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Table of contents

General info

A music application built with Node.js, Express, and various dependencies such as JWT, bcryptjs, and mongoose would handle the server-side logic and data management for the application. This would include authenticating users with JWT, storing and hashing passwords with bcryptjs, and interacting with a database using mongoose. The application would also use middlewares like cors, helmet, and morgan to handle CORS headers, secure the application, and log HTTP requests, respectively. Other dependencies like dotenv and validator would be used to manage environment variables and validate data, respectively. Overall, these technologies would work together to build a backend that can handle incoming requests, authenticate users, store and retrieve data, and return responses to the client.


Backend Development

  • Node.js - version 14.6.0
  • Express - version 4.17.1
  • Express-Validator - version 6.6.1
  • Config - version 3.3.2
  • JWT - version 8.5.1
  • bcryptjs - 2.4.3",
  • cors - 2.8.5
  • dotenv - 16.0.3
  • ejs - 3.1.8
  • express - 4.18.2
  • helmet - 6.0.2
  • hpp - 0.2.3
  • mongodb - 4.12.1
  • mongoose - 6.8.0
  • morgan - 1.10.0
  • validator - 13.7.0


To try out this project:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository locally to your computer
  2. In the command line, navigate to the root directory of the repository, and type the following: $ npm install
  3. Navigate to the client folder, and in the root directory of the client folder, type the following: $ npm install
  4. In the client folder, and in the root directory of the client folder, type the following: $ npm start
  5. Navigate back to the root directory of this project "/GitConnect" and start the server by typing the following: $ npx nodemon server


  • Backend stack web application utilizing: MongoDB, Express.js, jwt, and Node.js.


Project is: finished


Created by Johannes Xerxes M. Dalogdog Feel free to contact me for any questions!


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.