******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.dictionary Name : Get Dictionary from Input Description : Makes a dictionary from the text passed as input. JSON (like {"foo": "bar"}), key-value pairs (like foo=bar&baz=biz), and XML-based plist are supported. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.giphy Name : Search Giphy Description : Searches for GIFs representing the text specified using Giphy. Parameters : + WFGiphyQuery Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Search Placeholder: Trending TextAlignment: Right AutocapitalizationType: None + WFGiphyShowPicker Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show GIF Picker + WFGiphyLimit Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: GIFs DefaultValue: 1 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFGiphyShowPicker'}] StepperDescription: Number of GIFs StepperNoun: GIF + WFGiphySelectMultiple Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFGiphyShowPicker'}] Label: Select Multiple ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.searchlocalbusinesses Name : Search Local Businesses Description : Searches for nearby businesses. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFLocationParameter SkipProcessingCurrentLocation: True Label: Location DefaultToCurrentLocation: True + WFSearchQuery Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: Keywords used to search for businesses. Label: Search Placeholder: Local Businesses TextAlignment: Right + WFSearchRadius Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Description: Maximum distance in kilometers from the source location to find businesses. DefaultValue: 1.5 Label: Radius (km) TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 1.5 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.number.random Name : Random Number Description : Passes a random number between the given minimum and maximum to the next action. The minimum and maximum numbers are included as possible results. Parameters : + WFRandomNumberMinimum Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Minimum Placeholder: Minimum TextAlignment: Right AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFRandomNumberMaximum Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Maximum Placeholder: Maximum TextAlignment: Right AllowsDecimalNumbers: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.searchitunes Name : Search iTunes Store Description : Searches the iTunes Store, returning the items that match the specified search terms. You can get more details about the results using the Get Details of iTunes Product action. Parameters : + WFSearchTerm Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Search Term Label: Search + WFMediaType Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Category + WFAttribute Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Search By + WFEntity Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Results + WFCountry Type: WFiTunesStoreCountryPickerParameter Label: Region + WFItemLimit Type: WFStepperParameter Pefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Items MaximumValue: 100 DefaultValue: 25 StepperDescription: Number of Items MinimumValue: 1 StepperNoun: Item ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.pausemusic Name : Play/Pause Description : Plays or pauses the currently playing media. Parameters : + WFPlayPauseBehavior Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Play/Pause', 'Play', 'Pause'] DefaultValue: Play/Pause + WFMediaRoute Type: WFMediaRoutePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] DefaultValue: Local Label: Device RouteType: Endpoint ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.useractivity.open Name : Unknown User Activity ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.instapaper.get Name : Get Instapaper Bookmarks Description : Gets the contents of a folder in Instapaper. Requires Instapaper Premium. Parameters : + WFInstapaperFolder Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Description: The folder to get bookmarks from. Leaving this empty will get items from Instapaper's Home folder. AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Folder NoneLabel: None + WFBookmarkCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Bookmarks DefaultValue: 5 StepperDescription: Number of Bookmarks StepperNoun: Bookmark ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.openin Name : Open In... Description : Opens the input as a file in the specified app. Parameters : + WFOpenInAskWhenRun Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show Open In Menu + WFOpenInAppIdentifier Type: WFAppPickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFOpenInAskWhenRun'}] AppSearchType: OpenIn Label: App + WFAppName Type: WFTextInputParameter Hidden: True + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: File Label: File ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getnameofemoji Name : Get Name of Emoji Description : Gets the names of emoji passed into the action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Text Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.addtoplaylist Name : Add to Playlist Description : Adds the items passed as input to the specified playlist. Parameters : + WFPlaylistName Type: WFPlaylistPickerParameter ShowLibrary: True Placeholder: Playlist Label: Playlist + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Music Label: Music ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.date Name : Get Dates from Input Description : Returns any dates found in the output from the previous action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.gettypeaction Name : Get File of Type Description : Returns a particular file type from the input. Parameters : + WFFileType Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True DefaultValue: public.rtf KeyboardType: URL Label: Type Placeholder: UTI AutocapitalizationType: None + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.contacts Name : Get Contacts from Input Description : Gets contacts from the result of the previous action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.url.getheaders Name : Get Headers of URL Description : Retrieves the HTTP headers of the URL passed as input using a HEAD request. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL AllowsMultipleValues: False TextContentType: URL Placeholder: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.evernote.getlink Name : Get Note Link Description : Gets a link to the Evernote note passed into the action, which can be shared. Parameters : + WFEvernoteShareInAppLink Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: In-App Link Description: When enabled, an evernote:// URL will be generated, suitable for opening the note in the Evernote app. + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Note Label: Note ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getlatestbursts Name : Get Latest Bursts Description : Gets the most recent burst photos from the camera roll. Parameters : + WFGetLatestPhotoCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Bursts DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Bursts StepperNoun: Burst ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.previewdocument Name : Quick Look Description : Displays a preview of the input. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input + WFQuickLookActionFullScreen Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFDeviceAttributes': {'WFDeviceAttributeIdiom': 'Pad'}, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFDeviceAttributesResource'}] Label: Full Screen ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getitemtype Name : Get Type Description : Returns the type of every item passed as input. For example, if a URL is passed, this action will return “URL”. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Item Label: Item ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.rss Name : Get Items from RSS Feed Description : Downloads the latest items from an RSS feed. Parameters : + WFRSSFeedURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True DefaultValue: https://www.apple.com/newsroom/rss-feed.rss KeyboardType: URL Label: URL TextContentType: URL Placeholder: RSS feed AutocapitalizationType: None + WFRSSItemQuantity Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Items DefaultValue: 10 StepperDescription: Number of Items StepperNoun: Item ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.hash Name : Generate Hash Description : Generates a MD5/SHA1 hash from the input. Parameters : + WFHashType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['MD5', 'SHA1', 'SHA256', 'SHA512'] DefaultValue: MD5 Label: Type + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.openapp Name : Open App Description : Opens the specified app. Parameters : + WFAppIdentifier Type: WFAppPickerParameter AppSearchType: OpenApp Label: App + WFAppName Type: WFTextInputParameter Hidden: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.location Name : Location Description : Passes the specified location to the next action. Parameters : + WFLocation Type: WFLocationParameter Label: Location ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.locations Name : Filter Locations ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.deskconnect.send Name : Send via DeskConnect Description : Sends the input to another device via DeskConnect. DeskConnect makes it easy to send webpages, documents, pictures, and anything else between your devices. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.vibrate Name : Vibrate Device Description : Vibrates the device for a short amount of time. Parameters : + WFVibrateHapticType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Description: When run on Apple Watch, the selected pattern will be tapped on to your wrist. Items: ['Default', 'Up Direction', 'Down Direction', 'Success', 'Failure', 'Retry', 'Start', 'Stop', 'Click'] DefaultValue: Default RequiredResources: [{'WFWorkflowType': 'WatchKit', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFWorkflowTypeResource'}] Label: Haptic Pattern Hidden: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.runextension Name : Share with Extensions Description : Prompts to share the input using action extensions and sharing extensions provided by other apps. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.takephoto Name : Take Photo Description : Uses the camera to take photos. Parameters : + WFCameraCaptureShowPreview Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show Camera Preview + WFPhotoCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Take StepperPluralNoun: Photos DefaultValue: 1 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFCameraCaptureShowPreview'}] StepperDescription: Number of Photos StepperNoun: Photo + WFCameraCaptureDevice Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Front', 'Back'] DefaultValue: Back Label: Camera ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.appstore Name : Get Details of App Store App ******************************************************************************** Action : com.apple.facetime.facetime Name : FaceTime Description : Calls the contact passed in as input using FaceTime. Parameters : + IntentAppIdentifier Type: WFIntentAppPickerParameter DefaultValue: com.apple.TelephonyUtilities.PhoneIntentHandler IntentName: INStartCallIntent Label: App Hidden: True + WFFaceTimeType Type: WFFaceTimeTypePickerParameter Items: ['Video', 'Audio'] DefaultValue: Video Label: Call Type + WFFaceTimeContact Type: WFContactFieldParameter AllowsMultipleValues: False Label: Contact ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.openxcallbackurl Name : Open X-Callback URL Description : Performs the specified x-callback-url action. The x-success, x-cancel, and x-error parameters will be added automatically. Parameters : + WFXCallbackCustomCallbackEnabled Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Custom Callback Description: Turn this on if you want to open a callback URL that is not x-callback-url compliant and uses keys other than “x-success”, “x-error”, and “x-cancel”. + WFXCallbackCustomSuccessKey Type: WFTextInputParameter KeyboardType: URL DefaultValue: x-success RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFXCallbackCustomCallbackEnabled'}] Label: Success Key + WFXCallbackCustomCancelKey Type: WFTextInputParameter KeyboardType: URL RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFXCallbackCustomCallbackEnabled'}] Label: Cancel Key Placeholder: optional + WFXCallbackCustomErrorKey Type: WFTextInputParameter KeyboardType: URL RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFXCallbackCustomCallbackEnabled'}] Label: Error Key Placeholder: optional + WFXCallbackCustomSuccessURLEnabled Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Custom X-Success URL Description: If enabled, Shortcuts will use a custom success callback URL. This is useful if the app you are calling uses placeholders in the x-success URL to pass output. + WFXCallbackCustomSuccessURL Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFXCallbackCustomSuccessURLEnabled'}] Description: For example, you might use shortcuts://callback?result=[[output]] DefaultValue: shortcuts://callback KeyboardType: URL Label: X-Success URL + WFXCallbackURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: X-Callback URL TextContentType: URL Placeholder: X-Callback URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detectlanguage Name : Detect Language with Microsoft Description : Detects the language of the text provided as input. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.safariwebpage Name : Get Details of Safari Webpage Description : {'DescriptionNote': 'Safari Webpage items are only available when running your shortcut as an Action Extension in Safari.'} ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getrichtextfrommarkdown Name : Make Rich Text from Markdown Description : Takes the inputted Markdown and turns it into rich text, which can then be converted to other formats. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Markdown Text Label: Markdown Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.addframetogif Name : Add Frame to GIF Description : Adds an image to the existing animated GIF passed as input. If no GIF is passed as input, a new animated GIF is created. Parameters : + WFImage Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image + WFInputGIF Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: GIF Label: GIF + WFGIFDelayTime Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 0.25 Label: Delay Time TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 0.25 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFGIFAutoSize Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Auto Size + WFGIFManualSizeWidth Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFGIFAutoSize'}] Label: Width Placeholder: 500 TextAlignment: Right + WFGIFManualSizeHeight Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFGIFAutoSize'}] Label: Height Placeholder: 500 TextAlignment: Right ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.contacts Name : Get Details of Contacts ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.recordaudio Name : Record Audio Description : Uses the microphone to record audio. Parameters : + WFRecordingCompression Type: WFEnumerationParameter Description: High-quality audio takes up a lot more space than normal audio, so stick with normal unless you really need it. Normal audio is returned as an M4A file (with AAC audio), while high-quality audio is returned in uncompressed WAV format. Items: ['Normal', 'Very High'] DefaultValue: Normal Label: Audio Quality + WFRecordingStart Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['On Tap', 'Immediately'] DefaultValue: On Tap Label: Start Recording + WFRecordingEnd Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['On Tap', 'After Time'] DefaultValue: On Tap Label: Finish Recording + WFRecordingTimeInterval Type: WFTimeIntervalParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'After Time', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFRecordingEnd'}] Label: Duration ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.file.delete Name : Delete Files Description : Delete the files passed in as input. Parameters : + WFDeleteFileConfirmDeletion Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Confirm Before Deleting Description: When enabled, this action will confirm with you before deleting the file. + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Files Label: Files ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.shownote Name : Show Note Description : Opens the note passed in as input. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Note Label: Note ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.trello.get Name : Get Trello Items Description : Gets cards, lists, or boards in your Trello account. Parameters : + WFTrelloItemType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Boards', 'Lists', 'Cards'] DefaultValue: Boards Label: Get + WFTrelloBoard Type: WFTrelloBoardPickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['Lists', 'Cards'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFTrelloItemType'}] Label: Board + WFTrelloList Type: WFTrelloListPickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Cards', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFTrelloItemType'}] Label: List BoardKey: WFTrelloBoard ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.showinblindsquare Name : Show in BlindSquare Description : Opens BlindSquare showing information about the place passed as input, so you can save it as a favorite, start tracking it, or start simulation mode. Parameters : + WFBlindSquareSimulation Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Start Simulation + WFInput Type: WFLocationParameter Label: Location ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.venmo.pay Name : Send Payment Description : Sends a payment to the specified people using a payment app on your device. Parameters : + IntentAppIdentifier Type: WFIntentAppPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] DefaultValue: com.apple.PassKit.PassKitIntentsExtension IntentName: INSendPaymentIntent Label: App + WFVenmoActionRecipients Type: WFContactHandleFieldParameter IntentSlotName: payee Label: Recipients AllowsMultipleValues: True Placeholder: Phone or email + WFVenmoActionAmount Type: WFNumberFieldParameter IntentSlotName: currencyAmount Label: Amount TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 7.00 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFVenmoActionAppSwitch Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Open in App + WFVenmoActionNote Type: WFTextInputParameter IntentSlotName: note Label: Note Multiline: True Placeholder: Note ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getvalueforkey Name : Get Dictionary Value Description : Gets the value for the specified key in the dictionary passed into the action. Parameters : + WFGetDictionaryValueType Type: WFEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] Items: ['Value', 'All Keys', 'All Values'] DefaultValue: Value Label: Get + WFDictionaryKey Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Value', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFGetDictionaryValueType'}] Label: Key TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Key AutocapitalizationType: None + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Dictionary Label: Dictionary ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.reminders.showlist Name : Show Reminders List Description : Shows the specified list in the Reminders app. Parameters : + WFList Type: WFCalendarPickerParameter EventKitEntityType: Reminder Label: List Description: The list to show ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.showdefinition Name : Show Definition Description : Shows the definition of the word passed into the action. Parameters : + Word Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: word Label: Word ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.appendvariable Name : Add to Variable Description : Appends this action's input to the specified variable, creating the variable if it does not exist. This allows you to make a variable hold multiple items. Parameters : + WFVariableName Type: WFVariableFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Variable Name Label: Variable + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.addnewreminder Name : Add New Reminder Description : Creates a new reminder and adds it to the selected list of reminders. Parameters : + WFCalendarItemTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Label: Reminder Description: The title of this reminder. + WFCalendarItemCalendar Type: WFCalendarPickerParameter EventKitEntityType: Reminder Label: List Description: The list of reminders to add this reminder to. + WFAlertEnabled Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['No Alert', 'Alert'] DefaultValue: No Alert Label: Alert + WFAlertCondition Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['At Time', 'When I Arrive', 'When I Leave'] DefaultValue: At Time RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Alert', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertEnabled'}] Label: Trigger + WFAlertLocation Type: WFLocationParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Alert', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertEnabled'}, {'WFParameterValues': ['When I Arrive', 'When I Leave'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertCondition'}] Label: Location Description: Text representing the address or coordinates of the location that triggers the alert. + WFAlertLocationRadius Type: WFUnitQuantityFieldParameter WFUnitType: Length Description: The distance from the provided location to consider "arriving" or "leaving" the location DefaultValue: 1000 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Alert', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertEnabled'}, {'WFParameterValues': ['When I Arrive', 'When I Leave'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertCondition'}] DefaultUnit: ft Label: Radius TextAlignment: Right + WFAlertCustomTime Type: WFDateFieldParameter Description: Text representing the date when the alert should occur. Examples: “tonight at 7”, “March 7” RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Alert', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertEnabled'}, {'WFParameterValue': 'At Time', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertCondition'}] Label: 2:00 PM TextAlignment: Right HintDisplayMode: WhileProcessing + WFCalendarItemNotes Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: Optionally, a description for this reminder. Label: Notes Multiline: True Placeholder: Notes ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.date Name : Date Description : Passes the specified date and time to the next action. Parameters : + WFDateActionMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Current Date', 'Specified Date'] DefaultValue: Current Date Label: Use + WFDateActionDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Specified Date', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFDateActionMode'}] Label: Date Placeholder: June 29, 2007 TextAlignment: Right ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.choosefromlist Name : Choose from List Description : Presents a menu of the items passed as input to the action and outputs the user's selection. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: List Placeholder: List IntentSlotName: items + WFChooseFromListActionPrompt Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: The instruction provided when the list is presented. DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] DefaultValue: IntentSlotName: prompt TextAlignment: Right Label: Prompt Placeholder: optional + WFChooseFromListActionSelectMultiple Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Select Multiple Description: When enabled, multiple items may be chosen from the list. + WFChooseFromListActionSelectAll Type: WFSwitchParameter Description: When enabled, all of the items in the list will start out selected when Choose from List is presented. DefaultValue: False RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFChooseFromListActionSelectMultiple'}] Label: Select All Initially ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.phonenumber Name : Phone Number Description : Passes the specified phone numbers to the next action. Parameters : + WFPhoneNumber Type: WFPhoneNumberFieldParameter Placeholder: Type in a phone number AllowsMultipleValues: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.trimvideo Name : Trim Media Description : Presents a view allowing you to trim the media passed into the action. Parameters : + WFInputMedia Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Media Label: Media ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.lightroom.import Name : Import to Lightroom Description : Imports the photos passed as input into Lightroom Parameters : + applyPreset Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Apply Preset + presetGroup Type: WFEnumerationParameter DoNotLocalizeValues: True DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Items: ['B&W', 'Color', 'Creative', 'Curve', 'Grain', 'Sharpening', 'Vignetting'] DefaultValue: Color RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'applyPreset'}] Label: Preset Group AlwaysShowsButton: True + preset Type: WFLightroomPresetPickerParameter PresetGroupKey: presetGroup DoNotLocalizeValues: True AlwaysShowsButton: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'applyPreset'}, {'WFParameterRelation': '??', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'presetGroup'}] Label: Preset + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Photos Label: Photos ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.avairyeditphoto Name : Markup Description : Edits an image or PDF with Markup. Parameters : + WFDocument Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Document Label: Document ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.calendarevents Name : Find Calendar Events ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.images Name : Get Details of Images ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.conditional Name : If Description : Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFConditionalSubjectParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] Label: Input + WFCondition Type: WFConditionalOperatorParameter Label: Condition + WFConditionalActionString Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Text + WFNumberValue Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Number AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFAnotherNumber Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Number AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFBoundedNumber Type: WFSliderParameter Label: Number + WFAnotherBoundedNumber Type: WFSliderParameter Label: Number + WFDate Type: WFDatePickerParameter ShowsDatePicker: True Label: Date + WFAnotherDate Type: WFDatePickerParameter ShowsDatePicker: True Label: Date + WFMeasurement Type: WFUnitQuantityFieldParameter AllowsNegativeNumbers: True Label: Number + WFAnotherMeasurement Type: WFUnitQuantityFieldParameter AllowsNegativeNumbers: True Label: Number + WFDuration Type: WFDurationQuantityFieldParameter Label: Number + WFAnotherDuration Type: WFDurationQuantityFieldParameter Label: Number + WFEnumeration Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Placeholder: Choose + WFNumericEnumeration Type: WFNumericDynamicEnumerationParameter Placeholder: Choose ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.airdropdocument Name : AirDrop Description : Prompts to share the input via AirDrop. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.wunderlist.add Name : Add Wunderlist Task Description : Adds a new task to Wunderlist. Parameters : + WFWunderlistTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Label: Task + WFWunderlistList Type: WFWunderlistListPickerParameter Label: List + WFWunderlistDueDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: optional Label: Due Date + WFWunderlistReminder Type: WFDateFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: optional Label: Reminder + WFWunderlistStarred Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Starred + WFWunderlistNotes Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Notes Multiline: True Label: Notes + WFWunderlistFile Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: File ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.file.createfolder Name : Create Folder Description : Makes a new folder in the specified file storage service. Parameters : + WFFileStorageService Type: WFStorageServicePickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Service + WFFilePath Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True Description: The path of the new folder. For example, if you want create “Adventure” in an existing folder titled “Photos”, put “/Photos/Adventure/” KeyboardType: WebSearch Label: Path TextAlignment: Left AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.health.quantity.log Name : Log Health Sample Description : Adds a data point into the Health app. You can log anything that the Health app supports, including your weight, steps taken, running distance, caloric intake and more. Parameters : + WFQuantitySampleType Type: WFQuantityTypePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Placeholder: Type Label: Type + WFQuantitySampleQuantity Type: WFHealthQuantityFieldParameter KeyboardType: DecimalPad Label: Value TextAlignment: Right QuantityTypeKey: WFQuantitySampleType Placeholder: Value AutocapitalizationType: None + WFQuantitySampleAdditionalQuantity Type: WFHealthQuantityAdditionalFieldParameter KeyboardType: DecimalPad TextAlignment: Right QuantityTypeKey: WFQuantitySampleType Placeholder: 10 AutocapitalizationType: None + WFQuantitySampleAdditionalEnumeration Type: WFHealthQuantityAdditionalPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Label: Reason + WFCategorySampleEnumeration Type: WFHealthCategoryPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Label: Value + WFCategorySampleAdditionalEnumerationKey Type: WFHealthCategoryAdditionalPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Label: Value + WFQuantitySampleDate Type: WFHealthActionStartDateFieldParameter Description: The date and time of the data point. The current date will be used if you don't provide a date. Label: Date Placeholder: optional TextAlignment: Right + WFSampleEndDate Type: WFHealthActionEndDateFieldParameter Description: The date and time for the end of the data point. The current date will be used if you don't provide a date. Label: End Date Placeholder: optional TextAlignment: Right ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.music Name : Find Music ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.measurement.convert Name : Convert Measurement Description : Converts the measurements passed into the action to the specified unit. Parameters : + WFMeasurementUnitType Type: WFUnitTypePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] DefaultValue: Length Label: Type + WFMeasurementUnit Type: WFMeasurementUnitPickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterRelation': '??', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMeasurementUnitType'}] Label: Unit WFMeasurementUnitTypeKey: WFMeasurementUnitType + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Measurement Label: Measurement ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getvariable Name : Get Variable Description : Gets the value of the specified variable and passes it to the next action. Parameters : + WFVariable Type: WFVariablePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Clipboard'] Placeholder: Variable Label: Variable ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.selectphone Name : Select Phone Number Description : Prompts to pick a phone number from your contacts and passes the selection to the next action. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.pocket.get Name : Get Items from Pocket Description : Returns items in your Pocket account. Parameters : + WFPocketItemCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Items StepperPrefix: Get StepperDescription: Number of Items StepperNoun: Item + WFPocketItemState Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Unread', 'Archived', 'All'] DefaultValue: All Label: Type + WFPocketItemSearchTerm Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: If specified, only items with titles or URLs matching this search will be returned. Label: Search Placeholder: optional TextAlignment: Right + WFPocketItemSearchTags Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: If specified, only items matching this tag will be returned. Label: Tag Placeholder: optional TextAlignment: Right ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.dnd.set Name : Set Do Not Disturb Description : Sets the device’s Do Not Disturb to on or off Parameters : + Enabled Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Do Not Disturb IntentSlotName: state + AssertionType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Turned Off', 'Time', 'I Leave', 'Event Ends'] DefaultValue: Turned Off RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Enabled'}] Label: Until + Event Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Description: The event after which to turn off Do Not Disturb RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Enabled'}, {'WFParameterValue': 'Event Ends', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'AssertionType'}] IntentSlotName: event Label: Event Placeholder: Event + Time Type: WFDateFieldParameter Description: The time after which to turn off Do Not Disturb RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Enabled'}, {'WFParameterValue': 'Time', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'AssertionType'}] IntentSlotName: duration Label: Time TextAlignment: Right HintDisplayMode: Always Placeholder: 7 PM ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.bluetooth.set Name : Set Bluetooth Description : Sets the device’s Bluetooth to on or off. Parameters : + OnValue Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Bluetooth ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.pinboard.get Name : Get Pinboard Bookmarks Description : Gets bookmarks in your Pinboard account. Parameters : + WFPinTags Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: If specified, only items matching all of these tags will be returned. Supports a maximum of three tags. Label: Tags Placeholder: apple longread AutocapitalizationType: None + WFBookmarkCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Bookmarks DefaultValue: 5 StepperDescription: Number of Bookmarks StepperNoun: Bookmark ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.selectphoto Name : Select Photos Description : Prompts to choose photos and videos from your photo library. Parameters : + WFSelectMultiplePhotos Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Select Multiple ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.eventattendees Name : Get Details of Event Attendees ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.delay Name : Wait Description : Waits for the specified number of seconds before continuing with the next action. Parameters : + WFDelayTime Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Seconds Placeholder: 0 DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Seconds StepperNoun: Second ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.url Name : URL Description : Passes the specified URL to the next action. Parameters : + WFURLActionURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL TextContentType: URL Placeholder: apple.com AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getitemname Name : Get Name Description : Returns the name of every item passed as input. Depending on the input, this could be a file name, the title of a website, the title of a calendar event, etc. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Item Label: Item ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.ulysses.sheet Name : Get Details of Ulysses Sheet ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.number Name : Number Description : Passes a number to the next action. Parameters : + WFNumberActionNumber Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Number Placeholder: 42 TextAlignment: Right AllowsDecimalNumbers: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.setplaybackdestination Name : Set Playback Destination Description : Sets playback destination to a device. Parameters : + WFMediaRoute Type: WFMediaRoutePickerParameter Description: The device to set playback destination to. DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] DefaultValue: Local Label: Device AlwaysShowsButton: True RouteType: OutputDevice ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.generatebarcode Name : Generate QR Code Description : Generates a QR code from the input text. Parameters : + WFQRErrorCorrectionLevel Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Low', 'Medium', 'Quartile', 'High'] DefaultValue: Medium Label: Error Correction + WFText Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Text Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.itunesartist Name : Get Details of iTunes Artist ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.contacts Name : Find Contacts ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.setitemname Name : Set Name Description : Sets the name of the item passed as input. Parameters : + WFName Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Name Label: Name + WFDontIncludeFileExtension Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Don't Include File Extension Description: By default, Shortcuts will automatically include a file extension if one isn't specified. Turn this on if you want to create a file with no extension. + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getrichtextfromhtml Name : Make Rich Text from HTML Description : Takes the inputted HTML and turns it into rich text, which can then be converted to other formats. Parameters : + WFHTML Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: HTML Label: HTML ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.share Name : Share Description : Prompts to share the input. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getwebpagecontents Name : Get Contents of Webpage Description : Extracts the contents of the webpages passed into the action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: URL ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.comment Name : Comment Description : This action lets you explain how part of a shortcut works. When run, this action does nothing. Parameters : + WFCommentActionText Type: WFTextInputParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] Placeholder: Enter comment... Multiline: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.url.expand Name : Expand URL Description : This action expands and cleans up URLs which have been shortened using a URL shortening service like TinyURL or Bit.ly. Parameters : + URL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL TextContentType: URL Placeholder: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.format.filesize Name : Format File Size Description : Formats a file size into text. Parameters : + WFFileSizeFormat Type: WFFileSizePickerParameter Items: ['Automatic', 'Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB or Higher'] DefaultValue: Automatic Label: Format + WFFileSizeIncludeUnits Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Automatic', 'WFParameterRelation': '!=', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFFileSizeFormat'}] Label: Include Units + WFFileSize Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Placeholder: File Size Label: File Size ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.tumblr.post Name : Post to Tumblr Description : Posts the content passed into the action to Tumblr. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content + WFComposeInApp Type: WFTumblrComposeInAppParameter Label: Compose In Tumblr + WFBlogName Type: WFTumblrBlogPickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFComposeInApp'}] Label: Blog Description: The name of the blog to post to. + WFPostType Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Items: ['Text', 'Photos', 'Quote', 'Link', 'Chat', 'Audio', 'Video'] DefaultValue: Text Label: Type + WFPostState Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Post Now', 'Add to Queue', 'Save as Draft', 'Post Privately'] DefaultValue: Post Now RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFComposeInApp'}] Label: Post Status + WFPostTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['Text', 'Link', 'Chat'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFPostType'}] Placeholder: optional Label: Title + WFPostSource Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Quote', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFPostType'}] Placeholder: optional Label: Source + WFPostCaption Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['Audio', 'Video', 'Photos'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFPostType'}, {'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFComposeInApp'}] Placeholder: optional Label: Caption + WFPostTags Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: shortcuts, apple Label: Tags + WFPostDescription Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Link', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFPostType'}] Label: Description Multiline: True Placeholder: Description ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.setvariable Name : Set Variable Description : Sets the value of the specified variable to the input of this action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input + WFVariableName Type: WFVariableFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Variable Name Label: Variable ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.link Name : Get URLs from Input Description : Returns any links found in the output from the previous action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.notification Name : Show Notification Description : Displays a local notification. Parameters : + WFNotificationActionTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] Placeholder: optional Label: Title + WFNotificationActionBody Type: WFTextInputParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] DefaultValue: Hello World Label: Body Multiline: True Placeholder: Text + WFNotificationActionSound Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Play Sound + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Attachment ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.addnewevent Name : Add New Event Description : Creates a new event and adds it to the selected calendar. Parameters : + WFCalendarItemTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: The title of this event. Label: Title Placeholder: Event Title TextAlignment: Right + WFCalendarItemLocation Type: WFTextInputParameter TextContentType: Location Label: Location Placeholder: optional TextAlignment: Right + WFCalendarItemCalendar Type: WFCalendarPickerParameter EventKitEntityType: Event Label: Calendar Description: The calendar to add this event to. + WFCalendarItemDates Type: WFExpandingParameter Label: Date + WFCalendarItemStartDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter Description: Text representing the date this event begins. Examples: “tomorrow at 2”, “January 3”, “8:00pm” ReactiveParameterKey: WFCalendarItemEndDate RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFCalendarItemDates'}] Label: Start Date TextAlignment: Right HintDisplayMode: WhileProcessing Placeholder: Tomorrow at noon + WFCalendarItemEndDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter Description: Text representing the date this event finishes. RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFCalendarItemDates'}] Label: End Date TextAlignment: Right HintDisplayMode: WhileProcessing Placeholder: Tomorrow at 1pm + WFCalendarItemAllDay Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFCalendarItemDates'}] Label: All Day Description: When enabled, the event takes place over an entire day and time is ignored. + WFAlertTime Type: WFEnumerationParameter Description: Optionally, when to show an alert to notify me of this event. DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Items: ['At time of event', '5 minutes before', '15 minutes before', '30 minutes before', '1 hour before', '2 hours before', '1 day before', '2 days before', '1 week before', 'Custom'] Label: Alert + WFAlertCustomTime Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: Text representing the date when the alert should occur. Examples: “tonight at 7”, “March 7” RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Custom', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAlertTime'}] Label: Alert Time TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Tomorrow at 4pm + WFCalendarItemNotes Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: Optionally, a description for this event. Label: Notes Multiline: True Placeholder: Notes ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.selectcontacts Name : Select Contact Description : Prompts to pick a person from your contacts and passes the selection to the next action. Parameters : + WFSelectMultiple Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Select Multiple ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.image.resize Name : Resize Image Description : Scales images to a particular width and height. Parameters : + WFImageResizeWidth Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 640 Label: Width Placeholder: Auto Width TextAlignment: Right + WFImageResizeHeight Type: WFNumberFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Auto Height Label: Height + WFImage Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.gettraveltime Name : Get Travel Time Description : Estimates the amount of time it will take to travel to the location passed into this action. Parameters : + WFGetDirectionsCustomLocation Type: WFLocationParameter SkipProcessingCurrentLocation: True Label: Start Location DefaultToCurrentLocation: True + WFDestination Type: WFLocationParameter SkipProcessingCurrentLocation: True Label: End Location + WFGetDirectionsActionMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Driving', 'Walking', 'Transit'] DefaultValue: Driving Label: Mode ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.image.mask Name : Mask Image Description : Applies a mask to each image passed into the action. For example, you can cut images into a rounded rectangle, ellipse or icon shape, or provide a custom alpha mask. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image + WFMaskType Type: WFEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] Items: ['Rounded Rectangle', 'Ellipse', 'Icon', 'Custom Image'] DefaultValue: Rounded Rectangle Label: Type + WFMaskCornerRadius Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Description: A radius to apply to each corner of the source image in pixels. RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Rounded Rectangle', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMaskType'}] Label: Corner Radius TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 0 + WFCustomMaskImage Type: WFVariablePickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Custom Image', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMaskType'}] Label: Custom Image Description: An alpha mask to apply to the source image, where darker colors become transparent and lighter colors remain opaque. If the mask is sized differently than the source image, the mask is resized to match the dimensions of the source image. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.searchappstore Name : Search App Store Description : Searches the App Store, returning the apps that match the specified search terms. You can get more details about the results using the Get Details of App Store App action. Parameters : + WFSearchTerm Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Shortcuts Label: Search + WFAttribute Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Search By + WFEntity Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Results + WFCountry Type: WFiTunesStoreCountryPickerParameter Label: Region + WFItemLimit Type: WFStepperParameter Pefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Items MaximumValue: 100 DefaultValue: 25 StepperDescription: Number of Items MinimumValue: 1 StepperNoun: Item ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.geturlcomponent Name : Get Component of URL Description : Gets the specified part of the URL passed into the action. Parameters : + WFURL Type: WFTextInputParameter KeyboardType: URL Label: URL + WFURLComponent Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Scheme', 'User', 'Password', 'Host', 'Port', 'Path', 'Query', 'Fragment'] DefaultValue: Scheme Label: Component ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.lowpowermode.set Name : Set Low Power Mode Description : Sets the device’s Low Power Mode to on or off. Parameters : + OnValue Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Low Power Mode ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.pinboard.add Name : Add to Pinboard Description : Adds the URL passed into the action to your Pinboard. Parameters : + WFPinTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Title Placeholder: optional AutocapitalizationType: Words + WFPinTags Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Tags Placeholder: apple longread AutocapitalizationType: None + WFPinPublic Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Public + WFPinUnread Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Unread + WFPinDescription Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Description Multiline: True Label: Description + WFPinboardURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL TextContentType: URL ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.math Name : Calculate Description : Performs a number operation on the input and returns the result. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Number Placeholder: Number AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFMathOperation Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['+', '-', u'\xd7', u'\xf7', u'\u2026'] DefaultValue: + Label: Operation + WFScientificMathOperation Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Modulus', 'x^2', 'x^3', 'x^y', 'e^x', '10^x', 'ln(x)', 'log(x)', u'\u221ax', u'\u221bx', 'x!', 'sin(x)', 'cos(x)', 'tan(x)', 'abs(x)'] RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': u'\u2026', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMathOperation'}] Label: Scientific Operation + WFMathOperand Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': u'\u2026', 'WFParameterRelation': '!=', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMathOperation'}] Label: Operand TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Number AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFScientificMathOperand Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': u'\u2026', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMathOperation'}, {'WFParameterValues': ['Modulus', 'x^y'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFScientificMathOperation'}] Label: Operand TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Number AllowsDecimalNumbers: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.image.convert Name : Convert Image Description : Converts the images passed into the action to the specified image format. Parameters : + WFImageFormat Type: WFImageConvertFormatPickerParameter DefaultValue: JPEG Label: Format + WFImageCompressionQuality Type: WFSliderParameter Description: Allows you to choose the image quality used when compressing the image file. Higher quality images will look better, but result in larger files. DefaultValue: 0.75 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['JPEG', 'JPEG-2000'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImageFormat'}] Label: Quality + WFImagePreserveMetadata Type: WFSwitchParameter Description: When Preserve Metadata is turned off, all metadata, such as the GPS coordinates where the photo was taken, will be stripped from the image file. DefaultValue: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['JPEG', 'PNG', 'TIFF', 'HEIF', 'Match Input'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImageFormat'}] Label: Preserve Metadata + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.text.translate Name : Translate Text with Microsoft Description : Translates the text passed into the action into another language. Parameters : + WFSelectedFromLanguage Type: WFTranslateTextLanguagePickerParameter LanguageDetection: True Label: Language + WFSelectedLanguage Type: WFTranslateTextLanguagePickerParameter Label: To + WFInputText Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.health.workout.log Name : Log Workout Description : Adds a workout into the Health app. You can log all kinds of activities, from running and cycling to playing a sport. Parameters : + WFWorkoutReadableActivityType Type: WFWorkoutTypePickerParameter Label: Type + WFWorkoutDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter Description: The date and time of the start of the workout Label: Date Placeholder: optional TextAlignment: Right + WFWorkoutDuration Type: WFDurationQuantityFieldParameter Description: The duration of the workout (optional) Label: Duration TextAlignment: Right PossibleUnits: ['sec', 'min', 'hr'] Placeholder: 30 AllowsDecimalNumbers: False + WFWorkoutCaloriesQuantity Type: WFHealthQuantityFieldParameter QuantityType: Active Calories Description: The calories burned during the activity (optional) Label: Calories TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 400 + WFWorkoutDistanceQuantity Type: WFHealthQuantityFieldParameter QuantityType: Walking + Running Distance Description: The distance covered during the activity. Only provide this if it makes sense for the activity. (optional) Label: Distance TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 10 AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.takevideo Name : Take Video Description : Uses the camera to take a video clip. Parameters : + WFCameraCaptureDevice Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Front', 'Back'] DefaultValue: Back Label: Camera + WFCameraCaptureQuality Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Low', 'Medium', 'High'] DefaultValue: Medium Label: Quality + WFRecordingStart Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['On Tap', 'Immediately'] DefaultValue: Immediately Label: Start Recording ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.playsound Name : Play Sound Description : Plays the audio file passed as input, or a default notification sound if no audio file was passed. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Sound File ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.images Name : Get Images from Input Description : Gets images from the result of the previous action. For example, this action can get the album art of a song, or all the images on a webpage. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.makevideofromgif Name : Make Video from GIF Description : Converts an animated GIF into a video. Parameters : + WFMakeVideoFromGIFActionLoopCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Loop StepperPluralNoun: Times DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Loops StepperNoun: Time + WFInputGIF Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getepisodesforpodcast Name : Get Episodes of Podcast Description : Returns a list of episodes from a podcast show. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFPodcastPickerParameter Placeholder: Podcast Label: Podcast ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.gethalfwaypoint Name : Get Halfway Point Description : Gets the halfway point between two locations. Parameters : + WFGetHalfwayPointFirstLocation Type: WFLocationParameter AllowTextOnly: True Label: First Location + WFGetHalfwayPointSecondLocation Type: WFLocationParameter AllowTextOnly: True Label: Second Location ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.setclipboard Name : Copy to Clipboard Description : Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard. Parameters : + WFLocalOnly Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Local Only Description: When enabled, the input will only be copied locally, and will not be shared to other devices via Handoff. + WFExpirationDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter Description: When set, the clipboard contents will expire and be automatically deleted at the specified time. Optional. Label: Expire At Placeholder: Today at 3 PM TextAlignment: Right + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.alert Name : Show Alert Description : Displays an alert with a title, a message, and two buttons. If the user selects the OK button, the shortcut continues. The cancel button stops the shortcut. Parameters : + WFAlertActionTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] Placeholder: optional Label: Title + WFAlertActionMessage Type: WFTextInputParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] DefaultValue: Do you want to continue? Label: Message Multiline: True Placeholder: Informational message + WFAlertActionCancelButtonShown Type: WFSwitchParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] DefaultValue: True Label: Show Cancel Button ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.weather.currentconditions Name : Get Current Weather Description : Gets the current weather conditions at the specified location. Parameters : + WFWeatherCustomLocation Type: WFLocationParameter DefaultToCurrentLocation: True Label: Location CurrentLocationAccuracy: HundredMeters ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getdistance Name : Get Distance Description : Calculates the distance to the location passed into this action. Parameters : + WFGetDirectionsCustomLocation Type: WFLocationParameter DefaultToCurrentLocation: True Label: Start Location SkipProcessingCurrentLocation: True CurrentLocationAccuracy: HundredMeters + WFGetDistanceDestination Type: WFLocationParameter DefaultToCurrentLocation: False Label: End Location SkipProcessingCurrentLocation: True CurrentLocationAccuracy: HundredMeters + WFGetDirectionsActionMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Direct', 'Driving', 'Walking'] DefaultValue: Direct Label: Route Type + WFDistanceUnit Type: WFGetDistanceUnitPickerParameter Items: ['Miles', 'Kilometers'] Label: Unit ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.address Name : Street Address Description : Passes the specified address to the next action. Parameters : + WFAddressLine1 Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Line 1 TextContentType: StreetAddressLine1 Placeholder: One Apple Park Way AutocapitalizationType: Words + WFAddressLine2 Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Line 2 TextContentType: StreetAddressLine2 AutocapitalizationType: Words + WFCity Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: City TextContentType: AddressCity Placeholder: Cupertino AutocapitalizationType: Words + WFState Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: State TextContentType: AddressState Placeholder: California AutocapitalizationType: Words + WFPostalCode Type: WFTextInputParameter KeyboardType: NumbersAndPunctuation Label: Postal Code TextContentType: PostalCode Placeholder: 95014 + WFCountry Type: WFCountryFieldParameter Label: Region Placeholder: United States AutocapitalizationType: Words ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.downloadurl Name : Get Contents of URL Description : Gets the contents of URLs passed into the action. Useful for downloading files and web content, or for making API requests. Parameters : + WFURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL AllowsMultipleValues: False TextContentType: URL Placeholder: URL AutocapitalizationType: None + WFHTTPMethod Type: WFEnumerationParameter DoNotLocalizeValues: True Description: The HTTP method to use. Items: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'] DefaultValue: GET Label: Method + ShowHeaders Type: WFExpandingParameter Label: Headers + WFHTTPHeaders Type: WFDictionaryParameter ItemTypeName: header RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'ShowHeaders'}] Label: Headers + WFHTTPBodyType Type: WFEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] Items: ['JSON', 'Form', 'File'] DefaultValue: JSON RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterRelation': '!=', 'WFParameterValues': ['GET'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFHTTPMethod'}] Label: Request Body + WFFormValues Type: WFDictionaryParameter ItemTypeName: field RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Form', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFHTTPBodyType'}, {'WFParameterRelation': '!=', 'WFParameterValues': ['GET'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFHTTPMethod'}] Label: Form Values AllowedValueTypes: [0, 5] + WFJSONValues Type: WFDictionaryParameter ItemTypeName: field RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'JSON', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFHTTPBodyType'}, {'WFParameterRelation': '!=', 'WFParameterValues': ['GET'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFHTTPMethod'}] Label: JSON Values AllowedValueTypes: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] + WFRequestVariable Type: WFVariablePickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'File', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFHTTPBodyType'}, {'WFParameterRelation': '!=', 'WFParameterValues': ['GET'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFHTTPMethod'}] Label: File ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.image.crop Name : Crop Image Description : Crops images to a smaller rectangle. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image + WFImageCropPosition Type: WFEnumerationParameter Description: Where on the original image the crop should occur. Items: ['Center', 'Top Left', 'Top Right', 'Bottom Left', 'Bottom Right', 'Custom'] DefaultValue: Center Label: Position + WFImageCropX Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Custom', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImageCropPosition'}] Label: X Coordinate Placeholder: 0 TextAlignment: Right + WFImageCropY Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Custom', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImageCropPosition'}] Label: Y Coordinate Placeholder: 0 TextAlignment: Right + WFImageCropWidth Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 100 Label: Width Placeholder: 100 TextAlignment: Right + WFImageCropHeight Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 100 Label: Height Placeholder: 100 TextAlignment: Right ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.instapaper.add Name : Add to Instapaper Description : Adds the input to Instapaper. Parameters : + WFInstapaperFolder Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Description: This action will save your input to the specified folder. Leaving this empty will save the input to Instapaper's Home folder. AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Folder NoneLabel: None + WFInputURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL TextContentType: URL Placeholder: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.readinglist Name : Add to Reading List Description : Adds URLs passed into the action to your reading list. Parameters : + WFURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL AllowsMultipleValues: True TextContentType: URL Placeholder: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.exportsong Name : Select Music Description : Prompts to select music from your local music library. Parameters : + WFExportSongActionSelectMultiple Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Select Multiple Songs ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.savetocameraroll Name : Save to Photo Album Description : Adds the photos and videos passed as input to the specified photo album. Parameters : + WFCameraRollSelectedGroup Type: WFPhotoAlbumPickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True Placeholder: Photo Album Label: Album + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.handoff Name : Continue Shortcut in App Description : Switches into the Shortcuts app and continues to the next action. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.text Name : Get Text from Input Description : Returns text from the previous action's output. For example, this action can get the name of a photo or song, or the text of a webpage. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.print Name : Print Description : Prints the input using AirPrint. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.trello.add.list Name : Create Trello List Description : Creates a new list on the specified board in your Trello account. Parameters : + WFTrelloName Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: List Label: Name + WFTrelloBoard Type: WFTrelloBoardPickerParameter Placeholder: Board Label: Board + WFTrelloPosition Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Top', 'Bottom'] DefaultValue: Top Label: Position ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.files Name : Filter Files ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.speaktext Name : Speak Text Description : Speaks the inputted text aloud. Parameters : + WFSpeakTextWait Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Wait Until Finished + WFSpeakTextRate Type: WFSpeakTextRateParameter Label: Rate + WFSpeakTextPitch Type: WFSliderParameter MaximumValue: 2.0 DefaultValue: 1.0 Label: Pitch MinimumValue: 0.5 + WFSpeakTextLanguage Type: WFSpeakTextLanguagePickerParameter DefaultValue: Default Label: Language + WFSpeakTextVoice Type: WFSpeakTextVoicePickerParameter WFSpeakTextLanguageKey: WFSpeakTextLanguage DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] DefaultValue: Default RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterRelation': '??', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFSpeakTextLanguage'}] Label: Voice AlwaysShowsButton: True + WFText Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.skipforward Name : Skip Forward Description : Skips to the next song in the current music queue. Parameters : + WFMediaRoute Type: WFMediaRoutePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] DefaultValue: Local Label: Device RouteType: Endpoint ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.weather.forecast Name : Get Weather Forecast Description : Gets an hourly or daily weather forecast at the specified location. Parameters : + WFWeatherCustomLocation Type: WFLocationParameter DefaultToCurrentLocation: True Label: Location CurrentLocationAccuracy: HundredMeters + WFWeatherForecastType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Hourly', 'Daily'] DefaultValue: Daily Label: Type ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.repeat.count Name : Repeat Description : Repeats the contained actions, running them the specified number of times. Parameters : + WFRepeatCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Times StepperPrefix: Repeat StepperDescription: Repetitions StepperNoun: Time ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.pocket.add Name : Add to Pocket Description : Adds the input to Pocket. Parameters : + WFPocketTags Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Tags Placeholder: example, tags Description: A comma-separated list of tags to apply to the items added to Pocket. + WFInputURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL TextContentType: URL Placeholder: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.trello.add.board Name : Create Trello Board Description : Creates a new board in your Trello account. Parameters : + WFTrelloName Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Shortcuts Label: Name + WFTrelloDescription Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Description Multiline: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getmyworkflows Name : Get My Shortcuts Description : Gets the shortcuts stored on this device. For example, you could use this action with the Make Archive action to zip up your shortcuts. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.adjustdate Name : Adjust Date Description : Adds or subtracts an amount of time from the date passed into the action. Parameters : + WFDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Label: Date + WFAdjustOperation Type: WFEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] Items: ['Add', 'Subtract', 'Get Start of Minute', 'Get Start of Hour', 'Get Start of Day', 'Get Start of Month', 'Get Start of Year'] DefaultValue: Add Label: Operation + WFDuration Type: WFDurationQuantityFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['Add', 'Subtract'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAdjustOperation'}] DefaultUnit: sec PossibleUnits: ['sec', 'min', 'hr', 'days', 'weeks', 'months', 'years'] Placeholder: 0 ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.locations Name : Get Details of Locations ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.photos Name : Find Photos ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.calendarevents Name : Get Details of Calendar Events ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.reminders Name : Get Details of Reminders ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.wallpaper.set Name : Set Wallpaper Description : Sets the wallpaper to the image passed as input. The wallpaper can be set on the Home Screen, the Lock Screen, or both, and a second image can be provided for Dark appearance. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image + WFWallpaperLocation Type: WFWallpaperLocationPickerParameter Items: ['Lock Screen', 'Home Screen', 'Both'] DefaultValue: Both Label: Location + WFDarkInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: None Label: Dark Appearance Image ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.createplaylist Name : Create Playlist Description : Creates a new playlist in the Music app, adding any items passed as input to the new playlist. Parameters : + WFPlaylistName Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Playlist Name Label: Playlist Name + WFPlaylistAuthor Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Shortcuts Label: Author + WFPlaylistDescription Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: All of my favorites Label: Description + WFPlaylistItems Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Music Label: Music ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getdevicedetails Name : Get Device Details Description : Gets information about the current device. Parameters : + WFDeviceDetail Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Device Name', 'Device Model', 'System Version', 'Screen Width', 'Screen Height', 'Current Volume', 'Current Brightness'] DefaultValue: Device Name Label: Get ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.email Name : Email Address Description : Passes the specified email addresses to the next action. Parameters : + WFEmailAddress Type: WFEmailAddressFieldParameter Placeholder: Type in an email address AllowsMultipleValues: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getmarkdownfromrichtext Name : Make Markdown from Rich Text Description : Converts the rich text passed as input to Markdown text (comparable to Aaron Swartz's html2text script). Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Rich Text Label: Rich Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.file.getlink Name : Get Link to File Description : Gets a public link to the file passed into the action. Parameters : + WFFile Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: File Label: File ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.trello.add.card Name : Add Trello Card Description : Creates a new card on the specified list and board in your Trello account. Parameters : + WFTrelloName Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Label: Item + WFTrelloBoard Type: WFTrelloBoardPickerParameter Label: Board + WFTrelloList Type: WFTrelloListPickerParameter Label: List BoardKey: WFTrelloBoard + WFTrelloDueDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Tomorrow at 1pm Label: Due + WFTrelloCardPosition Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Top', 'Bottom'] DefaultValue: Top Label: Position + WFTrelloAttachments Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Attachments Description: A list of items to be attached to the new card as files. + WFTrelloDescription Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Description Multiline: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getbatterylevel Name : Get Battery Level Description : Outputs the percentage of battery remaining as a number from 0 to 100. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getpodcastsfromlibrary Name : Get Podcasts from Library Description : Gets a list of all shows in your Podcast library. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.deletephotos Name : Delete Photos Description : Deletes the photos passed as input from the device's photo library. This action asks for confirmation before performing the deletion. Parameters : + WFInputPhotos Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Photos Label: Photos ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.gettimebetweendates Name : Get Time Between Dates Description : Subtracts the specified date from the date passed into the action. For example, this action could get the number of minutes from now until a calendar event passed in as input. Parameters : + WFTimeUntilFromDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter Label: First Date + WFInput Type: WFDateFieldParameter Label: Second Date + WFTimeUntilUnit Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Total Time', 'Seconds', 'Minutes', 'Hours', 'Days', 'Weeks', 'Months', 'Years'] DefaultValue: Minutes Label: In ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.searchpodcasts Name : Search Podcasts Description : Searches Podcasts, returning the items that match the specified search terms. Parameters : + WFSearchTerm Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: The Daily Label: Search + WFAttribute Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Search By + WFEntity Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Results + WFCountry Type: WFiTunesStoreCountryPickerParameter Label: Country + WFItemLimit Type: WFStepperParameter Pefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Items MaximumValue: 100 DefaultValue: 25 StepperDescription: Number of Items MinimumValue: 1 StepperNoun: Item ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getmapslink Name : Get Maps URL Description : Creates a URL to search for the location, place, or text that was passed into the action in a separate maps app. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Location Label: Location ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.showinstore Name : Show in iTunes Store Description : Shows the iTunes products or App Store apps passed as input in a store sheet. This is useful with the Search iTunes Store and Search App Store actions. Parameters : + WFProduct Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Product Label: Product ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.gethomeaccessorystate Name : Home Description : Gets the state of a Home accessory. Parameters : + WFHMService Type: WFHomeServicePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] + WFHMCharacteristic Type: WFHomeCharacteristicPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.searchmaps Name : Show in Maps Description : Opens your choice of Maps, Google Maps, or Waze and searches for the location, place, or text that was passed into the action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFLocationParameter Placeholder: Location Label: Location + WFSearchMapsActionApp Type: WFMapsAppPickerParameter SupportedApps: ['Maps', 'Google Maps', 'Waze'] DefaultValue: Maps Label: App Hidden: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.viewresult Name : View Content Graph Description : Shows the results of the previous action in the Content Graph. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.dictatetext Name : Dictate Text Description : Transcribes what you say aloud into text and passes the result to the next action. Parameters : + WFSpeechLanguage Type: WFDictateTextLanguagePickerParameter Items: [] Label: Language + WFDictateTextStopListening Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['After Pause', 'After Short Pause', 'On Tap'] DefaultValue: After Pause Label: Stop Listening ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.playmusic Name : Play Music Description : Plays music using the Music app. Parameters : + WFMediaItems Type: WFMediaPickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Music Description: Selects music to start playing. + WFPlayMusicActionShuffle Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Off', 'Songs'] Label: Shuffle + WFPlayMusicActionRepeat Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['None', 'One', 'All'] Label: Repeat ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.venmo.request Name : Request Payment Description : Requests a payment from the specified people using a payment app on your device. Parameters : + IntentAppIdentifier Type: WFIntentAppPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] DefaultValue: com.apple.PassKit.PassKitIntentsExtension IntentName: INRequestPaymentIntent Label: App + WFVenmoActionRecipients Type: WFContactHandleFieldParameter IntentSlotName: payer Label: Recipients AllowsMultipleValues: True Placeholder: Contact + WFVenmoActionAmount Type: WFNumberFieldParameter IntentSlotName: currencyAmount Label: Amount TextAlignment: Right AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFVenmoActionAppSwitch Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Open in App + ShowWhenRun Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFVenmoActionAppSwitch'}] Label: Show When Run + WFVenmoActionNote Type: WFTextInputParameter IntentSlotName: note Label: Note Multiline: True Placeholder: Note ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.articles Name : Get Details of Article ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.format.number Name : Format Number Description : Formats a number into text. Parameters : + WFNumber Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Number AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFNumberFormatDecimalPlaces Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Decimal Places DefaultValue: 2 StepperDescription: Decimal Places MinimumValue: 0 StepperNoun: Decimal Place ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.wordpress.post Name : Post to WordPress Description : Posts the input to a WordPress blog as a new post or page. Parameters : + WFAccount Type: WFAccountPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] Label: Account AccountClass: WFWordPressAccount + Blog Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] Label: Blog + Title Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Title Label: Title + Type Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Type + Format Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Format + Status Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter Label: Status + Categories Type: WFDynamicTagFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Finance, News Label: Categories + Tags Type: WFDynamicTagFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: stock market, trends Label: Tags + Advanced Type: WFExpandingParameter Label: Advanced + AllowComments Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}] Label: Allow Comments + Slug Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}] Label: Slug Placeholder: quarterly-results TextAlignment: Right + Excerpt Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}] Label: Excerpt Placeholder: An overall great quarter TextAlignment: Right + Date Type: WFDateFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}] Label: Publish Date Placeholder: optional TextAlignment: Right + Template Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}] Label: Template + ThumbnailImage Type: WFVariablePickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}] Label: Featured Image + ShowCustomFields Type: WFExpandingParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}] Label: Custom Fields + CustomFields Type: WFDictionaryParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Advanced'}, {'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'ShowCustomFields'}] Label: Custom Fields + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.makezip Name : Make Archive Description : Makes an archive out of the files passed as input. Supports creating zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, gzip, cpio, or iso archives. Parameters : + WFZIPName Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: optional Label: Archive Name + WFArchiveFormat Type: WFArchiveFormatParameter Label: Format + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.evernote.append Name : Append to Evernote Description : Finds a note using the specified criteria and appends the input to the note. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content + WFEvernoteNotesTitleSearch Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Label: Note Title Description: The title (or part of the title) of the note to append to + WFEvernoteWriteMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Append', 'Prepend'] DefaultValue: Append Label: Mode + WFEvernoteNotesNotebookName Type: WFEvernoteNotebookPickerParameter Label: In Notebook Description: The notebook in which the note is located (optional) ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.choosefrommenu Name : Choose from Menu Description : Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen. Parameters : + WFMenuPrompt Type: WFTextInputParameter Description: The instruction provided when the menu is presented. DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask'] Label: Prompt TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: optional + WFMenuItems Type: WFArrayParameter DefaultValue: ['One', 'Two'] Label: Items ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getframesfromimage Name : Get Frames from Image Description : Splits an animated GIF or a photo burst into individual frames. Parameters : + WFImage Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.reminders Name : Find Reminders ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getupcomingevents Name : Get Upcoming Events Description : Gets upcoming calendar events, ordered from nearest to farthest away in time. Parameters : + WFGetUpcomingItemCalendar Type: WFCalendarPickerParameter Label: Calendar AllowsAllCalendars: True EventKitEntityType: Event + WFGetUpcomingItemCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Events DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Events StepperNoun: Event + WFDateSpecifier Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Any Day', 'Today', 'Tomorrow', 'Specified Day'] DefaultValue: Any Day Label: Day + WFSpecifiedDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter HintDateMode: Date RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Specified Day', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFDateSpecifier'}] Label: Specified Day TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: June 29, 2007 ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.runworkflow Name : Run Shortcut Description : Run a shortcut from your shortcut. Parameters : + WFWorkflowName Type: WFWorkflowPickerParameter Placeholder: Shortcut Label: Shortcut + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Input + WFShowWorkflow Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show While Running ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getcurrentsong Name : Get Current Song Description : Returns the song that is currently playing in the Music app, if any. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getarticle Name : Get Article using Safari Reader Description : Gets article details, including body text, author, publish date, and more, from every URL passed into the action. Parameters : + WFWebPage Type: WFTextInputParameter KeyboardType: URL Label: URL ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.articles Name : Filter Articles ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.podcasts.subscribe Name : Subscribe to Podcast Description : Subscribes to podcasts or podcast feed URLs passed into the action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: Podcast URL AllowsMultipleValues: True TextContentType: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.evernote.delete Name : Delete Notes Description : Deletes the notes passed as input from Evernote. Parameters : + WFEvernoteConfirmDeletion Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Confirm Before Deleting Description: When enabled, this action will confirm with you before deleting notes from Evernote. You'll always be asked for confirmation when deleting 10 notes or more at a time. + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Notes Label: Notes ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.image.combine Name : Combine Images Description : Combines the images passed into the action horizontally, vertically, or in a grid. Parameters : + WFImageCombineMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Horizontally', 'Vertically', 'In a Grid'] DefaultValue: Horizontally Label: Mode + WFImageCombineSpacing Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Description: The number of pixels of transparent space to place between consecutive images. DefaultValue: 0 Label: Spacing TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 0 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Images AllowsMultipleValues: True Label: Images ******************************************************************************** Action : com.ubercab.UberClient.requestuber Name : Request Uber Description : Requests an Uber from the specified location to the location passed as input. Parameters : + UberShowEstimate Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Show Estimate + UberProductId Type: WFUberProductPickerParameter RequiredResources: ['WFLocationAccessResource'] Label: Ride Type + UberSeatCount Type: WFUberSeatCountPickerParameter Items: ['1', '2'] DefaultValue: 1 Label: Number of Seats + UberPickupAt Type: WFEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Items: ['Current Location', 'Custom Location'] DefaultValue: Current Location Label: Pick Up At + UberCustomLocation Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Custom Location', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'UberPickupAt'}] Label: Location Placeholder: One Apple Park Way TextAlignment: Right ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.address Name : Get Addresses from Input Description : Returns any street addresses found in the output from the previous action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.removereminders Name : Remove Reminders Description : Removes all reminders passed into the action from the lists they are contained in. Parameters : + WFInputReminders Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Reminders Label: Reminders ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.files Name : Get Details of Files ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.slack.send Name : Post to Slack Description : Posts the input to the specified Slack channel. Parameters : + WFAccount Type: WFAccountPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Ask', 'Variable'] AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Account AccountClass: WFSlackAccount + SlackChannel Type: WFSlackChannelPickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True AccountParameterKey: WFAccount Label: Channel + WFSlackInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.gettext Name : Text Description : Passes the specified text to the next action. Parameters : + WFTextActionText Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Text DefaultValue: Multiline: True ******************************************************************************** Action : com.apple.mobilephone.call Name : Call Description : Calls the phone number passed in as input. Parameters : + IntentAppIdentifier Type: WFIntentAppPickerParameter DefaultValue: com.apple.TelephonyUtilities.PhoneIntentHandler IntentName: INStartCallIntent Label: App Hidden: True + WFCallContact Type: WFContactFieldParameter Label: Contact IntentSlotName: contacts ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.unzip Name : Extract Archive Description : Extracts files from the archive passed as input. Many archive formats are supported, including zip, rar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, gzip, cpio, cab, and iso archives. Parameters : + WFArchive Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Archive Label: Archive ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.cellulardata.set Name : Set Cellular Data Description : Sets the device’s Cellular Data to on or off. Parameters : + OnValue Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Cellular Data ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.waittoreturn Name : Wait to Return Description : Pauses execution until you leave the Shortcuts app and return to it. This action might be useful after an action that switches apps, to pause execution until you return to the Shortcuts app. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.eventattendees Name : Filter Event Attendees ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.image.rotate Name : Rotate Image Description : Turns an image clockwise by a particular number of degrees. Parameters : + WFImageRotateAmount Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 90 Label: Degrees TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 90 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFImage Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getitemfromlist Name : Get Item from List Description : Returns one or more items from the list passed as input. You can get the first item, the last item, a random item, the item at a particular index, or items in a range of indexes. Parameters : + WFItemSpecifier Type: WFEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Items: ['First Item', 'Last Item', 'Random Item', 'Item At Index', 'Items in Range'] DefaultValue: First Item Label: Get ActionKeywords: ['indices', 'subset'] + WFItemIndex Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Item At Index', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFItemSpecifier'}] Label: Index Placeholder: 1 TextAlignment: Right + WFItemRangeStart Type: WFNumberFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Items in Range', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFItemSpecifier'}] Label: Start Index + WFItemRangeEnd Type: WFNumberFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Items in Range', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFItemSpecifier'}] Label: End Index + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: List Label: List ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.selectemail Name : Select Email Address Description : Prompts to pick an email address from your contacts and passes the selection to the next action. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.sendemail Name : Send Email Description : Presents an email composer. Pass text into the action to set the email body. Other types of input are added as attachments. Parameters : + WFSendEmailActionShowComposeSheet Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show Compose Sheet + WFEmailAccountActionSelectedAccount Type: WFCustomIntentDynamicEnumerationParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFSendEmailActionShowComposeSheet'}] Label: From IntentSlotName: sender + WFSendEmailActionFrom Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFSendEmailActionShowComposeSheet'}, {'WFDeviceAttributes': {'WFDeviceAttributeSystemVersion': {'WFSystemVersion': '11.0', 'WFSystemVersionRelation': '>='}}, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFDeviceAttributesResource'}] DisableAutocorrection: True Description: The email address to send from. This must be an email address that is set up in the Mail app. KeyboardType: EmailAddress Label: From TextContentType: EmailAddress Placeholder: optional AutocapitalizationType: None + WFSendEmailActionToRecipients Type: WFEmailAddressFieldParameter IntentSlotName: to Label: To AllowsMultipleValues: True Placeholder: Recipients + WFSendEmailActionCcRecipients Type: WFEmailAddressFieldParameter IntentSlotName: cc Label: Cc AllowsMultipleValues: True Placeholder: Email addresses + WFSendEmailActionBccRecipients Type: WFEmailAddressFieldParameter IntentSlotName: bcc Label: Bcc AllowsMultipleValues: True Placeholder: Email addresses + WFSendEmailActionSubject Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Subject Placeholder: Subject IntentSlotName: subject + WFSendEmailActionInputAttachments Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Message Label: Message + WFSendEmailActionSaveAsDraft Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFSendEmailActionShowComposeSheet'}] IntentSlotName: isDraft Label: Save as Draft Placeholder: Save as Draft ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.count Name : Count Description : Counts the number of items, characters, words, sentences, or lines passed as input. Parameters : + WFCountType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Items', 'Characters', 'Words', 'Sentences', 'Lines'] DefaultValue: Items Label: Type + Input Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.addmusictoupnext Name : Add to Up Next Description : Adds the music passed as input to your Up Next queue. Parameters : + WFWhenToPlay Type: WFEnumerationParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Items: ['Next', 'Later'] DefaultValue: Next Label: Play + WFMusic Type: WFMediaPickerParameter Placeholder: Music Label: Music ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.weather.conditions Name : Get Details of Weather Conditions ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getclassaction Name : Get Object of Class Description : Returns a particular object class from the input. Parameters : + Class Type: WFTextInputParameter DefaultValue: NSURL Placeholder: NSURL Label: Class + Input Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.round Name : Round Number Description : Rounds the number(s) passed into the action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Number Placeholder: Number AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFRoundTo Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Millions', 'Hundred Thousands', 'Ten Thousands', 'Thousands', 'Hundreds Place', 'Tens Place', 'Ones Place', 'Tenths', 'Hundredths', 'Thousandths', 'Ten Thousandths', 'Hundred Thousandths', 'Millionths', 'Ten Millionths', 'Hundred Millionths', 'Billionths', '10 ^'] DefaultValue: Ones Place Label: Value Placeholder: Value + WFRoundMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Normal', 'Always Round Up', 'Always Round Down'] DefaultValue: Normal Label: Mode + TenToThePowerOf Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 0 MinimumValue: 0 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': '10 ^', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFRoundTo'}] ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.clearupnext Name : Clear Up Next Description : Clears all the music in your Up Next queue. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.format.date Name : Format Date Description : Formats a date and time into text. Parameters : + WFDateFormatStyle Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['None', 'Short', 'Medium', 'Long', 'Relative', 'RFC 2822', 'ISO 8601', 'Custom'] DefaultValue: Short RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['None', 'Short', 'Medium', 'Long'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFTimeFormatStyle'}] Label: Date Format + WFRelativeDateFormatStyle Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Short', 'Medium', 'Long'] DefaultValue: Medium RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Relative', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFDateFormatStyle'}] Label: Alternate Format + WFTimeFormatStyle Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['None', 'Short', 'Medium', 'Long', 'Relative'] DefaultValue: Short RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['None', 'Short', 'Medium', 'Long', 'Relative'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFDateFormatStyle'}] Label: Time Format + WFISO8601IncludeTime Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'ISO 8601', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFDateFormatStyle'}] Label: Include ISO 8601 Time + WFDateFormat Type: WFCustomDateFormatParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Custom', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFDateFormatStyle'}] Label: Format String + WFDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter Placeholder: Date Label: Date ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.overlayimageonimage Name : Overlay Image Description : Overlays an image on top of another image. Parameters : + WFImage Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image + WFShouldShowImageEditor Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show Image Editor + WFImagePosition Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Center', 'Top Left', 'Top Right', 'Bottom Left', 'Bottom Right', 'Custom'] DefaultValue: Center RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShouldShowImageEditor'}] Label: Position + WFImageWidth Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShouldShowImageEditor'}] Label: Width Placeholder: Auto TextAlignment: Right + WFImageHeight Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShouldShowImageEditor'}] Label: Height Placeholder: Auto TextAlignment: Right + WFImageX Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShouldShowImageEditor'}, {'WFParameterValue': 'Custom', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImagePosition'}] Label: X Coordinate TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 0 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFImageY Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShouldShowImageEditor'}, {'WFParameterValue': 'Custom', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImagePosition'}] Label: Y Coordinate TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 0 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFRotation Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 0 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShouldShowImageEditor'}] Label: Rotation (Degrees) TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 0 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFOverlayImageOpacity Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 100 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShouldShowImageEditor'}] Label: Opacity TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 100% ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.imgur.upload Name : Upload to Imgur Description : Uploads the input to Imgur. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Images Label: Images + WFImgurAnonymous Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Upload Anonymously + WFImgurDirectLink Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImgurAlbum'}] Label: Direct Link Description: If enabled, the action will return a link to the image, and not its Imgur page. + WFImgurAlbum Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Create Album Description: If enabled, the input images will be grouped into an album. Otherwise, the individual links will be returned. + WFImgurAlbumLayout Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Blog', 'Grid', 'Horizontal', 'Vertical'] DefaultValue: Blog RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImgurAlbum'}] Label: Album Layout + WFImgurAlbumPrivacy Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Public', 'Hidden', 'Secret'] DefaultValue: Hidden RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFImgurAlbum'}] Label: Album Privacy + WFImgurTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: optional Label: Title + WFImgurDescription Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Description Multiline: True Label: Description ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.appendnote Name : Append to Note Description : Appends the text passed as input to the specified note. Parameters : + IntentAppIdentifier Type: WFIntentAppPickerParameter DefaultValue: com.apple.mobilenotes IntentName: INCreateNoteIntent Label: App Hidden: True + WFNote Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Note Placeholder: Note Description: The note to append to + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.flashlight Name : Set Flashlight Description : Turns on or off the flashlight near the device's camera. Parameters : + WFFlashlightSetting Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Off', 'On', 'Toggle'] DefaultValue: On Label: Flashlight + WFFlashlightLevel Type: WFSliderParameter DefaultValue: 1 RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['On', 'Toggle'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFFlashlightSetting'}] Label: Brightness Hidden: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getcurrentlocation Name : Get Current Location Description : Gets the current location of the device. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.evernote.get Name : Get Notes Description : Get recent notes from Evernote, optionally filtering based on criteria. Parameters : + WFEvernoteNotesTitleSearch Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Title Search Placeholder: optional Description: Text to look for in the title of notes. + WFEvernoteNotesTags Type: WFEvernoteTagsTagFieldParameter Label: Tags Placeholder: optional Description: A list of tags with which to find matching notes. Wildcard characters (*) may be used. + WFEvernoteNotesNotebookName Type: WFEvernoteNotebookPickerParameter Label: In Notebook Description: The notebook in which to look for notes (optional) + WFEvernoteNotesCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Notes DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Notes StepperNoun: Note ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.goodreader.open Name : Open in GoodReader Description : Opens a file in GoodReader. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: File Label: File ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.sendmessage Name : Send Message Description : Sends an iMessage or SMS. Pass images, videos, or other files as input to include attachments. Parameters : + IntentAppIdentifier Type: WFIntentAppPickerParameter DefaultValue: com.apple.MobileSMS IntentName: INSendMessageIntent Label: App Hidden: True + ShowWhenRun Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show When Run + WFSendMessageActionRecipients Type: WFContactHandleFieldParameter Label: Recipients AllowsMultipleValues: True IntentSlotName: recipients + WFSendMessageContent Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Message Multiline: True IntentSlotName: content + WFSendMessagePrefix Type: WFTextInputParameter Hidden: True Label: Prefix ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.runjavascriptonwebpage Name : Run JavaScript on Webpage Description : Runs JavaScript on a Safari webpage passed in as input Parameters : + WFJavaScript Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True DisableSmartQuotes: True DefaultValue: var result = []; // Get all links from the page var elements = document.querySelectorAll("a"); for (let element of elements) { result.push({ "url": element.href, "text": element.innerText }); } // Call completion to finish completion(result); SyntaxHighlightingType: JavaScript Label: JavaScript DisableSmartDashes: True Multiline: True Placeholder: JavaScript AutocapitalizationType: None + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Webpage Label: Webpage ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.makegif Name : Make GIF Description : Creates an animated GIF from the images or video passed into the action. Parameters : + WFMakeGIFActionDelayTime Type: WFNumberFieldParameter DefaultValue: 0.2 Label: Seconds Per Photo TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 0.2 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFMakeGIFActionLoopEnabled Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Loop Forever + WFMakeGIFActionLoopCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Times StepperPrefix: Loop RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMakeGIFActionLoopEnabled'}] StepperDescription: Number of Loops StepperNoun: Time + WFMakeGIFActionAutoSize Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Auto Size + WFMakeGIFActionManualSizeWidth Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMakeGIFActionAutoSize'}] Label: Width Placeholder: 500 TextAlignment: Right + WFMakeGIFActionManualSizeHeight Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMakeGIFActionAutoSize'}] Label: Height Placeholder: 500 TextAlignment: Right + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.measurement.create Name : Measurement Description : Passes the specified measurement (including number and unit) to the next action. Parameters : + WFMeasurementUnitType Type: WFUnitTypePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] DefaultValue: Length Label: Type + WFMeasurementUnit Type: WFUnitQuantityFieldParameter KeyboardType: DecimalPad RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterRelation': '??', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMeasurementUnitType'}] Label: Value TextAlignment: Right AllowsNegativeNumbers: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.encodemedia Name : Encode Media Description : Re-encodes the media passed as input at the specified size, optionally converting to audio. Parameters : + WFMedia Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Media Label: Media + WFMediaAudioOnly Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Audio Only + WFMediaAudioFormat Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['M4A', 'AIFF'] DefaultValue: M4A RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMediaAudioOnly'}] Label: Format + WFMediaSize Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['640x480', '960x540', '1280x720', '1920x1080', 'HEVC 1920x1080', 'HEVC 3840x2160', 'Passthrough'] DefaultValue: Passthrough RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMediaAudioOnly'}] Label: Size + WFMediaSpeed Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['0.5X', 'Normal', '2X', 'Custom'] DefaultValue: Normal Label: Speed + WFMediaCustomSpeed Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Description: A number greater than zero that indicates how fast or slow to encode the media. Values between 0.0 and 1.0 slow down the media. RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Custom', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFMediaSpeed'}] Label: Custom Speed TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 1.0 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + Metadata Type: WFExpandingParameter Label: Metadata + WFMetadataTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Metadata'}] Label: Title Placeholder: My Great Track TextAlignment: Right + WFMetadataArtist Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Metadata'}] Label: Artist Placeholder: Nicholas Fryingpan TextAlignment: Right + WFMetadataAlbum Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Metadata'}] Label: Album Placeholder: Abbey Road TextAlignment: Right + WFMetadataGenre Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Metadata'}] Label: Genre Placeholder: Indie TextAlignment: Right + WFMetadataYear Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Metadata'}] Label: Year Placeholder: 2001 TextAlignment: Right + WFMetadataArtwork Type: WFVariablePickerParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'Metadata'}] Label: Artwork ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.skipback Name : Skip Back Description : Skips to the previous song in the current music queue. Parameters : + WFSkipBackBehavior Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Beginning', 'Previous Song'] DefaultValue: Beginning Label: Skip To + WFMediaRoute Type: WFMediaRoutePickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] DefaultValue: Local Label: Device RouteType: Endpoint ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getlatestphotoimport Name : Get Last Import Description : Gets the most recent photo import from the Photos app. Parameters : ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.searchweb Name : Search Web Description : Searches the web for the text provided as input. Parameters : + WFSearchWebDestination Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Amazon', 'Bing', 'DuckDuckGo', 'eBay', 'Google', 'Reddit', 'Twitter', 'Yahoo!', 'YouTube'] DefaultValue: Google Label: Service Placeholder: Service + WFInputText Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Text Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.health.quantity Name : Get Details of Health Sample ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.number Name : Get Numbers from Input Description : Returns numbers from the previous action's output. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFNumberFieldParameter Label: Input AllowsDecimalNumbers: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getlastphoto Name : Get Latest Photos Description : Gets the most recent photos from the camera roll. Parameters : + WFGetLatestPhotoCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Photos DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Photos StepperNoun: Photo + WFGetLatestPhotosActionIncludeScreenshots Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Include Screenshots ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.itunesstore Name : Get Details of iTunes Product ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.sirikit.donation.handle Name : Unknown Intent Parameters : + ShowWhenRun Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show When Run ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.statistics Name : Calculate Statistics Description : Calculates statistics on the numbers that are provided as input. Parameters : + WFStatisticsOperation Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Average', 'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Sum', 'Median', 'Mode', 'Range', 'Standard Deviation'] DefaultValue: Average Label: Operation + Input Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.image.flip Name : Flip Image Description : Reverses the direction of images either horizontally or vertically. Parameters : + WFImageFlipDirection Type: WFFlipImageDirectionPickerParameter Items: ['Horizontal', 'Vertical'] DefaultValue: Horizontal Label: Direction + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Image Label: Image ******************************************************************************** Action : com.apple.mobilenotes.SharingExtension Name : Create Note Description : Creates a note using the content passed as input. Parameters : + IntentAppIdentifier Type: WFIntentAppPickerParameter DefaultValue: com.apple.mobilenotes IntentName: INCreateNoteIntent Label: App Hidden: True + ShowWhenRun Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show Compose Sheet + WFNoteGroup Type: WFNoteGroupPickerParameter Description: The folder in which to save the new note. AlwaysShowsButton: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'ShowWhenRun'}] IntentSlotName: groupName Label: Folder + WFCreateNoteInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Body ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.gethtmlfromrichtext Name : Make HTML from Rich Text Description : Converts the rich text passed as input to HTML text. Parameters : + WFMakeFullDocument Type: WFSwitchParameter Label: Make Full Document Description: This indicates whether or not this action writes out an entire HTML document. If this is turned off, partial HTML will be returned if possible. + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Rich Text Label: Rich Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getlastscreenshot Name : Get Latest Screenshots Description : Gets the most recent screenshots from the camera roll. Parameters : + WFGetLatestPhotoCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Screenshots DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Screenshots StepperNoun: Screenshot ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.text.replace Name : Replace Text Description : Replaces some text passed into the action with other text. Parameters : + WFReplaceTextFind Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Find Text Placeholder: Hello Description: The text to be replaced. + WFReplaceTextReplace Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Replace With Placeholder: World Description: The text to replace all occurrences of Find Text. + WFReplaceTextCaseSensitive Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Case Sensitive Description: When disabled, the capitalization of letters is ignored. + WFReplaceTextRegularExpression Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Regular Expression Description: When enabled, Find Text is treated as a regular expression. + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.evernote.new Name : Create New Note Description : Saves the input as a note in Evernote. Parameters : + WFEvernoteNoteTitle Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: optional Label: Note Title + WFEvernoteNotebook Type: WFEvernoteNotebookPickerParameter Label: Notebook Description: The notebook in which to save your new note (optional) + WFEvernoteTags Type: WFEvernoteTagsTagFieldParameter Label: Tags Placeholder: optional Description: A list of tags to apply to the new note (optional) + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.phonenumber Name : Get Phone Numbers from Input Description : Returns any phone numbers found in the output from the previous action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.showwebpage Name : Show Webpage Description : Shows the web URL passed into the action in a Safari View Controller, allowing you to view the webpage without switching apps. Parameters : + WFEnterSafariReader Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Enter Safari Reader Description: Enter Safari Reader mode if it’s available for the given webpage. + WFURL Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL TextContentType: URL Placeholder: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.setvalueforkey Name : Set Dictionary Value Description : Sets a value in the dictionary passed into the action. Parameters : + WFDictionaryKey Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True Label: Key TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Key AutocapitalizationType: None + WFDictionaryValue Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True Label: Value TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: Value AutocapitalizationType: None + WFDictionary Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Dictionary ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getdirections Name : Show Directions Description : Open directions to the location passed into this action in your choice of Maps, Google Maps, Citymapper, Transit, or Waze. For example, you can use this action to get directions to an upcoming event on your calendar. Parameters : + WFDestination Type: WFLocationParameter AllowCurrentLocation: False Label: Destination + WFGetDirectionsActionApp Type: WFMapsAppPickerParameter DefaultValue: Maps SupportedApps: ['Maps', 'Citymapper', 'Google Maps', 'Transit', 'Waze', 'Baidu Maps'] Label: App + WFGetDirectionsActionMode Type: WFDynamicEnumerationParameter DefaultValue: Driving RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValues': ['Maps', 'Google Maps', 'Baidu Maps'], 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFGetDirectionsActionApp'}] Label: Mode ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.exit Name : Exit Shortcut Description : Stops execution of the current shortcut and dismisses the shortcut on screen. No more actions will be run after this action. Parameters : + WFResult Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Result Label: Result ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getipaddress Name : Get Current IP Address Description : Returns the local or external IP address of the device. Parameters : + WFIPAddressSourceOption Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['External', 'Local'] DefaultValue: External Label: Address + WFIPAddressTypeOption Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['IPv4', 'IPv6'] DefaultValue: IPv4 Label: Type ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.images Name : Filter Images ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.music Name : Get Details of Music ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getclipboard Name : Get Clipboard Description : Passes the contents of the clipboard to the next action. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.list Name : List Description : Allows you to specify a list of items to be passed to the next action. Parameters : + WFItems Type: WFContentArrayParameter DefaultValue: ['One', 'Two'] Label: Items ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.detect.emailaddress Name : Get Email Addresses from Input Description : Returns any email addresses found in the output from the previous action. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getwifi Name : Get Network Details Description : Gets information about the currently connected networks. Parameters : + WFNetworkDetailsNetwork Type: WFNetworkPickerParameter Label: Network + WFWiFiDetail Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Network Name', 'BSSID'] DefaultValue: Network Name RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Wi-Fi', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFNetworkDetailsNetwork'}] Label: Get + WFCellularDetail Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Carrier Name', 'Radio Technology', 'Country Code'] DefaultValue: Carrier Name RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Cellular', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFNetworkDetailsNetwork'}] Label: Get ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.documentpicker.open Name : Get File Description : Get files from iCloud Drive or Dropbox. Turn off “Show Document Picker” to specify a path to retrieve. Parameters : + WFFileStorageService Type: WFStorageServicePickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Service + WFShowFilePicker Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Show Document Picker + SelectMultiple Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': True, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShowFilePicker'}] Label: Select Multiple + WFGetFilePath Type: WFTextInputParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShowFilePicker'}] DisableAutocorrection: True Description: The path to retrieve, such as "/folder/file.txt" KeyboardType: WebSearch Label: File Path TextAlignment: Left Placeholder: example.txt AutocapitalizationType: None + WFGetFileInitialDirectoryPath Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: WebSearch Label: Initial Path TextAlignment: Left Placeholder: optional AutocapitalizationType: None + WFFileErrorIfNotFound Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFShowFilePicker'}] Label: Error If Not Found ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.openurl Name : Open URLs Description : Opens URLs passed into the action in Safari. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: URL AllowsMultipleValues: True TextContentType: URL AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.removeevents Name : Remove Events Description : Removes all events passed into the action from the calendars they are contained in. Parameters : + WFCalendarIncludeFutureEvents Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Include Future Events Description: When enabled, any repeats of an event in the future are also removed. + WFInputEvents Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Events Label: Events ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.dictionary Name : Dictionary Description : Passes the specified list of key-value pairs to the next action as a dictionary. Parameters : + WFItems Type: WFDictionaryParameter AllowedValueTypes: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Label: Items ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.notes Name : Find Notes ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.properties.trello Name : Get Details of Trello Item ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.showresult Name : Show Result Description : Shows the specified text in Siri or in an alert. Parameters : + Text Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Result DefaultValue: Multiline: True ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.documentpicker.save Name : Save File Description : Save files to iCloud Drive or Dropbox. Turn off “Ask Where to Save” in order to specify a destination path. Parameters : + WFFileStorageService Type: WFStorageServicePickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Service + WFAskWhereToSave Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Ask Where to Save + WFFileDestinationPath Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True Description: The path to save to, such as "/folder/file.txt" RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAskWhereToSave'}] Label: Destination Path TextAlignment: Left AutocapitalizationType: None + WFSaveFileOverwrite Type: WFSwitchParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': False, 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFAskWhereToSave'}] Label: Overwrite If File Exists + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: File Label: File ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.runsshscript Name : Run Script Over SSH Description : Runs a script on a remote computer over SSH. Parameters : + WFSSHHost Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: Host TextContentType: URL Placeholder: AutocapitalizationType: None + WFSSHPort Type: WFTextInputParameter DefaultValue: 22 KeyboardType: NumberPad Label: Port Placeholder: 22 + WFSSHUser Type: WFTextInputParameter DoNotLocalizeValues: True DisableAutocorrection: True Label: User TextContentType: Username Placeholder: root AutocapitalizationType: None + WFSSHPassword Type: WFTextInputParameter SecureTextInput: True Label: Password TextContentType: Password Placeholder: •••••••• + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Input + WFSSHScript Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True Label: Script Multiline: True Placeholder: Script AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getlastvideo Name : Get Latest Videos Description : Gets the most recent videos from the camera roll. Parameters : + WFGetLatestPhotoCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Videos DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Videos StepperNoun: Video ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.todoist.add Name : Add Todoist Item Description : Adds a new item to Todoist. Parameters : + WFTodoistContent Type: WFTextInputParameter TextAlignment: Right Label: Item + WFTodoistProject Type: WFTodoistProjectPickerParameter DefaultValue: Inbox Label: Project + WFTodoistDueDate Type: WFDateFieldParameter HintDateMode: Date Label: Due Date Placeholder: May 23 TextAlignment: Right + WFTodoistReminder Type: WFDateFieldParameter TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: May 23 at 1 PM Label: Remind Me On + WFTodoistReminderType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Email', 'Push Notification', 'Text Message'] DefaultValue: Email RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': '', 'WFParameterRelation': '!=', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFTodoistReminder'}] Label: Reminder Type + WFTodoistPriority Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['4', '3', '2', '1'] DefaultValue: 4 Label: Priority + WFTodoistNotes Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Notes Multiline: True Label: Notes + WFTodoistFile Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Label: Files ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.airplanemode.set Name : Set Airplane Mode Description : Sets the device’s Airplane Mode to on or off. Parameters : + OnValue Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Airplane Mode ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.setvolume Name : Set Volume Description : Sets the system volume. Parameters : + WFVolume Type: WFSliderParameter DefaultValue: 0.5 Label: Volume Description: If you set the volume using a variable, use a number between 0 and 1 (for example, pass 0.5 for half volume). ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.homeaccessory Name : Home Description : Sets a Home accessory. Parameters : + WFHomeTriggerActionSets Type: WFHomeAccessoryPickerParameter DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.urlencode Name : URL Encode Description : Encodes or decodes text passed into the action to be suitable for inclusion in a URL by adding or removing percent escapes when appropriate. Parameters : + WFEncodeMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Encode', 'Decode'] DefaultValue: Encode Label: Mode + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Placeholder: Text Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.showincalendar Name : Show in Calendar Description : Shows the date or calendar event passed as input in the Calendar app. Parameters : + WFEvent Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Event Label: Event ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.repeat.each Name : Repeat with Each Description : Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list. Parameters : + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Items Label: Items ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.playpodcast Name : Play Podcast Description : Plays a podcast using the Podcasts app. Parameters : + WFPodcastShow Type: WFPodcastPickerParameter Label: Podcast ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.cloudapp.upload Name : Upload to CloudApp Description : Uploads the input to CloudApp and returns the CloudApp URL. Parameters : + WFCloudAppPrivacyType Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Private', 'Public'] DefaultValue: Private Label: Link Privacy + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Content Label: Content ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getlatestlivephotos Name : Get Latest Live Photos Description : Gets the most recent Live Photos from the camera roll. Parameters : + WFGetLatestPhotoCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPluralNoun: Live Photos DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Live Photos StepperNoun: Live Photo ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.handoffplayback Name : Hand Off Playback Description : Hands off Music or Podcasts playback between two devices. Parameters : + WFSourceMediaRoute Type: WFMediaRoutePickerParameter Description: The device to hand off playback from. DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Label: Source RouteType: HandoffEndpoint + WFDestinationMediaRoute Type: WFMediaRoutePickerParameter Description: The device to hand off playback to. DisallowedVariableTypes: ['Variable'] Label: Destination RouteType: HandoffEndpoint ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.contacts Name : Contacts Description : Passes the specified contacts to the next action. Parameters : + WFContact Type: WFContactFieldParameter Placeholder: Press + to add contacts AllowsMultipleValues: True AllowsTextEntry: False ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.setbrightness Name : Set Brightness Description : Sets the device brightness. Parameters : + WFBrightness Type: WFSliderParameter Description: If you set the brightness using a variable, use a number between 0 and 1 (for example, pass 0.5 for half brightness). DefaultValue: 0.5 Label: Brightness MinimumIconName: BrightnessSliderLow MaximumIconName: BrightnessSliderHigh ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.rss.extract Name : Get RSS Feeds from Page Description : Extracts any RSS feed URLs from the given web URLs or webpage. Parameters : + WFURLs Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True KeyboardType: URL Label: Page AllowsMultipleValues: False TextContentType: URL Placeholder: Page AutocapitalizationType: None ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.base64encode Name : Base64 Encode Description : Encodes or decodes text or files using Base64 encoding. Parameters : + WFEncodeMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Encode', 'Decode'] DefaultValue: Encode Label: Mode + WFBase64LineBreakMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['None', 'Every 64 Characters', 'Every 76 Characters'] DefaultValue: Every 76 Characters RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Encode', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFEncodeMode'}] Label: Line Breaks + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.filter.health.quantity Name : Find Health Samples Description : {'DescriptionNote': u'If you only see some but not all of your data in the results, make sure that \u201cAllow Shortcuts to read data\u201d is set to on in the Health app.'} ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.timer.start Name : Start Timer Description : Starts a timer in the Clock app for the specified amount of time. Parameters : + WFDuration Type: WFDurationQuantityFieldParameter PossibleUnits: ['sec', 'min', 'hr'] Label: Duration Placeholder: 30 TextAlignment: Right ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.getupcomingreminders Name : Get Upcoming Reminders Description : Gets upcoming reminders, ordered from nearest to farthest away due date. Parameters : + WFGetUpcomingItemCalendar Type: WFCalendarPickerParameter Label: List AllowsAllCalendars: True EventKitEntityType: Reminder + WFGetUpcomingItemCount Type: WFStepperParameter StepperPrefix: Get StepperPluralNoun: Reminders DefaultValue: 1 StepperDescription: Number of Reminders StepperNoun: Reminder ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.nothing Name : Nothing Description : This action does nothing and produces no output. It is useful to separate blocks of actions, or to ensure that no input is passed to the next action. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.scanbarcode Name : Scan QR/Bar Code Description : Scans a QR code or bar code using the camera, and returns the text/URL that is found. ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.file.append Name : Append to File Description : Adds the text passed as input to the end of the specified file. Parameters : + WFFileStorageService Type: WFStorageServicePickerParameter AlwaysShowsButton: True Label: Service AlwaysRequiresServiceResource: True + WFFilePath Type: WFTextInputParameter DisableAutocorrection: True Description: The name or path of the file to retrieve. For example, if you are appending a file called “notes.txt” in a folder called “Public”, use “/Public/notes.txt”. KeyboardType: WebSearch Label: File Path TextAlignment: Left Prefix: /Shortcuts/ Placeholder: example.txt AutocapitalizationType: None + WFAppendFileWriteMode Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['Append', 'Prepend'] DefaultValue: Append Label: Mode + WFAppendOnNewLine Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Make New Line + WFInput Type: WFTextInputParameter Label: Text ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.get.playlist Name : Get Playlist Description : Gets every song in the specified playlist. Parameters : + WFPlaylistName Type: WFPlaylistPickerParameter Label: Playlist ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.wifi.set Name : Set Wi-Fi Description : Sets the device’s Wi-Fi to on or off. Parameters : + OnValue Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: True Label: Wi-Fi ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.facebook.messenger.send Name : Send via Messenger Description : Sends the input via Facebook Messenger ******************************************************************************** Action : is.workflow.actions.makepdf Name : Make PDF Description : Makes a PDF out of the input. The resulting PDF can optionally include a quarter-inch margin for better printing. Parameters : + WFPDFIncludeMargin Type: WFSwitchParameter DefaultValue: False Label: Include Margin + WFPDFIncludedPages Type: WFEnumerationParameter Items: ['All Pages', 'Single Page', 'Page Range'] DefaultValue: All Pages Label: Include + WFPDFSinglePage Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Single Page', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFPDFIncludedPages'}] Label: Page # TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 1 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFPDFPageRangeStart Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Page Range', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFPDFIncludedPages'}] Label: Start Page # TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 1 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFPDFPageRangeEnd Type: WFNumberFieldParameter RequiredResources: [{'WFParameterValue': 'Page Range', 'WFResourceClass': 'WFParameterRelationResource', 'WFParameterKey': 'WFPDFIncludedPages'}] Label: End Page # TextAlignment: Right Placeholder: 3 AllowsDecimalNumbers: True + WFInput Type: WFVariablePickerParameter Placeholder: Input Label: Input