Wheatley can train a RCPSP solver for determinists and stochastics instances. Once trained, the solver can be used to solve new and bigger instances.
To launch a training you first have to install the dependencies (see README). Once that's done, you can launch the visdom logging server:
python -m visdom.server
Trainings are displayed on localhost. More information about visdom here.
Launch a training run:
python3 -m psp.train_psp \
--batch_size 50 \
--clip_range 0.25 \
--conflicts att \
--device cuda:0 \
--exp_name_appendix rcpsp_test \
--fixed_validation \
--gae_lambda 0.95 \
--graph_pooling max \
--hidden_dim_actor 32 \
--hidden_dim_critic 32 \
--hidden_dim_features_extractor 64 \
--keep_past_prec \
--layer_pooling last \
--load_problem ./instances/psp/272/272.sm \
--lr 1.0e-5 \
--n_epochs 3 \
--n_layers_features_extractor 6 \
--n_mlp_layers_actor 1 \
--n_mlp_layers_critic 1 \
--n_mlp_layers_features_extractor 1 \
--n_steps_episode 13000 \
--n_workers 5 \
--residual_gnn \
--target_kl 0.2 \
--total_timesteps 10000000 \
--use_old_resource_info \
--vecenv_type graphgym \
--weight_decay 0.00
This will launch a training for the 'famous' 272 problem.
You can choose the instance to train on by using --load-problem
python3 -m psp.train_psp \
--batch_size 256 \
--conflicts node \
--device cuda:0 \
--exp_name_appendix rcpsp_jssppaper_det \
--fixed_validation \
--gae_lambda 1.0 \
--graph_pooling learn \
--hidden_dim_features_extractor 64 \
--n_epochs 3 \
--n_layers_features_extractor 8 \
--n_steps_episode 9500 \
--n_workers 10 \
--path /tmp/saved_networks/ \
--test_dir ./instances/psp/taillards/6x6/ \
--total_timesteps 100000000 \
--n_j 6 \
--n_m 6 \
--random_taillard \
--duration_mode_bounds 1 100 \
--residual_gnn \
--vecenv_type graphgym
python3 -m psp.train_psp \
--batch_size 256 \
--conflicts clique \
--device cuda:0\
--exp_name_appendix rcpsp_jssppaper_stoch \
--fixed_validation \
--gae_lambda 1.0 \
--graph_pooling learn \
--hidden_dim_features_extractor 64 \
--n_epochs 3 \
--n_layers_features_extractor 8 \
--n_steps_episode 9500 \
--n_workers 10 \
--path /tmp/saved_networks/ \
--total_timesteps 100000000 \
--n_j 6 \
--n_m 6 \
--random_taillard \
--duration_mode_bounds 10 50 \
--residual_gnn \
--duration_type stochastic \
--duration_delta 10 200 \
--vecenv_type graphgym \
--n_validation_env 100 \
--ortools_strategy realistic optimistic pessimistic averagistic