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PuppetDB 2.2 » API » v4 » Query Operators

PuppetDB's query strings can use several common operators.

Binary Operators

Each of these operators accepts two arguments: a field, and a value. These operators are non-transitive: their syntax must always be:

["<OPERATOR>", "<FIELD>", "<VALUE>"]

The available fields for each endpoint are listed in that endpoint's documentation.

= (equality)

Works with: strings, numbers, timestamps, booleans, arrays, multi, path

Matches if: the field's actual value is exactly the same as the provided value.

  • Most fields are strings.
  • Some fields are booleans.
  • Arrays match if any one of their elements match.
  • Path matches are a special kind of array, and must be exactly matched with this operator.

> (greater than)

Works with: numbers, timestamps, multi

Matches if: the field is greater than the provided value.

< (less than)

Works with: numbers, timestamps, multi

Matches if: the field is less than the provided value.

>= (greater than or equal to)

Works with: numbers, timestamps, multi

Matches if: the field is greater than or equal to the provided value.

<= (less than or equal to)

Works with: numbers, timestamps, multi

Matches if: the field is less than or equal to the provided value.

~ (regexp match)

Works with: strings, multi

Matches if: the field's actual value matches the provided regular expression. The provided value must be a regular expression represented as a JSON string:

  • The regexp must not be surrounded by the slash characters (/rexegp/) that delimit regexps in many languages.
  • Every backslash character must be escaped with an additional backslash. Thus, a sequence like \d would be represented as \\d, and a literal backslash (represented in a regexp as a double-backslash \\) would be represented as a quadruple-backslash (\\\\).

The following example would match if the certname field's actual value resembled something like

["~", "certname", "www\\d+\\.example\\.com"]

Note: Regular expression matching is performed by the database backend, and the available regexp features are backend-dependent. For best results, use the simplest and most common features that can accomplish your task. See the links below for details:

'~>' (regexp array match)

Works with: paths

Matches if: the array matches using the regular expressions provided within in each element. Array indexes are coerced to strings.

The following example would match any network interface names starting with eth:

["~>", "path", ["networking", "eth.*", "macaddress"]]

If you want to match any index for an array path element, you can use regular expressions to do this as the element acts like a string:

["~>", "path", ["array_fact", ".*"]]

null? (is null)

Works with: fields that may be null

Matches if: the field's value is null (when second argument is true) or the field is not null, i.e. has a real value (when second argument is false).

The following example would return events that do not have an associated line number:

["null?" "line" true]

Similarly, the below query would return events that do have a specified line number:

["null?" "line" false]

Boolean Operators

Every argument of these operators should be a complete query string in its own right. These operators are transitive: the order of their arguments does not matter.


Matches if: all of its arguments would match. Accepts any number of query strings as its arguments.


Matches if: at least one of its arguments would match. Accepts any number of query strings as its arguments.


Matches if: its argument would not match. Accepts a single query string as its argument.

Projection Operators


To reduce the keypairs returned for each result in the response, you can use extract. Using extract outside of a subquery (which is discussed below) has the form below:

["extract" ["hash" "certname" "transaction_uuid"]
  ["=" "certname" ""]]

When only extracting a single column, the [] are optional

["extract" "transaction_uuid"
  ["=" "certname" ""]]

At this time extract must always have an expression to extract from, like ["=" "certname" ""] above.

Subquery Operators

Subqueries allow you to correlate data from multiple sources or multiple rows. (For instance, a query such as "fetch the IP addresses of all nodes with Class[Apache]" would have to use both facts and resources to return a list of facts.)

Subqueries are unlike the other operators listed above. They always appear together in the following form:

["in", ["<FIELDS>"], ["extract", ["<FIELDS>"], <SUBQUERY STATEMENT>] ]

That is:

  • The in operator results in a complete query string. The extract operator and the subqueries do not.
  • An in statement must contain one or more fields and an extract statement.
  • An extract statement must contain one or more fields and a subquery statement.

These statements work together as follows (working "outward" and starting with the subquery):

  • The subquery collects a group of PuppetDB objects (specifically, a group of resources, facts, fact-contents, or nodes). Each of these objects has many fields.
  • The extract statement collects the value of one or more fields across every object returned by the subquery.
  • The in statement matches if its field values are present in the list returned by the extract statement.
Subquery Extract In
Every resource whose type is "Class" and title is "Apache." (Note that all resource objects have a certname field, among other fields.) Every certname field from the results of the subquery. Match if the certname field is present in the list from the extract statement.

The complete in statement described in the table above would match any object that shares a certname with a node that has Class[Apache]. This could be combined with a boolean operator to get a specific fact from every node that matches the in statement.

Note: Unlike in the v4 API, the v2 and v3 'in' and 'extract' operators do not permit vector-valued fields.


An in statement constitutes a full query string, which can be used alone or as an argument for a boolean operator.

"In" statements are non-transitive and take two arguments:

  • The first argument must consist of one or more fields for the endpoint being queried.. This is a string or vector of strings.
  • The second argument must be an extract statement, which acts as a list of possible values for the fields.

Matches if: the field values are included in the list of values created by the extract statement.


"Extract" statements are non-transitive and take two arguments:

  • The first argument must be a valid set of fields for the endpoint being subqueried (see second argument). This is a string or vector of strings.
  • The second argument must be a subquery statement.

As the second argument of an in statement, an extract statement acts as a list of possible values. This list is compiled by extracting the value of the requested field from every result of the subquery.

Subquery Statements

A subquery statement does not constitute a full query string. It may only be used as the second argument of an extract statement.

Subquery statements are non-transitive and take two arguments:

  • The first argument must be the name of one of the available subqueries (listed below).
  • The second argument must be a full query string that makes sense for the endpoint being subqueried.

As the second argument of an extract statement, a subquery statement acts as a collection of PuppetDB objects. Each of the objects returned by the subquery has many fields; the extract statement takes the value of one field from each of those objects, and passes that list of values to the in statement that contains it.

Available Subqueries

Each subquery acts as a normal query to one of the PuppetDB endpoints. For info on constructing useful queries, see the docs page for that endpoint.

The available subqueries are:

  • select_resources (queries the resources endpoint)
  • select_facts (queries the facts endpoint)
  • select_nodes (queries the nodes endpoint)
  • select_fact_contents (queries the fact-contents endpoint)

Subquery Examples

This query string queries the /facts endpoint for the IP address of all nodes with Class[Apache]:

  ["=", "name", "ipaddress"],
  ["in", "certname",
    ["extract", "certname",
          ["=", "type", "Class"],
          ["=", "title", "Apache"]]]]]]

This query string queries the /nodes endpoint for all nodes with Class[Apache]:

["in", "name",
  ["extract", "certname",
        ["=", "type", "Class"],
        ["=", "title", "Apache"]]]]]]

This query string queries the /facts endpoint for the IP address of all Debian nodes.

  ["=", "name", "ipaddress"],
  ["in", "certname",
    ["extract", "certname",
          ["=", "name", "operatingsystem"],
          ["=", "value", "Debian"]]]]]]

This query string queries the /facts endpoint for uptime_hours of all nodes with facts_environment production:

  ["=", "name", "uptime_hours"],
  ["in", "certname",
    ["extract", "certname",
        ["=", "facts_environment", "production"]]]]]

To find node information for a host that has a macaddress of aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:00, you could use this query on '/nodes':

["in", "certname",
  ["extract", "certname",
        ["=", "path", [ "networking", "eth0", "macaddresses", 0 ]],
        ["=", "value", "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:00" ]]]]]

To exhibit a subquery using multiple fields, you could use the following on '/facts' to list all top-level facts containing fact contents with paths starting with "up" and value less than 100:

["in", ["certname", "name"],
  ["extract", ["certname", "name"],
        ["~>", "path", ["up.*"]],
        ["<", "value", 100]]]]]