Python library to generate PromptPay QR Code, inspired from dtinth/promptpay-qr
pip install promptpay
# or
git clone
cd promptpay
python install
from promptpay import qrcode
# generate a payload
id_or_phone_number = "0841234567"
payload = qrcode.generate_payload(id_or_phone_number)
payload_with_amount = qrcode.generate_payload(id_or_phone_number, 1.23)
# export to PIL image
img = qrcode.to_image(payload)
# export to file
qrcode.to_file(payload, "./qrcode-0841234567.png")
qrcode.to_file(payload_with_amount, "/Users/joe/Downloads/qrcode-0841234567.png")
python -m promptpay qrcode --id="0841234567"
python -m promptpay qrcode --id="0841234567" --file="./qrcode-cli.png"
python -m promptpay qrcode --id="0841234567" --show=true
python -m promptpay qrcode \
--id="0841234567" \
--amount=2.34 \
# Conda env
conda create --name promptpay3.10 python=3.10.4
conda activate promptpay3.10
conda create --name promptpay3.9 python=3.9.12
conda activate promptpay3.9
conda create --name promptpay3.7 python=3.7.13
conda activate promptpay3.7
conda remove --name promptpay3.10 --all
conda search python
# others
python -V
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python -m flake8 --ignore=E501 promptpay tests
python -m pytest tests --cov=./ --cov-report=xml
pip list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U
python -m pip list --format=freeze > requirements-tmp.txt
pip install libscrc==
pip install Pillow==
pip install promptpay
pip install promptpay==1.1.7
pip install .
pip install --force-reinstall promptpay