# Flowchart React

> Lightweight flowchart & flowchart designer for React.js

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English | [中文](https://www.joyceworks.com/2022/02/26/flowchart-react-readme-cn/)

<img width="802" alt="image" src="https://github.com/joyceworks/flowchart-react/assets/5696485/7ec9078b-950c-4ba1-8d85-1ea3de514fa1">

## Install

npm install --save flowchart-react
# or
yarn add flowchart-react

## Usage

import React, { useState } from "react";
import Flowchart from "flowchart-react";
import { ConnectionData, NodeData } from "flowchart-react/schema";

const App = () => {
  const [nodes, setNodes] = useState<NodeData[]>([
      type: "start",
      title: "Start",
      x: 150,
      y: 190,
      id: 1,
      type: "end",
      title: "End",
      x: 500,
      y: 190,
      id: 2,
      x: 330,
      y: 190,
      id: 3,
      title: "Joyce",
      x: 330,
      y: 300,
      id: 4,
      title: () => {
        return "No approver";
  const [conns, setConns] = useState<ConnectionData[]>([
      source: { id: 1, position: "right" },
      destination: { id: 3, position: "left" },
      source: { id: 3, position: "right" },
      destination: { id: 2, position: "left" },
      source: { id: 1, position: "bottom" },
      destination: { id: 4, position: "left" },
      source: { id: 4, position: "right" },
      destination: { id: 2, position: "bottom" },

  return (
      onChange={(nodes, connections) => {
      style={{ width: 800, height: 600 }}

export default App;

## Demo

- [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/stoic-borg-w626tt)

## API

Flowchart use nodes and connections to describe a flowchart.

### Props

#### nodes: `NodeData[]`

Array of nodes.

##### NodeData

| Props              | Description         | Type                                                | Default     | Required |
| id                 | Identity            | number                                              |             | true     |
| title              | Title of node       | string, `(node: NodeData) => string`, JSX.Element   |             | true     |
| type               | Type of node        | `start`, `end`, `operation`, `decision`             | `operation` | false    |
| x                  | X axis              | number                                              |             | true     |
| y                  | Y axis              | number                                              |             | true     |
| payload            | Custom data         | `{[key: string]: unknown}`                          |             | false    |
| width              | Node width          | number                                              | `120`       | false    |
| height             | Node height         | number                                              | `60`        | false    |
| connectionPosition | Connection position | `top`, `bottom`                                     | `top`       | false    |
| containerProps     |                     | SupportedSVGShapeProps                              |             | false    |
| textProps          |                     | SupportedSVGTextProps                               |             | false    |

##### SupportedSVGShapeProps

Node shape props, only `fill` and `stroke` are supported, for more information, please refer to [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute).

| Props  | Description | Type   | Default | Required |
| fill   |             | string |         | false    |
| stroke |             | string |         | false    |

##### SupportedSVGTextProps

Node text props, only `fill` is supported, for more information, please refer to [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute).

Works when `title` is a string.

| Props  | Description | Type   | Default | Required |
| fill   |             | string |         | false    |

#### connections: `ConnectionData[]`

Connections between nodes.

##### ConnectionData

Use `type` to describe the type of connection, `success` will draw a green line, `fail` will draw a red line.

| Props       | Description                             | Type                                                       | Default   | Required |
| type        | Type of connection                      | `success`, `fail`                                          | `success` | false    |
| source      | Source info                             | `{id: number, position: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}` |           | true     |
| destination | Destination info                        | `{id: number, position: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}` |           | true     |
| title       | Title of connection                     | string                                                     |           | false    |
| color       | Specify a color for the connection line | string                                                     |           | false    |

#### readonly: `boolean | undefined`

Prop to disabled drag, connect and delete nodes.

#### style: `React.CSSProperties`

Style of container.

#### defaultNodeSize: `{width: number, height: number} | undefined`

Global node size, works when `width` or `height` of node is not set.

Default: `{ width: 120, height: 60 }`.

#### showToolbar: `boolean | undefined | ("start-end" | "operation" | "decision")[]`

`false` to hide toolbar.

### Events

#### onChange: `(nodes: NodeData[], connections: ConnectionData[]) => void`

Triggered when a node is deleted(click a node and press `delete`), moved, disconnected(click a connection and press `delete`) or connected.

#### onNodeDoubleClick: `(node: NodeData) => void`

Triggered when a node is double-clicked.

> Tip: Double-click to edit.

#### onDoubleClick: `(event: React.MouseEvent<SVGGElement, MouseEvent>, zoom: number) => void`

Triggered when the background svg is double-clicked.

> Tip: Double-click to create a node.

function handleDoubleClick(event: React.MouseEvent<SVGGElement, MouseEvent>, zoom: number): void {
  const point = {
    x: event.nativeEvent.offsetX / zoom,
    y: event.nativeEvent.offsetY / zoom,
    id: +new Date(),
  let nodeData: NodeData;
  if (!nodes.find((item) => item.type === "start")) {
    nodeData = {
      type: "start",
      title: "Start",
  } else if (!nodes.find((item) => item.type === "end")) {
    nodeData = {
      type: "end",
      title: "End",
  } else {
    nodeData = {
      title: "New",
      type: "operation",
  setNodes((prevState) => [...prevState, nodeData]);

#### onConnectionDoubleClick: `(connection: ConnectionData) => void`

Triggered when a connection is double-clicked.

> Tip: Double-click to edit connection.

#### onMouseUp: `(event: React.MouseEvent<SVGSVGElement>, zoom: number) => void`

Triggered when the mouse is up on the background svg.

> Tip: Drop something to here to implement node creation.

#### className: `string | undefined`

Custom class name of container.

## License

MIT © [Joyceworks](https://github.com/joyceworks)