Control the access of your apps with Firebase
- Create a Firebase Project
- Go to Database options and choice to create a "Realtime Database".
- Go to rules and paste:
"rules": {
".read": false,
".write": false,
"$project": {
".read": false,
"$token": {
".read": "data.val() == 1"
- Go to Data and import or create an struct like this code:
"appName" : {
"tokenCode" : 0
The tokenCode can be what you want, like the client name.
- If you want to activate an tokenCode, only need put 1 in the value.
You can combine it with my other project autosign to create the unique tokenCode and protect you app from crackers.
- Download and install it:
$ go get
- Import it in your code:
import ""
- Setup your Firebase:
controlrun.Set("[ProjectName]", "[appName]/[tokenCode]")
- Control the access:
err := controlrun.Run()
if err != nil {
panic("Permission denied")
- Run in a local file or an any test:
hash := controlrun.Set("[ProjectName]", "[appName]/[tokenCode]")
- Copy your hash generated, and use it in the Run() function:
err := controlrun.Run("da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709")
if err != nil {
panic("Permission denied")