP short open tags for better compatibility

= 1.6 =

  • Additional URLs now work again! Much needed bugfix. Recommended upgrade.

= 1.5 =

  • bugfix for Dropbox export function not exporting all files

= 1.4 =

  • add Dropbox export option
  • fix bug some users encountered with 1.3 release

= 1.3 =

From this update on, will only do major point increases, ie 1.3, 1.4, vs 1.3.1, 1.3.2. This is due to way WP plugin directory only reports usage stats across major version numbers.

  • reduce plugin download size

= 1.2.2 =

  • supports Amazon Web Service's S3 as an export option

= 1.2.1 =

This update brings much desired multiple export targets. Please note, it will need you to enter your settings again as the guts of the plugin changed quite a bit and a settings migration didn't make the cut.

  • unlimited export targets
  • desktop notifications alert you when all exports are completed (no more staring at the screen)

= 1.2.0 =

Good to be back into developing the plugin again. This release brings some good functionality, though may be some bugs.

  • 1-click generation and exporting to an FTP server
  • improved user experience when saving and exporting sites (no more white screen of boredom!)

= 1.1.2 =

Minor version bump after compatibility checking with latest WordPress (4.7).

= 1.1.0 = Premium VIP subscription option added, providing static optimized hosting and a domain for your website.