This sample introduces the Hadamard gate. When applied to a qubit in a basic state, the qubit will enter a pure state, in which there is an equal chance to measure 1 or to measure 0.
To run this application, simply run
mvn clean javafx:run
The expected outcome on the console looks like this:
Single run of a Quantum Circuit with Hadamard Gate
Value = 0
JavaFX Platform initialized
1000 runs of a Quantum Circuit with Hadamard Gate
Applied Hadamard circuit 1000 times, got 501 times 0 and 499 times 1.
Apart from this, the quantum circuit will also be rendered,
which results in the following image:
This sample shows the impact of a Hadamard gate in a quantum circuit.
You can learn more about this sample in Chapter 4 of Quantum Computing for Java Developers