This fixes that by updating the version to v2.
[Finishes ##166822466] Author: Jonathan Kamau, Commiter: Jonathan Kamau
- Add production config value. [Jonathan Kamau]
Merge pull request #12 from jonathankamau/ch-deploy-api-to- heroku-160480684. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480684 Add heroku settings and test deployment to heroku
Make fix to procfile. [Jonathan Kamau]
Change configs. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix heroku config. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix heroku config. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix heroku config. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix procfile configuration. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix procfile configuration. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix procfile configuration. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix procfile configuration. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix procfile configuration. [Jonathan Kamau]
Fix procfile configuration. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add configs for staging and production environments. [Jonathan Kamau]
Install gunicorn. [Jonathan Kamau]
Chore(deploy): deploy the api to heroku. [Jonathan Kamau]
Merge pull request #11 from jonathankamau/ch-registration-endpoint- tests-160480553. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480553 Registration endpoint tests
Chore(unittests): add unittests for the registration endpoint. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Finishes #160480553]
Chore(tests): add unittests for user registration. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Finishes #160480553]
Merge pull request #10 from jonathankamau/ft-edit-user- details-160480630. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480630 Update user's username
Feat(update-user-details): update user's username. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Delivers #160480630]
Merge pull request #9 from jonathankamau/ft-delete-movie-160480618. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480618 Delete movie endpoint
Feat(delete-movie): delete movie endpoint. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Delivers #160480618]
Merge pull request #8 from jonathankamau/ft-view-favourite-movies- list-160480576. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480576 get favourite movies endpoint
Feat(view-favourite-movies): view favourite movies endpoint. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Finishes #160480576]
Remove the token verification file since it's no longer being used. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add query functions to models. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add the token decorator. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add a unique generator for the user's id. [Jonathan Kamau]
Include the user's id when commiting the selected movie to db. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add the import for view_favourite_movies. [Jonathan Kamau]
Merge pull request #7 from jonathankamau/ft-add-authorization-for- endpoints-160718883. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160718883 Include authorization for the movie endpoints
Feat(authorization): include authorization for the movie endpoints. [Jonathan Kamau]
Currently there isn't any user authorization set up for the endpoints. This fixes that by adding verification for the user token.
[Finishes #160718883]
Merge pull request #6 from jonathankamau/ft-add-favourite- movies-160480589. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480589 Create the add movie endpoint
Feat(add-movies): add movie endpoint. [Jonathan Kamau]
Currently there isn't a way for new movies to be addded to the favourites list.
This solves that by creating the endpoint to allow the user to add movies to his favourites list from a search result.
[Finishes #160480589]
Make modifications to the cache helper functions. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add to gitignore. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add redis as a dependency. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add the add movie endpoint. [Jonathan Kamau]
Format the schema file. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add a get movie query function to the models file. [Jonathan Kamau]
Remove print statements. [Jonathan Kamau]
Remove print statements and add the function that adds movie search results to cache. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add import for the addmovie resource in [Jonathan Kamau]
Merge pull request #5 from jonathankamau/ft-movie-search- endpoint-160480604. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480604 Create movie search endpoint
Feat(movie-search): create movie search endpoint. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Delivers #160480604]
Merge pull request #4 from jonathankamau/ft-login-endpoint-160480540. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480540 Login Endpoint
Feat(user-login): make fix to models. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Delivers #160480540]
Feat(user-login): develop the login endpoint. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Finishes #160480540]
Merge pull request #3 from jonathankamau/ft-create-account- endpoint-160480531. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480531 Create account endpoint
Feat(create-account): a user should be able to create an account. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Delivers #160480531]
Merge pull request #2 from jonathankamau/ch-implement-mongo- db-160480501. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480501 Implement mongodb in application
Chore(database): make a few final fixes. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Delivers #160480501]
Chore(database): implement the mongodb database. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Finishes ##160480501]
Merge pull request #1 from jonathankamau/ch-set-up-project- structure-160480491. [Jonathan Kamau]
#160480491 Setup project structure
Chore(pr-template): edit the pr template. [Jonathan Kamau]
Chore(readme): add information to readme. [Jonathan Kamau]
Add template for pull requests. [Jonathan Kamau]
Chore(initialize-app): set up the configurations necessary to run the app. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Delivers #160480491]
Chore(file-structure): add intial files to the project. [Jonathan Kamau]
[Finishes #160480491 ]
Initial commit. [Jonathan Kamau]