Adopted December 5, 2018
The Creative Commons Global Network Council (the "GNC" or the “Council) establishes the Executive Committee (the “Committee”) for the purpose of leading the work of the GNC, to act in the stead of the GNC between meetings, and to undertake such other activities as may be delegated to it by the GNC.
The Committee shall consist of nine (9) members. The Committee shall consist of the CEO of Creative Commons, two staff members appointed by Creative Commons, and six representatives elected from the GNC ("Council Representatives"), one of whom shall be the Chair of the GNC unless such individual is also a member appointed by Creative Commons to serve on the Committee. The Chair of the GNC shall serve as Chair of the Committee until such time, if any, as the Committee elects another or resigns.
All members of the Executive Committee shall have voting rights on matters within its purview.
The Secretary of the GNC shall act as Secretary of the Committee and ensure meeting records are properly maintained.
The term of Committee members shall be one year, appointed annually at the Annual Meeting of the Council.
The Committee shall meet as necessary but shall strive to do so no less than quarterly. The Committee shall meet at least one month in advance of the Annual Meeting to plan and establish an agenda. Meetings may be conducted by phone, video call, or other remote means. Meetings may take place in one or more sessions to accommodate time zones of Committee members, provided the same agenda is presented at each session, and notes summarizing any recommendations are made available to all eligible participants from the meetings.
The Committee may adopt rules of procedure provided they are not inconsistent with any established by the GNC for the conduct of the Committee.
Decisions of the Committee shall be made by consensus when possible. All Committee members shall be entitled to vote on all matters brought before the Committee for official decision when a consensus is not reached. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at any meeting, and the act of a majority of Committee members present at any meeting will be deemed the act of the Committee.
The Committee shall:
(a) Possess and exercise the authority of the GNC in the management of its business between meetings of the GNC;
(b) Identify and nominate officers of the GNC;
(c) Make recommendations on the establishment of committees to support the work of the GNC;
(d) Call meetings and publish agenda for GNC meetings;
(e) Maintain minutes of Committee meetings and keep the GNC reasonably informed of activities and actions undertaken by it between meetings of the GNC; and
(f) Perform other tasks as may be necessary between meetings of the GNC or as may be delegated to it by the GNC.