[new feature] New features in ODSAccordionSectionStyle (arrow height, animation duration) [new feature] Option to auto expand panel
[bugfixes] Several smaller bugfixes and tweaks
[improvement] Sections now use the [UIView sizeThatFits:(CGSize) size] method to determine the height of the sections view instead of the frame/bounds of the view. [bugfix] Fixes a key-value-observing deregistration warning
[bugfix] Fixes an issue resizing views inside accordion sections
[bugfix] Fixes an issue where sticky headers could not be disabled
[bugfix] Only make headers transparent when sticky headers are activated
[bugfix] Fixes an issue where sticky headers would not work with translucent menu bars
[new feature] Option to keep section headers always visible on top while scrolling, similar to UITableView (sticky headers)
[improvement] Improved ODSAccordionSectionStyle with: Well-defined default values, ODSAccordionHeaderStyle enum, optionally hide the arrow
[improvement] Widget will immediately scroll to make some of the just expanded section is visible if necessary, instead of waiting for animations to complete
[bugfix] Fixes an issue where a tap on the arrow would cause events to be swallowed
[bugfix] Fixes an issue where the KVO observer was not properly deregistered
[bugfix] Fixes the podspec
[improvement] Added the option to display a disclosure arrow
[bugfix] several minor bugfixes
Initial release.