This document describes what X-team members must together to complete X-Team Exercise #2.
Only one team member completes this step.
Login to GitHub with your GitHub account.
Click the green [New Repository] link.
Enter the name suggested by GitHub for your newly created repository, ie. random-repo-name
Enter cs400 X-Team NNN as the description for this new repository.
Replace NNN with your X-Team number.
Select Public.
Click [Create repository].
Scroll to bottom of Quick Setup page and click [Import Code].
Enter this URL:
Click [Begin Import] and wait for import to complete.
Click the link to your newly created repository.
Add Collaborators to your newly created repository.
a. Click Settings b. Click Collaborators c. Add each member of your X-team i. Enter your team member's GitHub account username ii. Click Add Collaborator -
Share the name of this repository with all of your x-team members
All team members must help draft content and edit files.
The file is where you will document the team rules you agree to.
Please be sure to do the following for this document.
- Replace NNN in the top heading with your X-team's number.
- Edit document the agreed upon rules for your X-team.
All team members must help draft content and edit files.
The file is where you will document the program your team designs.
Please be sure to read and edit the proposal document via GitHub.
Each member should edit and commit to the proposal.
Answer the questions in the file for your team.
It is reasonable to have each team member responsible for editing and answering at least one of the question answers.
Any team member may complete this step.
- Replace the title (top line of the file) with the name of your X-team's repository.
- Answer the questions in the file for your team.
Any and all team member's may create a local clone.
- Login to a CS Linux workstation
- cd ~/private
- mkdir cs400 // if you do not already have this subdirectory
- mkdir cs400/xteam
- cd cs400/xteam
- git clone
- cd team-repo-name
- git remote -v // this shows that you are connected to your team's repo
Any and all team member's may make edits in their local repository and commit to the team repository in this way.
- Complete step 7.a if you have not
- cd ~/private/cs400/xteam/team-repo-name
- git pull origin master // get all edits from team's GitHub repo
- edit the files locally
- git add .
- git commit -m "description of your edit"
- git push -u origin master // put all of your edits into team's GitHub repo
Submit these files to Canvas for your team for this assignment. The final submission must contain all files in the same submission.