MIBE is a build environment for SmartOS images ise by the Image Team, but it's not an officially supported solution.
- SmartOS users should use the following process: [Creating a Custom Zone Image] (http://wiki.smartos.org/display/DOC/Managing+Images#ManagingImages-CreatingaCustomZoneImage)
Install Git
# pkgin install scmgit
Import latest base-32 or base-64 image to build images from:
# imgadm import $(imgadm avail | awk '/base64/ { print $1 }' | tail -1)
mi_home/bin - Holds scripts to handle repository operations and build images.
- bin/repo_cloneall - Clones latest Joyent Machine Image repositories into mi_home/repos.
- bin/repo_pullall - Pulls latest Joyent Machine Image repositories into mi_home/repos.
- bin/repo_init - Initializes a new Machine Image repository and populates standard build files.
- bin/build_smartos - Image builder for SmartOS images.
mi_home/etc - Where configuration files for repositories are kept.
- etc/repos.conf - Git server repository configuration on where to get Machine Image repos from.
- etc/repos.list - Git repository list of Joyent Machine Image repositories. This is updated as more images are made public.
mi_home/lib - Includes directory for mibe.
mi_home/images - Final image dumps are stored here.
mi_home/logs - Logging directory for image builds.
mi_home/repos - Build repositories.
Clone the mibe repository in /opt (or wherever has space to store image files):
# cd /opt
# git clone https://github.com/joyent/mibe
# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mibe/bin
Run repo_cloneall to grab the updated Joyent Machine Image build repositories. They will be pulled down into mibe_home/repos.
# repo_cloneall
Create a VM (SmartOS) for building images:
# cat <<EOF > mibezone1.json
"brand": "joyent",
"image_uuid": "9eac5c0c-a941-11e2-a7dc-57a6b041988f",
"alias": "mibezone1",
"hostname": "mibezone1",
"max_physical_memory": 512,
"quota": 20,
"nics": [
"nic_tag": "admin",
"ip": "dhcp",
"primary": "true"
Run vmadm create to create it:
# vmadm create -f mibezone1.json
To build an example image we specify the base image, the vm to use (uuid of mibezone1), and the repository build files:
# cd /opt/mibe/repos
# build_smartos base64-13.2.1 629be403-f1e6-4c54-a4fc-dad4c4f25658 mi-example
build_smartos - version 1.0.0
Image builder for SmartOS images
* Sanity checking build files and environment.. OK.
* Halting build zone (629be403-f1e6-4c54).. OK.
* Configuring build zone (629be403-f1e6-4c54) to be imaged.. OK.
* Booting build zone (629be403-f1e6-4c54).. OK.
* Copying in mi-example/copy files.. OK.
* Creating image motd and product file.. OK.
* Installing packages list.. OK.
* Executing the customize file.. OK.
* Halting build zone (629be403-f1e6-4c54).. OK.
* Un-configuring build zone (629be403-f1e6-4c54).. OK.
* Creating image file and manifest.. OK.
Image: /home/mibe/images/example-1.0.0.zfs.gz
Manifest: /home/mibe/images/example-1.0.0.dsmanifest
The built image will be stored at mi_home/images/example-1.0.0.*