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File metadata and controls

198 lines (152 loc) · 6.1 KB

A Python Package to compute and view longterm spectrograms and amplitude levels of seismic data.


This package provides routines and workflows zu extract amplitude and spectral information from seismic data on a regular basis for quality control.

Two pieces of information are computed:

  • the 75%-percentile of the amplitude over a given time window (we use 1 hour)
  • the power spectral density (PSD), computed by Welch's method over the same time window

Raw seismic data are fed into the workflow via obspy-clients. The processed data are stored in HDF5-Files, 1 file covering a selected period, e.g. 1 year.

The results can be smoothed and/or downsampled further (recommended for plotting of very long time series).

The results can be displayed as 2D or interactive 3D-plotly graphs.




  • obspy
  • h5py >= 3.3
  • plotly

We also use

  • numpy
  • scipy but they are "included" in obspy.


Depending on how you manage your Python, you may want to install the dependencies first, activate your environments, etc. After successful installation the command dataqc should be available.

To install dataqc from GitHub:

  $ pip install git+

Editable installation with conda including download of repo:

conda create -n lonesam -c conda-forge \
pip obspy h5py>=3.3 plotly
conda activate lonesam

git clone git+
cd lonesam

pip install -e . 

If you don't use conda use only the last 3 commands.


Core functionalities can be a accessed via CLI. For more flexiblity, we recommend using the API to build customized processing and plotting scipts.


For starting points, take a look at:


General use:

dataqc subcommand [options] args


  • process
  • plot_spectrogram
  • plot_amplitudes,plot-amplitudes
  • available,avail
  • windfilter,wind
  • smooth

Use -h option on subcommands for details on arguments. E.g. dataqc avail -h.

Compute mean amplitudes and power spectral densities from raw seismic data and store as HDF5-files:

dataqc process [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--append_logfile] [-o OUTDIR]
                      [--fileunit {year,month,day,hour}] [--overlap OVERLAP] [--proclen PROCLEN] [--winlen-in-s WINLEN_IN_S]
                      [--nperseg NPERSEG] [--amplitude-frequencies AMPLITUDE_FREQUENCIES AMPLITUDE_FREQUENCIES]
                      [--sampling_rate SAMPLING_RATE]
                      nslc_code {eida-routing,iris-federator} sds_root starttime endtime

View available HDF5-data in a directory:

dataqc available [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--append_logfile] [--fileunit FILEUNIT] nslc_code datadir

Plot results:

dataqc plot_spectrogram [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--append_logfile]
                             [--fileunit {year,month,day,hour}] [-o FIGDIR] [-s] [-w {3d,3D,2D,2d,both}] [--fmin FMIN] [--fmax FMAX]
                             [--log-freq-ax] [--vmin VMIN] [--vmax VMAX] [-l [TIMELIST] | -r TIMERANGE TIMERANGE]
                             nslc_code datadir
dataqc plot_amplitudes [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--append_logfile]
                            [--fileunit {year,month,day,hour}] [-o FIGDIR] [-s] [-w {3d,3D,2D,2d,both}] [-r TIMERANGE TIMERANGE]
                            nslc_code datadir

Filter a list of observables for times with specific values. Observations are interpolated to given time increment (should be set to the time window used for spectral computations)

dataqc windfilter [-h] fname stime etime delta minspeed [maxspeed] [out]

Smooth / Downsample processed data. Use e.g. before plotting very long time ranges to reduce the amount of data.

dataqc smooth [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--append_logfile] [--fileunit {year,month,day,hour}]
                     nslc_code datadir outdir kernel_size kernel_shift


Relevant time intervals

The module base provides a low-level interface for processing the data. We distinguish three relevant time intervals:

  • The time window (parameter winlen) over which amplitude and psd are computed. This is the smallest window. We use 1 hour.
  • The processing length (parameter proclen) which is the time range that is processed at once. We use 1 day because files in our database cover 1 day. This is the amount of data that is loaded at once for computations, thus should fit into RAM
  • The time period that is written into a single output file (`fileunit``). We use 1 year.

These three intervals determine the shape of the resulting data arrays.


The amplitude information yields 1 data point per time window. Hence the resulting array is a 1d-array of shape (N,), N being the total number of time windows in the data range.

For example, with our values of winlen_seconds = 3600 and fileunit="year", we get an amplitude array with shape (365*24,) or (366*24,) for leap years.


In contrast to the amplitude, the PSD results already in a 1d-array. Its length is determined by the settings for the FFT (parameter nperseg), i.e. the number of frequencies (n_freqs). n_freqs = nperseg // 2 + 1. Hence, the output of the PSD-computation has 1 additional dimension, thus (n_wins, n_freqs).

In our case, we used nperseg=2048, which results in n_freqs=1025, so the shapes are per processing length (24, 1025) and per file unit 'year' are (365*24, 1025) or (366*24, 1025).